Tuesday, October 10, 2006

how did we skip this?

Hey, we haven't even touched on this Mark Foley thing.
ya know he's the congressman from FLA who was sending suggestive IM's to 16 year old boys.
your thoughts?

intimate secratary, the recontours


Sickboy said...

I thought about posting something about this last week, but Im glad you did now, PJ.

As this article reads, it seems as if he didnt do or say too much wrong, but I have heard a few diff. reports about this.

If he went too far, he needs to be punished.

I think anyone with the mentality to harm a child (sexually or otherwise) or young adult should just be taken out back and shot, no 2nd chances no questions asked.

Martin said...

This guy is CREEEPY. His IM's included asking the page if he jerked off, what was he wearing, creepy old man shit like that.
I don't think he ever directly propositioned the kid, though.
Funniest part about this is that he is Rush Limbaughs Rep. Rush voted for a creepy pedophile. HAHA.
Whether or not Foley should be removed is moot as he has already stepped down. i have no idea if criminal charges are warranted or are even being sought.
there should be some kind of penalty for this type of inappropriate behaviour from an elected official. i believe that these people should be held to a higher standard. They sought the position of leadership. They are supposed to represent the voice and will of the people. This isn't playing dirty for the sake of politics, this is just downright, rude, crass, inappropriate, possibly illegal, behaviour with a subordinate and a minor.

dad-e~O said...

I saw a CNN report stating that the age of consent in DC is 16.
I would tend to agree that the best part of this whole thing is, the guy is a republican. the party that is not known to be particularly supportive of alternative lifstyles.

Sickboy said...

Mike, I did not know he asked those kind of questions. He should definitley be punished if that is the case!

dad-e~O said...

in a truly fantastic retort:
at least no one got killed, pointing fingers at a Kennedy. what a country!

Martin said...

He's a Republican, but one of those rich, Caligulan kind of Republicans. The kind where status and money excuses or permits this type of debauched behaviour.