Monday, May 07, 2007

LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Police Chief William Bratton said Sunday that up to 60 members of an elite squad that swarmed into a park and fired rubber bullets during a May Day immigration rally are no longer on the street.

Bratton said he spent the weekend viewing video of the MacArthur Park incident and he said LAPD failures were widespread with officers from the top on down culpable.

"I'm not going to defend the indefensible," Bratton told journalists during a meeting at a television studio in Hollywood.

"Things were done that shouldn't have been done." (Watch police move in, hear residents describe what happened Video)

Journalists were among those roughed up as Metropolitan Division's B Platoon moved through MacArthur and fired 148 rubber bullets to break up what had been a peaceful and lawful immigration rally.

Police said they moved in after rocks and bottles were thrown at them by 30 to 40 agitators, he said. (Watch fire rubber bullets, shove residents Video)

The Metropolitan Division is the city's premier police squad, made up of experienced officers who have extensive training in crowd control

---Should these officers really be fired for what they did or should they just be put on administrative leave for a certain period of time? I dont think they should be fired, but some type of discipline should be administered.---


dad-e~O said...

f'in LAPD, they have such a huge force that douche bags like this manage to get past the screeners, cause they are adopting the "you have a pulse and are willing to do the job" philosphy of hiring.

Sickboy said...

yeah it seems the LAPD is still out of control in some aspects.