Saturday, July 01, 2006

Happy Birthday Mr. President.....


WASHINGTON Jul 1, 2006 (AP)— The most powerful man in the world turns 60 on Thursday and he just can't seem to stop talking about it. Barely a week has gone by this year that President Bush has not brought up his advancing age at least once.

"How you doing, sir?" a reporter asked Bush at a news conference a few hours after a middle-of-the-night return from a grueling sprint to Baghdad. "I'm doing all right, thank you," the president replied. "A little jet lagged, as I'm sure you can imagine. Nearly 60."

In his State of the Union address, the president referred to his upcoming birthday as "a personal crisis." It was a laugh line used to segue to a call for overhauling programs, such as Social Security and Medicare, soon strained by Bush's baby boomer generation.

You can really see how much the job has aged him. I was just looking at a comparative picture from 2001 versus now. He looks terrible compared to what he looke dlike going into the office.


dad-e~O said...

shit, talk about stress!
this guy is hated by over 1/2 of the world population!!

Martin said...

Same think happened to clinton. he left office w/ a lot of gray hair. It is without a doubt stressful and there is no shortage of people telling you that you're doing a shitty job, no matter what you're doing.