Monday, July 31, 2006

How to....

For th ose of you fancying the ability to eat w/ chopsticks. I have never been able to use them correctly, but then again Im an American, Ill use a fork, thanks....

How to Eat With Chopsticks

Do you love Asian food, but want the full experience by eating it as it was meant to be eaten--with chopsticks? Watching others using chopsticks can make it look so easy, but when you try it, you end up asking for a fork. Here's how to say goodbye to that fork for good and put those chospticks to work!


Pick up the first chopstick with the middle finger and thumb. Stiffen your hand for a firm grip. Have the broad end of the chopstick lay on the part where your thumb and index finger connect. Rest the narrow end on the tip of your ring finger, and hold it in place with the tip of your middle finger.

Grip the second chopstick with your index finger. Place your thumb over the second chopstick. Adjust your grip to a more comfortable position.

Hold it steady. This chopstick should not move when you attempt to pick up food.

Practice opening and closing the chopsticks.

click to enlargePick up food at a good angle; slightly lift it up. If it feels unstable, put it down, and try again.


Scott said...

I saw a cat on TV using chopsticks yester day...but I am not sure what I was watching, the TV happend to be on in the same room as I was working.

Mark M said...

A lot of Asian restaurants provide chopsticks with instructions printed on the paper sleeves they come in. You can tell they weren't written by a native English speaker, and they always end with: "Now you can pick up anything!" So learn to use chopsticks -- they will give you superhuman strength.

dad-e~O said...

my wife's father spends about 1/2 his life in Thailand, he and his wife picked up some gifts for Jake and Max. Camo outfits and these neato little shoulder day packs, the pack has all sorts of "army style" writing and insignias, most of which make no sence. I qoute:
Army Accessary
from all dirctions are now
entering the NO.GO zone.
All Silver Bagles from the
550th tactical Fighter
Squadron are ready to take on
the incoming enimies..."
yes this is exactly how it is spelled and layed out on a patch. Also included is a lovely maltese eagle flying proudly over a swaztika. faily fun to see the way foriegn citizens view our military and market.