Thursday, October 04, 2007

Iranian Pres. visits US

A firestorm of controversy swept throughout the nation last week as the defiant president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, visited the United States. Ahmadinejad was originally invited to speak at Columbia University last Monday as a part of that institution’s World Leader’s Forum.

From there, he delivered a speech to the United Nations opening General Assembly Tuesday morning. Both appearances are a source of hefty dispute.

First, Ahmadinejad received a mixed greeting at both in New York and at Columbia University. A handful of students applauded his arrival while another handful of protestors stood outside the University, touting messages like, “GO TO HELL.”

There were also protestors all over New York City itself. Most of the demonstrators were centered on Ground Zero, due to a visit Ahmadinejad had planned. Because of all the hostile activity, the Iranian president was forced to cancel his visit, much to his dismay.

Ahmadinejad was asked to speak at Columbia University as part of the institution’s World Leaders series. To make him feel even less welcome, Columbia University’s president referred to Ahmadinejad as a “cruel and petty dictator,” when as he was introduced to the audience.

In his presentation, Ahmadinejad inspired laughter and uproar as he covered various topics such as questioning who was really behind the September 11 attacks to his right to question the reality of the holocaust.

He even said, “In Iran, we don’t have homosexuals, like in your country.”

He talked about God, science and how the United States merely misunderstood him, that he was truly an academic. All in all, Ahmadinejad’s lecture lasted about an hour.

He ended on a good note by inviting the entire listening faculty and students to Iran, saying that they could visit any Iranian University of their choice, where they would be respected and listened to.

---This guy is a jag bag, plain and simple. I cant put it any other way, fuck him.---

The following day the Iranian President addressed the U.N. General Assembly. As Ahmadinejad prepared to give his speech, the United States delegation left, setting a hostile tone for the duration.


sp9000 said...

LOL A Jay Bag??? What is a "Jay Bag"? The least of which this was last weeks news. I think the real story is Columbia University’s president, I am not sure weather I love him or think he is just a little off his rocker.

Sickboy said...

Jag bag, funny typo huh?

steve butt said...

i glad he got to speak. i can't dismiss anyone as a "jag bag" until i get to hear what they say from their own mouth.

Sickboy said...

this fucking prick has the balls to stand up in front of people and question as to whether or not the holocaust even happened?

Hes an ass.

dad-e~O said...

I wonder what a Jag Bag is exactly?

Sickboy said...

To me a "jag bag" is just a loser, a very cocky person who cant put his cards on the table when its time to show them up.

All talk no game I guess......

dad-e~O said...

yes, but literally. for example. the definition of "Scum Bag" is a used Condom. what would a Jag Bag be?

Sickboy said...

yeah I stand corrected PJB, I used the wrong word.

the def. of a jag bag:

1. a statement which describes the unfortunate, the sorry, or the lowly, but not as to demean the person. the term "jag bag" is generally used as a term of endearment - a way to let them know they are down, but not out.

I generally intended to demean the man, so I will now just stick to the terms fucktard or ass basket.