Friday, July 28, 2006

Automatic Transmission

So, Melissa and I had to buy a car today. Some kid decided that falling asleep at the wheel of mom's minivan at 3:30 in the AM on the Saturday before the 4th of July was a good idea, and totalled three cars on our street, including the Melissa's '96 Corolla with only 81K miles on it. At least he didn't leave the scene.
But, alas alack, we needed new wheels. I fought the insurance company for a reasonable settlement. I fought with the dealership for a reasonable deal. And in the end we now have an '04 Corolla with 63K on it. Spent more than the insurance money by over double. Damn auto industry.
But I must ask, why is it so hard to find manual transmission cars. It's all we drive. It's all we like. They are safer. More powerful. They can be more fuel efficient if you want. You can get more torque if you want. More control. More fun. What's the problem. Well, one salesmen said when we inquired, "Don't you ever watch the news? American's are lazy!" How true my friend. How true. Now, I acknowledge that stick isn't for everyone. Some people need to keep a hand free to reload the DVD player, program the GPS, dial a cell phone, and eat McDonald's drive through fat burgers. That's fine. A little disconcerting when done simultaneously, but whatever. I just want to be able to find a standard transmission every few years or so when I have to buy a freakin' car. So, tell me fair people. Why doesn't anyone buy fucking stick shift cars. If you try to tell me because its tiring in rush hour then I reply you are a sad sack lazy American with no real appreciation for well made Japanese autos. And if you tell me I'm taking jobs from American's, then I'll tell you that Toyota manufactures more cars stateside than anyone else. That's part of why Toyota just passed GM for the #1 manufacturer spot. That, and the fact that they make cars that actually work for more than 100K miles.
So put down the hamburger, hang up the cell phone, and drive a real car please.
In the meantime, I think I'll need to start a new website called

With love and props to all my 4 speed automatic friends.


Sickboy said...

to this day I still dont know how to drive a stick. Crazy, huh?

Martin said...

I actually learned to drive automatic transmission by learning to ride my old man's Harley Lowrider. same concept and all, clutch and gear shift, etc.
As for Americans being lazy, I don't know. Addicted to convenience and simplicity might be a better description. Americans work a standard 40 hour week, a lot of us more than that, with maybe 2 or 3 weeks vacation. Those shiftless Europeans, especially the French, working 30, maybe 34 hours per week with like 6 weeks mandatory vacation.
In my job I sometimes have to deal with local phone companies in western and eastern europe and the meditteranean. Most of these guys don't work weekends, their tech support anyway. I was told by one phone tech from Turkey that Americans live to work, not work to live. I heard the same sentiment from a tech from the Ukraine.

dad-e~O said...

+1 martin,
Tif actually taught me to drive stick, hu,hu,hu.

Sickboy said...

Keep your bedroom tactics to yourself PJ.

Sickboy said...

I think Americans are lazy but not nearly as bad as the world makes us out to be. Mike M. brings up very good points in our devotion to work.

This is still the greatest nation in the world.

dad-e~O said...

now we drive a 92 caprice, big ole V-8 automatic, sucks fuel like a muther- but damn is it cosy.
My truck is a stick but it hasn't run for more then 15 min in 4 years.

Scott said...

I love my one manual transmission car (Subaru)….Love it Love it Love it! When drivig that car I feel like I am actually doing something in connection to my progress down the road, where as when driving my automatic I feel like I am just pushing a simpletons button and just going where it takes me. Although the automatic allows me to talk on my cell phone in heavy urban traffic.

dad-e~O said...

shame, shame Scott, you should always use a hands free device with your phone when driving....
but speaking of connected to the process.
I feel the same way about my bikes, I have a mountain bike with "index" or click shifting, and a road bike with the old school friction shifters, I feel more connected to the ride on my road bike. I also find that I shift less, wich decreases wear and tear.

Scott said...

Thanks Pete, I am glad to see you saw my satirical comment on cell phone use and driving. I don’t know what I am going to do when we are all driving electric cars. I feel like having a manual transmission allows me so much more control, especially in adverse conditions like rain or snow. I guess I am just prejudice on those whom are lazy, so the very idea of a automatic transition will in some way bug me as being the objects of a lot of lazy ass tools… Though I am not sure if that is right or wrong, it is the very core of who I am.

dad-e~O said...

you have to wonder about enviro cars who's engines shut down when not moving. the starters must be awfully tricky. or whatever. this is a johnboy thread

Michael said...


I'm glad to see some among us who like the manual.

The rest shouldn't take it all so personally. Even if you are lazy, aka shiftless. Really, look it up!

dad-e~O said...

shiftless!! HA,
this car thing has you very angry Mike, you should seek some counceling mabye?

Michael said...

I think a nice Sunday drive in the new car will suffice!

redx said...

Automatic Transmissions are for Pussies. And lazy peoplez. And let us not fool ourselves, American's are lazier and stupid-er than ever. I'd go as far to say that 3 of every 4 hardcore car lover doesn't know how to drive stick even. And everything he said is so true too. Better, more fun, safer, etc., and not to mention that you can actually maintain a speed. Isn't it crazy? An automatic feels the need to disengage sooo often that it's impossible to pick a number (MPH, KPH) and stick with it. In a manny-tranny all you have to do is reach a speed and make sure the note your motor is signing doesn't change pitch and you'll be at a solid 70mph or w/e for hours and hours without fluctuation.
MK, blah blah blah etc etc etc, I found this post cuz i google'd "automatic transmissions are for pusssies" and I'm glad i found a place to totally agree.

I'm 23 and already have little/no faith in the future of our world. the rarity of the man-tran is just another shovel of dirt towards completing mankind's grave.