Saturday, July 22, 2006

how to stop laughing when laughing isnt cool....

How to Stop Laughing when You Laugh at Inappropriate Times

Sometimes, you just can't help feeling the urge to laugh. If you allow yourself to laugh during serious moments, you may end up accidentally offending someone. While it might not be that easy to stifle a laugh, it can be done! Remember you have the power ...
Understand when it is inappropriate to laugh. They say that "laughter is the best medicine," but if the occasion is very serious, others may not appreciate your laughter. If you go into a situation knowing that it's not laughable, it'll help you maintain a more serious demeanor.
Check to see if others are laughing, or at least smiling a lot. If they aren't, then remind yourself not to laugh unless they do. Or, if you see someone else laughing inappropriately (and everyone else giving that person dirty looks) then get away from them as quickly as possible, because inopportune laughter can be infectious.
Think of something very sad and depressing. If you need inspiration, the daily news is usually full of unfortunate events that will suffice to calm you down. Think about something that makes you want to cry. Although this can be unpleasant, it usually takes care of the uncontrollable urge to laugh.
Try pinching yourself or causing some other strong physical sensation, such as biting your inner cheek or your tongue (don't bite too hard!). Hold your breath when you are about to laugh. This can act as a distraction, helping you beat the urge to laugh out loud.
Disguise a smile or laugh with a coughing fit. If a grin or chuckle slips through, quickly cover it up by putting your hand over your mouth and coughing. Move away from the crowd, even if it means stepping out of the room or going to the restrooms. If they see you are coughing, they will understand.
Force yourself to turn your laugh into a cry if the occasion is something sad such as a funeral. Some people sound like they are laughing before they cry.
Try exhaling as much of the air as possible from your lungs. This removal of the air will not allow the laugh to continue and make it stop. This usually works best when combined with the coughing technique mentioned above. A combination of techniques is often the best!
If it gets really bad, hold your nose and cover your mouth with that hand. Then people can't see your grin, and you can laugh as hard as you wish inside yourself. You may start shaking, that's good, it can be covered as crying. Try not to let any sound out, but if you do ease up by accident it sounds much like a sneeze or a strange snort.
If none of the above work, then get away to a private area (e.g. a restroom) and let it out. Return to what you were doing after you're done.


dad-e~O said...

I heard once that johnny Carson used to need mouthwash to wash the blood out of his mouth during comercial breaks after his monolouge, he bit his cheek so hard that he would bleed enough to startle the staff.

Sickboy said...

thats a real interesting tidbit.....

steve butt said...

now see i'm just the insesitive asshole who laughs and doesn't care if it offends. get over yourself is what i think or better yet i feel that there is a benefit to the offended party that i can be the focus of their pissed attitude and get them to forget their tragedy for a brief interlude