Friday, July 28, 2006

D’s Visit / Party

A big thanks needs to be made to the Barson Family for hosting our little gathering, and most especially Pete for taking the initiative to organize and plan this event. Diana was as youthful and vibrant as I remember her, it was a real sight for sore eyes to see her again. Our time together was of course way to short so we hope she will some day soon find time to visit once again. Until then, we look forward to her presence here on the OMI Blog.

Also of note our brother Mark M… whom I have not seen in something like 15 years made his face shown, and it was great to see a few of us connect faces with friends known only here on our blog. Mark you as well looked as youthful and vibrant as I remember, albeit a bit more scruffy than D.

A last note, Colin seemed to also make a few new buddies at D’s part, most notably Tiffany and Elizabeth. Thank you again Tiffany for all of your help keeping an eye on my little buddy with me.


dad-e~O said...

can you beleive I compleatly spaced on busting out the camera, 4 OffMen in the same room for the first time in years

Mark M said...

Thanks, Scott. I just got a haircut over lunch, so now I'm a little less scruffy. You're looking pretty good yourself.

Sickboy said...

No pictures! damnit!

Martin said...

We'll just have to get together again soon and take some pictures. It was indeed a pleasure to meet Mark in real life. Unfortunately poor Mark had to sit around and listen to a bunch of talk about kids, poopie diapers and such. BTW, Scott, by the looks of your boy, you and Pamela are going to have a chick magnet of John Miller-like proportions in a few years. But given his parental role models I'm sure he'll be a kind and respectful young man. And as always a big shout out to Peter and Tif for their hospitality.

Anonymous said...

loved seeing all of you. big love to PJ and Tiff for making it possible...the whole thing made me even more homesick than ever, but much more determined to visit more frequently. take care of yourselves and your beautiful families

dad-e~O said...

thanks for coming over D