Thursday, October 12, 2006

How to Enjoy the Taste of Beer
For those people that have had beer before but thought it tasted terrible and wonder why people even drink it...perhaps this may help you to get the "acquired taste" that everyone talks about.

Try a stronger tasting beer, like Heineken or Guinness. If possible, drink it lukewarm. The purpose for this is to be exposed to a strong flavor, most likely one that you will utterly not like.
Take some time off from beer, perhaps a day or two.
Choose a light, crisp-tasting beer such as Coors Light or Bud Light for your next beer. Rolling Rock is also an excellent starting beer. Make sure it's very cold and hasn't been sitting in any warm temperature - if so, it may be skunky and won't taste very good.
If you still find yourself not liking the taste of light beer, continue to drink lighter beers (in normal amounts) until you get used to the taste.
Once you get used to light beer, move onto more flavorful beers. There are many beers out there, all with varying degrees of taste, so be sure to find out which beers are lighter in taste. Get used to the lighter beers first, then move your way up at your own pace.


Sickboy said...

I personally cant stomach beer anymore.

Scott said...

I have been drinking beer for over 20 years, and personaly I have never been able to stomach light beer.

dad-e~O said...

I prefer my beer sitting next to a glass (or flask) of whiskey

dad-e~O said...

Sorry to hear about that E. but it's nice to not be the only one postin booze related stuff.

dad-e~O said...

Scott, try Sam Adams Light, easily the best "light beer" on the market

Sickboy said...

I do miss the occasional beer at times, but for the most part I have gotten over it. What I do miss at times is the rare shot of tequila...I wouldnt even try it now, the after effects would be detramental.

Anonymous said... good

Scott said...

Thanks Pete, yes I will concede that I find Sam Adams Light acceptable, along with Amstel Light... if I have to.

dad-e~O said...

like the great philosopher Homer J. Simpson says: Brain, I don't like you, and you don't like me, but let's just get through this as quickly as possible, and I'll get back to killing you with beer"

Martin said...

I put Arthur Guinness' great-great-great-great-great grandchildren through college. I love beer.