Sunday, May 10, 2009

This is exactly what I meant and it wasnt meant to come off as an attack on you guys, but here we are and its been a week w/ nothing on the blog. Im busy too, so Im honestly had it with the "Im too busy" excuse, we are all busy. I did a million and one things this past week.

It seems as if we communicate more often and a lot better on Facebook.

The best thing this blog has ever seen was Scott's "28 days" picture project. That was awesome. I wont post screaming political stuff to the blog anymore, I can reach more people with that on Facebook anyways, so you guys dont have to worry about that.

Where the hell did all the Offmen go? M. Martin used to post on a somewhat regular basis. Maslov? Where has he gone to? Its been eons since either of them have shown up on here and it kinda sucks.

Ah well, this blog was great while it lasted.....

Also, all the OMI Moms? I hope you all have a great Mother's Day!!!

1 comment:

Scott said...

Eric, If you want people to participate, then conjure up some new and interesting content, create something they wont find on FB give them a reason to make time for the blog. You are super creative, why dont you use it? I have ideas for our blog all day long... but not a lick of time, and I am a little resentful of yet another person in my life telling me what I do and do not have time for. I always make time for this blog even if it is the only internet time I get all week!