Saturday, July 15, 2006

Crappy beer man gets busted!

DENVER Jul 15, 2006 (AP)— Beer baron Peter Coors' driver's license has been revoked after his arrest for drunken driving following a wedding celebration. Hearing officer Scott Garber ruled Friday that Coors did not stop at a stop sign and was driving impaired on May 28. Coors, 59, said he had consumed a beer about 30 minutes before leaving the wedding, the Rocky Mountain News reported Saturday. He faces a July 20 arraignment and has 30 days to appeal the revocation.

"I made a mistake. I should have planned ahead for a ride," Coors said in a statement. "For years, I've advocated the responsible use of our company's products."



Scott said...

Can there be a product worse than the "Silver Bullet"? any one any one?

dad-e~O said...

an old joke:
what does sex in a canoe and coors light have in common?
they're both fuckin' close to water.

Martin said...

Old joke. 4 beer company reps, one from Miller, one from Corona, one from Coors and one from Guinness, are having lunch together. The waiter comes by to take their drink orders. The rep from Miller orders, what else, a Miller Lite. the rep from Corona orders, yep, a Corona. The Coors rep orders, you guessed it, a Coors. the Guinness rep orders a Coke. The other reps ask why he didn't order a Guinness. The Guinness rep says, "You guys aren't drinking beer, so I figured I shouldn't either."

steve butt said...

old style is worse than coors

dad-e~O said...

I don't know about that Steve, Old Style when served at Wrigly is pure ambrosia.

dad-e~O said...

Martin your joke was better then mine

Martin said...

I don't know if my joke is funnier, it's definitely longer. And Old Style at Wrigley Field...AWESOME. I'd never drink it outside "The Friendly Confines" though. It's gotta be some kind of atmosphere thing. And it's cheaper than that $7 a cup fucking Moosehead crap they sell there.

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