Sunday, October 28, 2007

Happy Sunday Everyone!

---Yes, Im this bored right now and the cat picture is cute. Fall is in full effect here, it was 34 degrees when I went out at 715 this AM. My step Dad (Dennis) is doing better, but man, being a heart patient and having pneumonia sucks ass! It has totally drained him.

Did I tell you guys Im down to a slim 170 pounds now, down from 205 over the summer. No special diets, no weight loss pills, no eating right, my secret? I just eat dinner early, around 430 in the afternoon and then dont eat again until the next day, so cutting out the big night snack is what did it for me! Im pretty happy about it. Lets see, I got a new computer, its pretty nice IMO, Runs super fast, dual core and all the fixens. The only draw back to getting the new p.c. was the fact that that was my ink $$$, so there will be no more sleeve work for me any time in the near future.

Anyone got any Halloween plans? We will take Ava trick or treating around the nicer part of town if it isnt too cold and if it is too cold for her, we will just go the big mall here where they hand out candy to the wee ones.

Well guys, I know youre all busy, but when you get just one extra minute, let me know how youre doing, I think of my Brothers often and I am really sorry I wont be headed into town like planned next month.

One more HUGE thing..Im looking in your direction Mike and in your direction also Mark, how much do you know about flash drives? Scott, can you help me here? The ex has literally hundreds of pics of the kid on her computer and she wants to put them onto a flash drive...any ideas???? Its so bad at times, her p.c. runs low on memory and wont do anything for a while. What are some good drives and HOW MUCH can they hold, she has hundreds of pics, will she need to buy 2???---


sp9000 said...

E, is she looking for long term or short term storage?

dad-e~O said...

why doesn't she just put them on a CD?

Sickboy said...

I think short term storage for now Scott.

PJB, she honestly doesnt have enough time in her day to sit in front of her p.c. burning all of them to disc would take hours.

sp9000 said...

Why not a DVD burner? 4.7 gigs!!! takes less than 3 minutes, way faster than my flash drive, and more space. I have over 14 gigs of photos backed up on 3 DVD's.

Sickboy said...

im the one with the DVD burner, she just has a CD burner on her system.

Scott said...

External DVD burners are available. Flash drives are nice because they are so small, how ever they are not know for speed or lots of space. Maybe an external hard drive, if you need speed. There is also the option of on line storage. In my opinion if you are attempting to move a large amount of data from one machine to the other, a flash drive is the least efficient solution.

Sickboy said...

yeah, I dunno what to tell her. Both her and I are getting 20 different answers from 25 different people.

Sickboy said...

im gonna try to talk her into an external hard drive. Ill let ya know what she ends up with.