Monday, July 24, 2006

Beethoven's Wig

Someone has stolen Beethoven's Wig and has put it in one of four locked boxes. The boxes are numbered from 1,2,3,4 in that order. There are four different keys that each has their own color. Use the clues below to figure out which key goes in which box and to find the box where Beethoven's wig is being kept.

1. The green key goes to the third or fourth box
2. The wig is to the left of the fourth box
3. The wig is to the right of the first box
4. The yellow key is to the left of the wig
5. The blue key is to the right of the yellow key and to the left of the green key
6. The red key goes to the first box


Scott said...

3rd box

Sickboy said...

Scott, welcome back around and you are right, you win!

Sickboy said...

can anyone figure out where the rest of the keys go?

dad-e~O said...

why, WTF do I want with a dead dudes wig?
This is why I didn't do colage

Mark M said...

My thoughts exactly, Peter. Even so, I'd rather solve this puzzle than do something productive. The keys match up with the boxes as follows:

1. Red
2. Yellow
3. Blue
4. Green

Sickboy said...

hey dont blame me, this is what the brain teaser of the day produced. I dont remember doing anything like this in college.

Sickboy said...

good job Mark, you da man!!!!!!!! Good to see you back here too!!!