Monday, October 23, 2006

Call me a flat Lander… Your weekly random post 10/23

Maybe it is just me, but I find it a strange sight to look up a hill and see not only a tunnel on my same steep slope but also another road that has an even more extreem slope atop it. Add houses, more cars, and I think to my self wow I am definitely not in Chicago any more. So in the sprit of Eric’s brain teasers do any of you flat fellow Landers have a guess as to what this piece of cottage cheese / city Colin and I just went a visiting?


dad-e~O said...

San Fransisco?

Scott said...

Ding! Yep for a whole two days!

Sickboy said...

I was gonna say Frisco.

What were you doing there?

Scott said...

Just checking out where Pamela works a couple of days out of every month or two.

Aside from the Swiss cheese nature of that San Francisco with all of its bridges and tunnels. I was also very surprised to learn that October is considered summer in SF. It was very sunny, temps were in the 80's and the sun felt like a death ray. We were very over dressed!

dad-e~O said...

my "home office" is in san fran, where did you stay? where did you eat? did you ride on a cable car with little C

Scott said...

Yes Colin and I did the cable car thing, but since October is considered the off season they don’t run so many cars, and we ended up waiting in a line for over an hour and a half just to get stuck inside a very crowded car. Colin seemed to really like it, as he had a much better view than I did. The buss we took through China town was much more entertaining, as I felt very white and English speaking. Again Colin had a great time entertaining about a half dozen elderly Asian passengers, none of whom spoke any English but found his antics hilarious. We stayed at the Galleria Park Hotel. As for food I actually went there with a dining agenda but unfortunately circumstances prevented anything but mostly simple snacking. We did eat in the Hotel one day at Cafe Andree which was quite nice and then maybe more notably another place out by Mount Tamalpais called the Pelican Inn. Which oddly enough according to our friend and guide is a most authentic English pub. I will trust our guides word as she just gained citizen ship here in the US via England just a few months ago.

dad-e~O said...

let me know next time you go, I can try to get you a hook-up @ my sister restaurants.