Saturday, October 07, 2006

File under trying to fight fire with a bucket of gasoline?

After three sensational/tragic school shootings so far this 2007 school year Wisconsin Representative Frank Lasee proposes teachers to have guns in schools.

Robert VerBruggen blogs at Writes;

This story makes me proud of my home state. A Wisconsin lawmaker has suggested allowing teachers and principals to carry guns. Given the screenings teachers already go through (a friend of mine was fingerprinted and background-checked before she could teach in New York), and presuming training courses are required, this would prevent more violence than it would enable.

The gun control issue often turns into a logic contest — “criminals break laws anyway, so they’ll break gun laws” vs. “if they couldn’t get guns they couldn’t kill people with them.” Then there are the make-up-a-scenario debates, with “what if someone tries to rob you?” vs. “what if you accidentally shoot your son?”

But the fact of the matter is that the 50 states have tried a whole variety of gun laws, so it’s an empirical issue, not a hypothetical one, whether regulation works. Various scholarly analyses have revealed that, at best, gun control can’t be shown to work and, at worst, disarming law-abiding citizens actually causes more crime.

S- Um does any one else think this is a good idea? Eveidently there is more than I guy out there who does.

Fists of Love, Big Black


Sickboy said...

I just think it is damn sad that it could come to something like this.

When/where the hell did everything start going so wrong?

dad-e~O said...

fuck yea!
give em all guns!
right wing pigeons from outer space!
I love this country!!

Mark M said...

People shouldn't make the mistake that because something is sensational, that it is commonplace. Are school settings becoming more violent? No. In late 2004, the Department of Education reported that "the rate of violent crimes in school settings against students ages 12 to 18 dropped by half between 1992 and 2002." I don't know if the Wisconsin proposal would do any good or not, but it seems like a solution in search of a problem.

dad-e~O said...

kids have been shooting other kids for years. I remember kids at wheeling in 1998 carrying guns. NBD. and who remembers "Heathers" now just because a bunch of douche-bag parents don't teach their kids the meaning of right and wrong, or how to seperate reality from fiction. my Kid is more likely to have his High School teacher bust a cap in his ass for talking back in class just one time to many.

Martin said...

Given the amount of actual school shootings that are out there, I don't know if introducing guns into the school would be a good idea. Remember, there are thousands of schools with millions of kids that are not carrying guns. Introducing a gun into the equation seems to be asking for trouble.
Columbine style school shootings are a problem, albeit a rare one, statistically insignificant, even. A couple dozen kids out of millions over the last 10 years, a drop in the bucket, more die playing sports. I don't mean to demean the lives of those who've died, every one is a tragedy.
While 1 school shooting is too many, I am very reticent to say that this is a good idea. You're taking environments that are free of weapons and itentionally introducing them. There WILL be mistakes if this happens, and avoidable deaths will occur.
This coming from a gun owning, fuck the hostage negotiators get the snipers, kind of guy.

Anonymous said...

OHMIGOSH, my kids would love it. They would make a new career out of stealing techers guns to either use them or sell them. I can just see teachers trying to break up staged fights and having their guns ganked in the confusion and mayham, not to mention some ididots would leave it "locked up" in the room, to be sure. As for the teachers, I could think of a few I would worry about going postal. Can't really think of a worse idea ever.

dad-e~O said...

like giving condoms to all teachers just in case they start having sex with their students. they should be protected.

dad-e~O said...

get the sniper. I love you martin, i'm giggling while typing

dad-e~O said...

look, D pays us a visit. good point D. it's a bad plan.