Thursday, July 16, 2009

Far Behind.

---Due to a recent and somewhat upsetting fallout I had w/ another one of our members I have decided to drop out and away from OMI for what its worth. This blog has nearly become a ghost town and that has saddened me also.

I am holding NO animosity toward most OMI members, but like mentioned, due to things going South between me and another Offmen, I feel alone. I would never put you guys on the back burner of my life, regardless how busy I am, because it could all be over within a second. But some things were said to me as of late by an OMI member that just doesnt make sense to me. They left me frustrated, angry and guessing...I also dont believe that its OK to stop discussing life with a long time friend, even if you have lost some common ground because your lives have gone in opposite directions. Thats a load of crap, one of the bigger craptastic lines Ive heard in a while. Id never walk away from one of you if life took us in different directions. Heck, look how it has already and I still consider you guys dear friends even though we may not line up politically, musically and/or socially. True brotherhood goes beyond that stuff.

I know who my real friends are now and yes, that does include a few of you guys for what its worth. Besides that, ya gotta treat a bitch like a bitch and just leave 'em far behind.

Adios Amigos!---

With friends like you, who needs enemies?
you ain't right, you ain't never gonna be,
you're out of the car, I'm afraid you've been declined.
you shake my hand, while you're pissing on my leg
I'm cuttin you loose, I don't need this misery
your soul is toxic, you ain't no friend of mine.

You talk real trash when i'm not around
to build yourself up, you gotta to tear me down.
you'll have to excuse me, i've got better things to do.
you smile through your teeth, you talk out your neck
every chance you get you're gonna stab my back.
your time's run out, i've got nothing left for you..

I'm leaving you far behind.
I'm leaving you far behind.
Stop wasting all of my time.
I'm leaving you far behind.

So I'm pulling out the weeds, i'm taking stock
you can talk the talk, but cant walk the walk
Your narcissistic ways have gotten the best of you.
So I'm leaving you to sink, in all your glory
For you and me it's the end of the story.
Get out of my way, I've got better things to do.


Scott said...

Hehehe, no offense E, but I had to do it.

Sickboy said...

I find nothing funny here. Im as dead serious as a heart attack. I am no longer going to be a member of a group when I feel extremely let down and is pretty much no longer on speaking terms with someone else in the group. The more I think about it, the more angry I become.

I was sold out, which all but ended a 15 plus year friendship between someone else and myself. I feel Ive been spoken down to by this person and I was told that since are lives are so different now that a friendship is seemingly worthless.

I got tossed to the curb because I expressed myself and my friendship with this person as something that was long standing and was like being brothers. After that I got a lecture.

Instead of maybe, JUST MAYBE, taking the time to explain who I was in the situation would have made the situation defuse itself, but no, I got tossed aside because someone was worrying about losing a buck or two.

Screw that, it was a complete insult to me. Yeah, yeah, we all gotta make money to provide for whoever blah, blah, but it would have been nice if I was also defended in that conversation.

15 plus years over what?

A fucking dollar bill.

Its no joke Scott, IM DONE!!!! I wish to no longer remain a member of this group after what happened. I could have been explained as to who I was and I would have felt happy. Ive tried to contact this Offmen several times now and he has not replied, so I guess Im not good enough because of my short comings and my in your face attitude.

I want to remain friends with you Scott. I hope we can remain friends and I wouldnt see why not. Its just with this other Offmen I feel like Ive been insulted long enough and I dont follow behind sell outs anyways.


sp9000 said...

I am evidently not competent in communicating with people.

It was nice having friends while it lasted.

Sickboy said...

Scott, dangit, I told you many times, my "beef" isnt with you here, it is with another who I feel insulted by. I wish to remain friends with you, more so than anything, but if that is something you cannot do or dont wanna do due to your ties to OMI I understand that too.

Im not looking for enemies here, its just that something went down and it left me feeling insulted and I felt it was time for me to break ties w/ the organization itself and NOT ALL it's members.

I just felt as if I was slapped in the face by a life long friend, thats all. I cant let those kinds of things happen to me. Ive sent several emails in attempts to try and talk it out and work past it, but none were ever returned, so I think I got my answer. Thats all...

I have NO problems with you Scott, I just take this issue very seriously because I thought it would never happen.

Anonymous said...
