Friday, October 05, 2007

random thoughts

"when fascism comes to america, it will be wrapped in the flag, carrying a cross."
-sinclair lewis

also i'm leaving for scotland on the eleventh and my step-son, damien has just turned 18. wow time sure flys.


Sickboy said...

I think that is a totally ridiculous quote, I totally disagree with it. It is too vague.

Scott said...

Wow Steve you are going to Scotland? I cant wait to hear the stories and pictures! Nor Can I believe little D is so old wow I remember when he was just a little boy in Flag Staff... it seems like just last week or so.

Scott said...

I for one would not depend on this quote as an absolute. But I would defiantly concede that it certainly is plausible. Even those with who believe they have the very best intentions make mistakes. I disagree 100% with E, this quote is crystal clear, even if its truth is only muddy.

Wow Steve, I am still so jealous of your trip to Scotland! I have to admit it is currently in my top five places to visit list.

dad-e~O said...

I would tend to agree, that if we were going to have our rights as Americans run over by an overbearing gov't chances are they will say it's because it's better for all, or it's the "American way" or the way God thinks it should be.

dad-e~O said...

I wish I was going to Scotland with my family too. that sounds super kickass

Sickboy said...

Im not getting drug into this thread, no way.....

Sickboy said...


I shall say, Have a great and SAFE trip Steve, hope we can see some pics upon your return.

The next place I will be besides Chicago, will be Vegas baby!

dad-e~O said...

I was in vegas for a few hours on my way home from Oregon, I stayed in the airport, and took a nap.

Sickboy said...

yeah, gonna go to see social D play there.