Thursday, October 12, 2006

The 10/12 Random Photo

This will be it for now. I have decided to take a break from the Offmen Archive, is it seems to be mostly full of members whom are not active on this blog, with the exception of Eric, and a few of Pete in his undies. However I do plan on continuing the random photo concept only with out as many of the old archive images.

Final Market, Killdozer


dad-e~O said...

wait, you have a picture of me in my "undies" how the hell did that happen

dad-e~O said...

cool pic btw

Sickboy said...

that is a great picture and yes, how did you get pics of PJ in his undies?

Sickboy said...

back to the picture...I remember this picture, wasnt it taken at the airport or something like that. The smokers all hanging around the no smoking sign is great.

Anonymous said...

I like the old photos. Do the people have to be present and accounted for to reminice?? Besides, even though people aren't in the pictures doesn't mean they weren't there and/or can't identify with the moment. By the way, you guys were sure some damn fine hotties in your day,eh? Oh to be young again.

dad-e~O said...

our day, HAH!
my day is today!
I'm in better shape then I've ever been, and in a better place mentally. HAH!

Scott said...

Fear not D there will still be old photos, I just do not want Mark, or Martin to feel left out.

Martin said...

I don't feel left out Scott. Just so you know. I love the pics.

dad-e~O said...

hey JT!