Monday, July 31, 2006

in the news....

Ive heard rumors of this working in the past so I guess it is true. Some people have to do whatever it takes in order to save $$$ on gas nowadays.

TOPSHAM, Maine — Many motorists seeking to improve their mileage as gas prices soar this summer are examining everything — right down to the air in their tires. And for a growing number, plain old air isn't good enough.

George Bourque of Fairfield is one of those who's driving around on tires filled with pure nitrogen, the same stuff that NASCAR racers use.

Bourque, an engineer, said he has seen a 1 to 1.5 mile-per-gallon increase since he began filling his tires with nitrogen, which is touted as maintaining tire pressure longer and resisting heat buildup on hot summer days.

"I analyze everything," he said.

Nitrogen has been used for years in the tires of race cars, large commercial trucks, aircraft and even the space shuttle.

How to....

For th ose of you fancying the ability to eat w/ chopsticks. I have never been able to use them correctly, but then again Im an American, Ill use a fork, thanks....

How to Eat With Chopsticks

Do you love Asian food, but want the full experience by eating it as it was meant to be eaten--with chopsticks? Watching others using chopsticks can make it look so easy, but when you try it, you end up asking for a fork. Here's how to say goodbye to that fork for good and put those chospticks to work!


Pick up the first chopstick with the middle finger and thumb. Stiffen your hand for a firm grip. Have the broad end of the chopstick lay on the part where your thumb and index finger connect. Rest the narrow end on the tip of your ring finger, and hold it in place with the tip of your middle finger.

Grip the second chopstick with your index finger. Place your thumb over the second chopstick. Adjust your grip to a more comfortable position.

Hold it steady. This chopstick should not move when you attempt to pick up food.

Practice opening and closing the chopsticks.

click to enlargePick up food at a good angle; slightly lift it up. If it feels unstable, put it down, and try again.
Guess the Word

This word has 10 letters namely


1234 - carries heredity
456 - is a period of time
567 - is a pest
and 890 - is a charged particle
What is the word?

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Featured Product

This is considered by some to be the ultimate tool. With its waterproof properties, it was quickly adopted for a specific military application when originally introduced. The US Government also has recommended that all homes have it available. Along with its waterproof properties, it is known for its superior bonding, is heat resistant, and is extremely strong. It is easy to use with no training required, and is widely available in various sizes and colors. NASA thinks so highly of this, it is included on every flight that leaves the launch pad. No home, military unit, or spacecraft should be without it.

What type of tool is this?

Saturday, July 29, 2006

I miss her so much I wanna slit my wrists....

How to.....

Maybe this will come in handy for someone. I recentley had to bail someone out come first thing in the AM, but not overnight.

How to Help a Friend Who Gets Arrested in the Middle of the Night

DWI StopIt is 2 AM and someone you know has just been arrested. You know you need legal help. You do not want your friend to make a confession or be in a line-up or even get fingerprinted if it can be avoided. It is tough to know what to do or who to trust. Moreover, you do not know who will even answer the phone at that time of day. Here is what you need to know if this happens in the United States of America.

Find out where they are being held and by what police agency. Whether you get the call from a police officer or your friend, make sure that this is the first thing you ask. If you can, tell your friend or family member that you are finding him a lawyer and not to answer any compromising police questions until that lawyer arrives. In short, the 'name, rank, and serial number' response will do fine. Your loved one should always cooperate with the authorities but the less said about the reason for being arrested (even to you over the phone,) until a lawyer can do his job on your loved one's behalf, the better. The reason for this is not to hamper a police investigation, but to protect your loved one from unintentional further harm. Anything said can be used against your loved one in court, having a lawyer present is essential as a defense mediation between your loved one and the police department. Your friend must invoke his rights himself; only the arrested subject can invoke his rights.

Ask what the charges are and what time the arrest was made. Do not let your friend directly tell you what happened. The call is not privileged and it can, and probably will be, recorded by police for later use against your friend. They should just tell you the actual charge. If they cannot tell you without explanation, tell them that it doesn't matter, and continue to step three below. If the arrested is an adult, the police are not required to tell a friend or family member anything.
Tell your loved one not to make any statement or take any test and tell them you are getting a lawyer and not to do or say anything until they hear from that lawyer. (In some states, you have a very limited time or no right at all to contact a lawyer regarding alcohol testing. Also, in many states, refusal to take an alcohol test is treated as an admission of guilt and carries the same penalty as a test failure. If you don't know, ask the officer.) Only the arrested subject can invoke his rights; you can not do it for them.


Hidden Time & Again III

Inside each set of the following words, there is a pair of smaller words. By putting & between them, lo & behold, you'll make a familiar phrase. For example, "Thighbone/Swallowtail" conceals "High & Low."

1. Firecracker/Misconstruing
2. Blockbuster/Doohickey
3. Shunting/Bespeckled
4. Proliferation/Climbable
5. Heartstrings/Consciences

time for me to go fishing, see ya....

Friday, July 28, 2006

Automatic Transmission

So, Melissa and I had to buy a car today. Some kid decided that falling asleep at the wheel of mom's minivan at 3:30 in the AM on the Saturday before the 4th of July was a good idea, and totalled three cars on our street, including the Melissa's '96 Corolla with only 81K miles on it. At least he didn't leave the scene.
But, alas alack, we needed new wheels. I fought the insurance company for a reasonable settlement. I fought with the dealership for a reasonable deal. And in the end we now have an '04 Corolla with 63K on it. Spent more than the insurance money by over double. Damn auto industry.
But I must ask, why is it so hard to find manual transmission cars. It's all we drive. It's all we like. They are safer. More powerful. They can be more fuel efficient if you want. You can get more torque if you want. More control. More fun. What's the problem. Well, one salesmen said when we inquired, "Don't you ever watch the news? American's are lazy!" How true my friend. How true. Now, I acknowledge that stick isn't for everyone. Some people need to keep a hand free to reload the DVD player, program the GPS, dial a cell phone, and eat McDonald's drive through fat burgers. That's fine. A little disconcerting when done simultaneously, but whatever. I just want to be able to find a standard transmission every few years or so when I have to buy a freakin' car. So, tell me fair people. Why doesn't anyone buy fucking stick shift cars. If you try to tell me because its tiring in rush hour then I reply you are a sad sack lazy American with no real appreciation for well made Japanese autos. And if you tell me I'm taking jobs from American's, then I'll tell you that Toyota manufactures more cars stateside than anyone else. That's part of why Toyota just passed GM for the #1 manufacturer spot. That, and the fact that they make cars that actually work for more than 100K miles.
So put down the hamburger, hang up the cell phone, and drive a real car please.
In the meantime, I think I'll need to start a new website called

With love and props to all my 4 speed automatic friends.

How to.....

How to Surf the Web Anonymously With Proxies
One of the easiest ways to hide your computer, and thus hide you, while on the web is to use proxies. Proxies act as a computer between you and the rest of the web. When you are surfing the web through a proxy, any web servers you connect to, actually think you are connecting from the proxy computer.

You can, for instance, connect to the web through a proxy in Japan even though you are in the United States. Any web server you connect to will think you are connecting from Japan, and would direct you to a Japanese version of their web page (if a Japanese version were available.)

Setting up a proxy for Microsoft Internet Explorer
Find a proxy host.
Search Google for "Proxy list" to find hundreds of websites that list public proxies.
Alternatively, go straight to websites like Public Proxy Servers. When looking at the list of proxies, find one labeled "anonymous".
Open Internet Explorer, and click on Tools>Internet Options.
Click on the "Connections" tab, and then the "Lan Settings" button.
Locate "Proxy Servers", then click the box for "Use a proxy server for your lan".
Copy the IP address (the string of numbers that looks like 123.45.678.90) from the proxy list you found, and paste it into the "Address:" box.
Copy the port number from the proxy list, and paste that into the "Port:" box.
Click "OK", and then click "OK" again
Billiards Tournament

Seven amateur billiards players gather to play a billiards tournament. The players were divided into two sections: Section A has 4 players; and Section B has 3 players. Each player played against every other player in his/her Section. With the information below, can you determine each person's section, and to whom they won and lost.

Players: Betty, Chris, Greg, Jill, John, Mary, and Tina.

1. Every player from Section B has the same win-loss record.

2. John lost all of his games.

3. Mary, who defeated Jill, won more games than exactly 5 of the players.

4. Jill lost to Greg, and Tina defeated Chris.

D’s Visit / Party

A big thanks needs to be made to the Barson Family for hosting our little gathering, and most especially Pete for taking the initiative to organize and plan this event. Diana was as youthful and vibrant as I remember her, it was a real sight for sore eyes to see her again. Our time together was of course way to short so we hope she will some day soon find time to visit once again. Until then, we look forward to her presence here on the OMI Blog.

Also of note our brother Mark M… whom I have not seen in something like 15 years made his face shown, and it was great to see a few of us connect faces with friends known only here on our blog. Mark you as well looked as youthful and vibrant as I remember, albeit a bit more scruffy than D.

A last note, Colin seemed to also make a few new buddies at D’s part, most notably Tiffany and Elizabeth. Thank you again Tiffany for all of your help keeping an eye on my little buddy with me.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Cool Video (all ages)

more cool stuff from the Chicago Critical Mass list Serve

It's a little long but the end is cool

KRST (baptism), Liabach
Presidential Scrambler 4

Unscramble the words below and follow the directions in parenthesis. Unscramble the new letters to get the name of a former U.S. President.

ehoseasr (take the 4th and 5th letters)

nkoyem (take the 3rd and 5th letters)

figreaf (take the 2nd and 7th letters)

murle (take the 2nd and 5th letters)

larsuw (take the 1st and 6th letters)

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

police frequencies....

this is a pretty cool link. You can listen to police scanners from all over the country. Its a neat way to pass the time if youre sitting in front of you rp.c. for a few mins.

damn canadians....

How to Separate Canadian Coins from American Coins

Ever had a big box of coins that you wanted to use, but had both Canadian and Ameican currency in it? This guide will show you an easy way to seperate them.

Spread the coins out over an area where they are no more than two or three coins thick.
Take a magnet and slowy pass it through all the coins.
All the Canadian coins will stick to the magnet, but the American ones will not.
Continue this process until no more coins stick to magnet.

A nice quick and easy way to get rid of useless canadian currency! Damn Canadians.
Just Enough Time to Deliver the Message

Justin Case and Auntie Bellum are fellow con artists who deliver coded messages to each other to communicate. Recently Auntie Bellum was put in jail for stealing a rare and expensive diamond. Only a few days after this, Justin Case sent her a friendly letter asking her how she was. On the inside of the envelope of the letter, he hid a code. Yesterday, Auntie Bellum escaped and left the envelope and the letter inside the jail cell. The police did some research and found the code on the inside of the envelope, but they haven't been able to crack it. Could you help the police find out what the message is?

This is the code:

Weekly Random Photo 7/26

Yesterday I spoke with Pete on the phone and learned that our dear brother Frank is having a difficult summer due to an illness in the family. I have intentionally left out the details out of respect for his privacy, how ever I know he would very much appreciate if you would keep he and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Commenting on the Photo, I think this is the youngest image I have of out beloved Frank in the Offmen Archive.

Touched, Vast

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

in the news....

I think vodka is p ure evil, but this is on;

KOTKA, Finland — Heini Alajaaski doesn't understand what all the fuss is about. For her vodka, or viina in Finnish, is mostly about having a good time and not what it's made of. But battle lines have been drawn in a Europe-wide "vodka war" as nations wrangle over the definition of the centuries-old spirit. The stakes are high as rival groups fight for dominance in a booming world vodka market worth around $12 billion in annual sales.

Finland is aligned with Poland, Sweden and other traditional vodka producers around the Baltic Sea, who want the European Union to insist that only spirits made with traditional ingredients — barley grain and potato — should be allowed to carry the vodka label.

Pitched against them is a group led by Britain, the Netherlands, France and Austria — and backed by London-based multinational drinks producer Diageo — which take a more relaxed view of what can go into vodka, for example grapes, beets or citrus fruit.

Does anyone here drink vodka???

How to...

How to Reduce Your Greenhouse Gas Emissions

More and more people are wondering how they can do their part to help reduce the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. While change won't happen overnight, here are steps that you can take against a hypothesized cause of global warming.

Around the House
Don't use a leaf blower. Instead, get a broom and a shovel. Do it by hand. It will make your place look cleaner and you get a little bit of exercise. Your neighbors will thank you for the noise reduction, too!
Consider using a reel mower instead of a gas- or electic-powered lawn mower. Again, more exercise, less noise, and more importantly, less CO2 emission.
Buy local produce when you go to the grocery store rather than items trucked in from far away.
Plant a tree. Well-placed landscaping cuts energy costs in summer and winter. Whilst alive, the tree will store carbon dioxide that would otherwise be in the atmosphere.
Repaint your house with latex paint instead of oil. The paint releases significantly fewer harmful fumes while drying and smells a lot better.
Make sure the dishwasher and washing machine are full before running them to save energy and money.
Buy energy efficient appliances with the "Energy Star" label.
Call your local utility and sign up for renewable energy. If they don’t offer it, ask them why not.
Get a home energy audit. Many utilities offer free audits, which may reveal simple ways to cut emissions.
Weatherize your home, caulk, and weather-strip your doorways and windows. Not only will this save energy, but it will save you money
Hidden Time & Again II

Inside each set of the following words, there are a pair of smaller words. By putting & between them, lo & behold, you'll make a familiar phrase. For example, "Thighbone/Swallowtail" conceals "High & Low."

1. Gulliver/Clearness
2. Tragicomedy/Pentagon
3. Chinchilla/Magdalene
4. Terrestrial/Ecoterrorist
5. Thundershower/Intellectual

Google image search

Since January I have been occasionally checking to see if any images show up in an organic image search for Offmen on Google, and I am pleased to announce that we have crossed this new milestone. Check it out, go to Google Image Search, and type in Offmen.

Monday, July 24, 2006

The Urination Proclamation!

Speaking of the Informer, thank you Steve for your brain teaser bit of trivia. I have scanned my favorite page out of an old copy of this same document. For me this little scrap of paper represents a quintessential bit of Offmen lore in regards to who we were so long a go. And on closer inspection I am wondering if my sloppy signature was the result of to much to drink?

random thoughts

Thanks to the inventiveness of the ancient greeks, we now have things in our lives like polititians, lawyers, doctors, and anal sex. The only one of these that should never cause you any pain is anal sex. If it does, your doing it wrong, says psychologist Jack Morin, who has written the bible on the subject called "Anal Pleasure and Health" (Down There Press, San Francisco, 1998). It is doubtful that you will find this title at your local B. Dalton.
-Guide to Getting it On!, Paul Joannides

Aqualung, Jethro Tull

How to....

How to Improve Your Memory
Wouldn’t it be nice to just look at a page and never forget what was on there? What if you could never again forget a friend’s birthday? The bad news is, almost all scientific experts agree that photographic memory—the ability to recall facts, images, and events perfectly—simply doesn’t exist. The good news, however, is that everyone can take steps to improve their memory, and with time and practice most people can gain the ability to memorize seemingly impossible amounts of information. Whether you want to win the World Memory Championships, ace your history test, or simply remember where you put your keys, this article can get you started.

Organize your life. Keep items that you frequently need, such as keys and eyeglasses, in the same place every time. Use an electronic organizer or daily planner to keep track of appointments, due dates for bills, and other tasks. Keep phone numbers and addresses in an address book or enter them into your computer or cell phone. Improved organization can help free up your powers of concentration so that you can remember less routine things. Even if being organized doesn’t improve your memory, you’ll receive a lot of the same benefits (i.e. you won’t have to search for your keys anymore).

Keep your brain active. The brain is not a muscle, but regularly “exercising" the brain actually does keep it growing and spurs the development of new nerve connections that can help improve memory. By developing new mental skills—especially complex ones such as learning a new language or learning to play a new musical instrument—and challenging your brain with puzzles and games you can keep your brain active and improve its physiological functioning.

Exercise daily. Regular aerobic exercise improves circulation and efficiency throughout the body, including in the brain, and can help ward off the memory loss that comes with aging. Exercise also makes you more alert and relaxed, and can thereby improve your memory uptake, allowing you to take better mental “pictures."
Reduce stress. Chronic stress can damage the brain in the long run, and even temporary stresses can make it more difficult to effectively focus on concepts and observe things. Try to relax, regularly practice yoga or other stretching exercises, and see a doctor if you have severe chronic stress.
Beethoven's Wig

Someone has stolen Beethoven's Wig and has put it in one of four locked boxes. The boxes are numbered from 1,2,3,4 in that order. There are four different keys that each has their own color. Use the clues below to figure out which key goes in which box and to find the box where Beethoven's wig is being kept.

1. The green key goes to the third or fourth box
2. The wig is to the left of the fourth box
3. The wig is to the right of the first box
4. The yellow key is to the left of the wig
5. The blue key is to the right of the yellow key and to the left of the green key
6. The red key goes to the first box

Sunday, July 23, 2006

random thoughts

life is like an erection. the more you think about it, the harder it gets.

nine gold stars to the first to guess where i copied this from

ramble on, ac/dc

just incase you didnt know....

How to Tie a Bow
While you might think you already know how to tie a bow--after all, you tie your shoelaces all the time, don't you?--the "one loop" method that most people use with shoelaces doesn't produce the most symmetrical bow with ribbon. But, with a little tweaking of your technique, you can be well on your way to making beautiful bows in no time!


Cross the two ends and loop one under (the same way you start when you tie your shoes).

Make one side into a loop. If you are tying a ribbon, make sure it doesn't twist.

Make the other side into an identical loop.

Cross the two loops and pull the one on top through the hole between them (the same motion you made in step one).

Pull tightly. The bow will look messy at this point.

Adjust the loops and loose ends so that they are even.

PS---Where are you Scott??? We havent seen you here in a while, everything ok?

figure this out

Hidden Time & Again

Inside each set of the following words, there are a pair of smaller words. By putting & between them, lo & behold, you'll make a familiar phrase. For example, "Thighbone/Swallowtail" conceals "High & Low."

1. Skyrocketing/Trolleyman
2. Thermometer/Apoplexy
3. Delaware/Bordering
4. Surprised/Trashiness
5. Throughout/Stumblebum

Saturday, July 22, 2006

how to stop laughing when laughing isnt cool....

How to Stop Laughing when You Laugh at Inappropriate Times

Sometimes, you just can't help feeling the urge to laugh. If you allow yourself to laugh during serious moments, you may end up accidentally offending someone. While it might not be that easy to stifle a laugh, it can be done! Remember you have the power ...
Understand when it is inappropriate to laugh. They say that "laughter is the best medicine," but if the occasion is very serious, others may not appreciate your laughter. If you go into a situation knowing that it's not laughable, it'll help you maintain a more serious demeanor.
Check to see if others are laughing, or at least smiling a lot. If they aren't, then remind yourself not to laugh unless they do. Or, if you see someone else laughing inappropriately (and everyone else giving that person dirty looks) then get away from them as quickly as possible, because inopportune laughter can be infectious.
Think of something very sad and depressing. If you need inspiration, the daily news is usually full of unfortunate events that will suffice to calm you down. Think about something that makes you want to cry. Although this can be unpleasant, it usually takes care of the uncontrollable urge to laugh.
Try pinching yourself or causing some other strong physical sensation, such as biting your inner cheek or your tongue (don't bite too hard!). Hold your breath when you are about to laugh. This can act as a distraction, helping you beat the urge to laugh out loud.
Disguise a smile or laugh with a coughing fit. If a grin or chuckle slips through, quickly cover it up by putting your hand over your mouth and coughing. Move away from the crowd, even if it means stepping out of the room or going to the restrooms. If they see you are coughing, they will understand.
Force yourself to turn your laugh into a cry if the occasion is something sad such as a funeral. Some people sound like they are laughing before they cry.
Try exhaling as much of the air as possible from your lungs. This removal of the air will not allow the laugh to continue and make it stop. This usually works best when combined with the coughing technique mentioned above. A combination of techniques is often the best!
If it gets really bad, hold your nose and cover your mouth with that hand. Then people can't see your grin, and you can laugh as hard as you wish inside yourself. You may start shaking, that's good, it can be covered as crying. Try not to let any sound out, but if you do ease up by accident it sounds much like a sneeze or a strange snort.
If none of the above work, then get away to a private area (e.g. a restroom) and let it out. Return to what you were doing after you're done.

brain teaser of the day!

Four Legs...

Two legs sat on three legs by four legs. One leg knocked two legs off three legs. Two legs hit four legs with three legs.
What happened?

answer to show up later!
Who's this chick in a Texas Snowstorm?

Hey OMI'ers and Friends,
Sorry about the late notice but...

So how's Friday the 28th in the evening?
We all get together at Tiffany and my place for some pizza and bevy's?
Celebrate the temporary return of D. and Ethan?

Feel free to bring Significant others, kids, dogs, and your favorite beverage (adult or otherwise), we will supply an abundance of outdoor (or indoor if it's hot as hell) seating.there is plenty of free parking, and I'm not to far from public transportation if needed, there is a pizza place and a liquor store nearby as well.

RSVP asap so we can figure out the deal.

PS. $$ is a little snug right now, so I'm gonna be passing the hat for the pizza.

e-mail me for directions:

hugs and kisses,
pj and Tif

tool, swamp song

Friday, July 21, 2006

How to.......

How to Squeeze an Egg Without Breaking It
Is it possible to squeeze an egg as hard as you can without breaking it? The answer is, yes! We've all learned the hard (and messy) way that eggs can be fragile, but despite their reputation, eggs are amazingly strong. Amaze your friends and yourself by doing this easy experiment.

With One Hand
Place an egg in the palm of your hand.
Close your hand so that your fingers are completely wrapped around the egg.
Squeeze the egg by applying even pressure all around the shell.
Look at everyone's amazement (mostly your own) as the egg remains whole and your hand remains dry!

With Two Hands
Lace your fingers together.
Place the egg lengthwise between your palms.
Squeeze your palms together as hard as you can on the points of the egg.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

The "How To" thread....

I havea feeling that the thought of the day thread is getting a little old and needs a vacation. I have thought about replacing it with li ttle interesting How to threads instead....

does anyone havea problem with this? I just think it is a diff. way to spice up the blog...

Let me know what ya'll think.


A how to.....

How to Sleep Comfortably on a Hot Night

Your choice is a fanWhen it's extremely hot out, and you do not have air conditioning, it's difficult to fall asleep. You can toss and turn to no avail. All this movement will make you even hotter than you already are. There are ways to get cool and remain cool long enough for you to fall asleep.

Plug in your fan and turn it towards you. Purchase a commercial bag of ice cubes. Empty the entire bag into a wide, shallow container (to contain the water as the ice melts) such as a roasting pan. Place the container of ice right in front of the fan (between the fan and you), at the level of the top of the bed. The ice-cooled air will be noticeably cooler than the room air for the amount of time it takes for the ice to melt -- which is as long as it should take for you to fall asleep!
Thought for the day :

" The only red menace in America is the sunburn. "

I wuold beg to differ if you asked certain NAtive AMerican groups that one....

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Late thought....

Thought for the day :

" Every noble work is at first impossible. "

what the @#$*

speaking of roll call.
hey, where's Eric?
no new posts today?

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Random Pic of the week

Not to steal your fire Scott, but here is a pic.
On the site I lurk on someone posted this pic, I loved it enough to download, and repost for my friends here.

only, NIN (remix)-Launchcast, and
kitchen noises, I'm at work having my dinner
Thought for the day :

" The greatest programming project of all took six days; on the seventh day the programmer rested. "

in the news....

NEW YORK ( -- Representative Jim Kolbe wants to do away with the penny - and for a second time has introduced legislation that would effectively kill it.

The Currency Overhaul for an Industrious Nation (COIN) Act would force the rounding off of all cash transactions to the nearest 5 cents, making the penny coin useless for everyday transactions.

The move is in part a reaction to the rising cost of zinc - the penny's main ingredient - which at current prices brings the cost of making the coin to 1.4 cents each.

Kolbe (R-Arizona) introduced similar legislation in 2001 when prices for metals weren't as high. The bill failed to pass or even to make it to a floor vote. Since then, however, zinc costs have nearly doubled.

Over half of the U.S. Mint's coin production comes in the form of pennies. At current prices, the Mint would spend some $44 million producing pennies this year, nearly $14 million more than in 2005.

Monday, July 17, 2006

random thoughts

...we had an answer to Britain's problem. It was to legalize pot and let homosexuals marry and Britain would be the richest nation on earth. It's as simple as that.

-John Lennon, speaking to the Canadian Royal Commission, december 22nd, 1969.

imagine, john lennon

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Roll call

OK, wheres Frank? Havent seen him in a while here....

What about MIkey S. He no show up here often either. He must be very very busy.

I know that Johnboy is trying really hard to get his name set upi to blog here on the site under his own name...

Where are you people?

Just wonderin....

it's hot

if your not in Chicago, be glad, cause it's hotter then we like.
high 80's for a few days straight. Ouch,
Thought for the day :

" Two wrongs do not make a right, it usually takes three or more. "

random thoughts

If all fossil fuels and their derivatives, as well as trees for paper and construction were banned in order to save the planet, reverse the Greenhouse Effect and stop deforestation;

Then there is only one known anually renewable natural resource that is capable of providing the overall majority of the world's paper, and textiles; meet all of the world's transportation, industrial and home energy needs, while simultaneously reducing pollution, rebuilding the soil, and cleaning the atmosphere all at the same time...

And that substance is-the same one that did it all before-


sponsered by:H.E.M.P.(america), Hanf Haus (germany), Sensi Seeds/Hash marijuana museum (holland), and the T.H.C., the Texas Hemp Campaign (america)

*For details contact Jack Herer's organization: Help End Marijuana Prohibition (H.E.M.P.)
5632 Van Nuys Blvd. #310 Van Nuys, CA 91401 (818) 988-3319

all above from the back cover of Jack Herer's "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" 11th edition

kittens playing in the background

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Crappy beer man gets busted!

DENVER Jul 15, 2006 (AP)— Beer baron Peter Coors' driver's license has been revoked after his arrest for drunken driving following a wedding celebration. Hearing officer Scott Garber ruled Friday that Coors did not stop at a stop sign and was driving impaired on May 28. Coors, 59, said he had consumed a beer about 30 minutes before leaving the wedding, the Rocky Mountain News reported Saturday. He faces a July 20 arraignment and has 30 days to appeal the revocation.

"I made a mistake. I should have planned ahead for a ride," Coors said in a statement. "For years, I've advocated the responsible use of our company's products."

Thought for the day :

" It is better to live rich than to die rich. "

random thoughts

Ahh... the perfect slushball! Hard enough to sting, yet sloppy enough to dribble down her collar and soak her undergarments. Here she comes! Now's my chance to hit her with a slushball! I see you! You'd better not throw that! Santa Claus is watching you right now! Hmmm... ZINGG... FWISSHHH.... WHAP! Oh yes! YES! It was worth it! What a shot! I'm not sorry! Oh, it was beautiful! I'd do it again in a minute! Ha, Ha! Ulp... ahhh.... Santa's gonna skip this block for years.

Calvin and Susie in The Calvin and Hobbes Lazy Sunday Book, by Bill Waterson

Monday Morning, Fleetwood Mac

Friday, July 14, 2006

random thoughts

History proves that it is not antagonism which leads to wars, but paradoxically the modus vivendi, when, to paraphrase Heinrich Heine, they will both understand each other and promptly find themselves in the mud. (Bismarck and Louis Bonaparte, so also Stalin and Hitler.)
-from "a prefatory note on Anarchism today" by P.M. Bergman in the Anarchist Cookbook by William Powell

quiet background 'cause everyone is sleeping
Thought for the day :

" Think you've got influence? Try commanding someone else's dog. "

Maybe Rosie and Monty can chime in on this one Scott....

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Thought for the day :

" Learning music by reading about it, Is like making love by mail. "

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


thanks pete, for the subject matter.

An effective way to get him off orally without swallowing.
This feels so good that a lot of guys won't be able to tell that you aren't swallowing unless they are actually looking. The trick is to focus your lip action on the sensitive frenulum area while cradling the penis with your hand. This area is just beneath the head of the penis. Use lots of saliva and put plenty of tongue into it- almost kissing this part of his penis. Occasionally fill your hand with your hot steamy breath. This also works well if your lover's penis is a little on the huge size and you'd more easily fit a zeppelin in a one car garage than get it in your mouth.

this is a great reference book that everybody should own.

you learn, alanis morissette

Interesting news...

What if things were like this amongst certain cultures in the US nowadays???

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia Jul 12, 2006 (AP)— An indigenous man in Malaysia's Sabah state on Borneo Island was fined a buffalo and a pig for breaking a tribal custom by secretly marrying a second wife, a tribal court official said Wednesday.

The 39-year-old man was asked to compensate his first wife and children with a buffalo and a pig even though he agreed to dissolve the second marriage and return to his first wife and family, Kota Kinabalu Native Court chief William Majimbun told The Associated Press.
Thought for the day :

" The fewer the facts, the stronger the opinion. "

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

random thoughts

How I wish, how I wish you were here. We're just two lost soul swimming in a fishbowl, year after year. Running over the same old ground. Have we found, the same old fears. Wish you were here.
Pink Floyd, Wish you were here.

wish you were here, pink floyd

For you P. Floyd fans....

LONDON Jul 11, 2006 (AP)— Syd Barrett, the troubled Pink Floyd co-founder who spent his last years in reclusive anonymity, has died, the band said Tuesday. He was 60.

A spokeswoman for the band said Barrett died several days ago, but she did not disclose the cause of death. Barrett had suffered from diabetes for years.

The surviving members of Pink Floyd David Gilmour, Nick Mason, Roger Waters and Richard Wright said they were "very upset and sad to learn of Syd Barrett's death."

"Syd was the guiding light of the early band lineup and leaves a legacy which continues to inspire," they said in a statement.
Thought for the day :

" He was a bold man that first ate an oyster. "

Monday, July 10, 2006

in the news....

NEW YORK (AP) -- People who took an illegal drug made from mushrooms reported profound mystical experiences that led to behavior changes lasting for weeks -- all part of an experiment that recalls the psychedelic '60s.

Many of the 36 volunteers rated their reaction to a single dose of the drug, called psilocybin, as one of the most meaningful or spiritually significant experiences of their lives. Some compared it to the birth of a child or the death of a parent.

Such comments "just seemed unbelievable," said Roland Griffiths of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland, the study's lead author.

But don't try this at home, he warned. "Absolutely don't."

I only had the pleasure of taking shrooms a few times in my life and I can say that they do induce some kind of "spiritual" experience. Ive been clean for many years now, but I can remember taking hallucinogens. Interesting stuff.....

random thoughts

The moon can't help it. It's only an object. The moon doesn't mean to set things sloshing- in every ocean's basin, in every female's uterus, in every poet's jar of ink, in every madman's drool.
-Tom Robbins, Still Life With Woodpecker

Ballroom Blitz, Sweet
Thought for the day :

" In fashion be a reed in the wind, In principles be a rock in the stream. "

random thoughts

Breath in, breath out, repeat as necessary.
-i'm not sure where i picked up this one, but i've been saying it for about two years. good advise when the stress kicks in.

the children reading out loud.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

An important message from our beloved "d"

I am very soon coming home; I should be in town the 21st-the weekend after next. I plan to stay until at least the 27th which means I will only have one weekend there. I feel my experience would be entirely incomplete if I don't see as many of my favorite men in the world (and their little people and spouses) as possible. In that regared, I was wondering if their was a particular time and family-friendly place at which we can all get together. I need suggestions as I have not been there for so long. Also, I wanted to make the journey to Brookfield Zoo while there, so I was wondering if anyone was interested in joining the excursion. This then is my plea to the men of the Off variety, please fit me into your schedule while I am there. I am sure I won't be back for years after this. I don't often get a chance to check my myspace, so I guess I can check here if you all post comments, or you all can email me at Hope to here from you all soon.

Luv and lots of faboulous feelings of nostalgia,

Diana "D"

Random Photo 07/09

Frank your pompadour is perfect in this photo!

Insomnia day 4....

Thought for the day :

" Whatever you have, spend less. "

Saturday, July 08, 2006

random thoughts

The beet is the most intense of vegetables. The radish, admittedly, is more feverish, but the fire of the radish is a cold fire, the fire of discontent not of passion. Tomatoes are lusty enough, yet there runs through tomatoes an undercurrent of frivolity. Beets are deadly serious.
-Tom Robbins, Jitterbug Perfume

rebel, rebel- david bowie

something new

Well boys, hopefully I didn't fuck anything up..
but I made a change to our little world here.
The links on the right margin have held a link to my "myspace" page, which I have gotten fairly bored with (god knows why I found it entertaining to begin with).
So I switched it to a link to my Flickr page. I update it fairly frequently, including pictures of the family and our stable of bikes, and my budding small business "Shade Tree Bicycle Mechanic"
Check it out and let me know what you think.

If anything is broke you can blame and curse me.

dog whining, she is always hungry
Thought for the day :

" Better the shoulder to the wheel than the back to the wall. "

Friday, July 07, 2006

In the news...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- Neo-Nazis and other white supremacists have increasingly been able to infiltrate the U.S. military due to recruitment pressures created by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a watchdog group said Friday.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks racist activities in the United States, said thousands of hate group members are now in the armed forces, especially in the Army, increasing the threat of domestic terrorism.

"There is mounting evidence that military recruiters and commanders, under intense pressure to meet manpower goals with the country at war in Iraq and Afghanistan, have relaxed standards designed to prohibit racist extremists from serving in the armed forces," the center's Chief Executive Richard Cohen told Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld in a letter.

This doesnt come as a suprize to me, hell, theyve been in the military for years....


Thought for the day :

" Bachelor's wives and spinster's children are always perfect. "

Thursday, July 06, 2006

in the news...

Just becasue I posted a little story about this earlier, here is a short follow up to the Space SHuttle's situation....


HOUSTON Jul 6, 2006 (AP)— Life in space returned Thursday to as close to normal as it has been since the Columbia disaster three years ago.

After the space shuttle Discovery docked with the international space station, the orbiting outpost was fully staffed with three crew members for the first time since 2003. European Space Agency astronaut Thomas Reiter arrived on the shuttle for a six-month stay.

And the news for Discovery was also reminiscent of more carefree days: NASA found no major problems with the shuttle's heat shield.

Thought for the Day

Found this little gem attached to a tea bag.

"Ignorance of certain subjects is a great part of wisdom. "

As usual I have with held the authors name, until later.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

for those of us who cant spell to save your on please....


WASHINGTON Jul 5, 2006 (AP)— When "say," "they" and "weigh" rhyme, but "bomb," "comb" and "tomb" don't, wuudn't it maek mor sens to spel wurdz the wae thae sound?

Those in favor of simplified spelling say children would learn faster and illiteracy rates would drop. Opponents say a new system would make spelling even more confusing.

Eether wae, the consept has yet to capcher th publix imajinaeshun.

It's been 100 years since Andrew Carnegie helped create the Simplified Spelling Board to promote a retooling of written English and President Theodore Roosevelt tried to force the government to use simplified spelling in its publications. But advocates aren't giving up.

They even picket the national spelling bee finals, held every year in Washington, costumed as bumble bees and hoisting signs that say "Enuf is enuf but enough is too much" or "I'm thru with through."

Thae sae th bee selebraets th ability of a fue stoodents to master a dificult sistem that stumps meny utherz hoo cuud do just as wel if speling were simpler.
Thought for the day :

" Are you a good witch, or are you a bad witch? "

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Thought for the day :

" The bigger the bankroll, the tighter the band around it. "

By the way....Happy B-Day America!!!! Hope you all have a safe and happy 4th!!!

Monday, July 03, 2006

I have been following this kinda closely....

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, Florida (CNN) -- Engineers on Monday are closely scrutinizing a small crack in insulation on the space shuttle's fuel tank as NASA continues to prepare for a Tuesday launch.

NASA deputy manager John Shannon said the foam that cracked covers a bracket that connects the liquid oxygen feedline to shuttle Discovery's external fuel tank.

When engineers went to inspect it, they pinched off a .00057-pound, 3- inch piece of foam.

Even so, Shannon said, had that piece fallen off during launch it wouldn't have damaged the orbiter.

The crack was discovered during an inspection Sunday evening, and is 4- to 5-inches- long and an eighth- to a quarter-inch wide, NASA said.

Hey Mike M. I read in a previous blog that you are fascinated by space travel and NASA, so have you been following this at all???
Thought for the day :

" The best government teaches us to govern ourselves. "

Rain, Rain, Go Away

I rolled out of bed this morning at the ass crack of dawn 4:59 to go for a bike ride. I wanted to get to Busse Woods before it got too hot, and crowded. I had my little breakfast, and got dressed in my not so fancy riding attire, filled my camelbak and out the door.... into rain.
Now, it's not that I'm a puss or anything, and riding in the rain is sorta fun, but not terribly safe, and definatly not super good for the bike.
sorry, just venting,
another reason to not be super stoked by rain is: lawn work = not fun

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Thought for the day :

" I ain`t broke, but I`m badly bent. "

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Time flying by.....

I cant believe it is July already! It seems like just yesterday Scott and I were setting up this blog as something fresh and new.

Do you think time has flown by this year also?

Happy Birthday Mr. President.....


WASHINGTON Jul 1, 2006 (AP)— The most powerful man in the world turns 60 on Thursday and he just can't seem to stop talking about it. Barely a week has gone by this year that President Bush has not brought up his advancing age at least once.

"How you doing, sir?" a reporter asked Bush at a news conference a few hours after a middle-of-the-night return from a grueling sprint to Baghdad. "I'm doing all right, thank you," the president replied. "A little jet lagged, as I'm sure you can imagine. Nearly 60."

In his State of the Union address, the president referred to his upcoming birthday as "a personal crisis." It was a laugh line used to segue to a call for overhauling programs, such as Social Security and Medicare, soon strained by Bush's baby boomer generation.

You can really see how much the job has aged him. I was just looking at a comparative picture from 2001 versus now. He looks terrible compared to what he looke dlike going into the office.
Thought for the day :

" A guy has to get fresh once in a while so a girl doesn't lose her confidence. "