Tuesday, July 25, 2006

How to...

How to Reduce Your Greenhouse Gas Emissions

More and more people are wondering how they can do their part to help reduce the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. While change won't happen overnight, here are steps that you can take against a hypothesized cause of global warming.

Around the House
Don't use a leaf blower. Instead, get a broom and a shovel. Do it by hand. It will make your place look cleaner and you get a little bit of exercise. Your neighbors will thank you for the noise reduction, too!
Consider using a reel mower instead of a gas- or electic-powered lawn mower. Again, more exercise, less noise, and more importantly, less CO2 emission.
Buy local produce when you go to the grocery store rather than items trucked in from far away.
Plant a tree. Well-placed landscaping cuts energy costs in summer and winter. Whilst alive, the tree will store carbon dioxide that would otherwise be in the atmosphere.
Repaint your house with latex paint instead of oil. The paint releases significantly fewer harmful fumes while drying and smells a lot better.
Make sure the dishwasher and washing machine are full before running them to save energy and money.
Buy energy efficient appliances with the "Energy Star" label.
Call your local utility and sign up for renewable energy. If they don’t offer it, ask them why not.
Get a home energy audit. Many utilities offer free audits, which may reveal simple ways to cut emissions.
Weatherize your home, caulk, and weather-strip your doorways and windows. Not only will this save energy, but it will save you money


Sickboy said...

Im not a huge enviornmentalist, but I figured these were some good tips for what its worth. There was a total of 25 tips but I only took a few.....

dad-e~O said...

thanks for cutting it down