Tuesday, July 25, 2006

in the news....

I think vodka is p ure evil, but this is interesting....read on;

KOTKA, Finland — Heini Alajaaski doesn't understand what all the fuss is about. For her vodka, or viina in Finnish, is mostly about having a good time and not what it's made of. But battle lines have been drawn in a Europe-wide "vodka war" as nations wrangle over the definition of the centuries-old spirit. The stakes are high as rival groups fight for dominance in a booming world vodka market worth around $12 billion in annual sales.

Finland is aligned with Poland, Sweden and other traditional vodka producers around the Baltic Sea, who want the European Union to insist that only spirits made with traditional ingredients — barley grain and potato — should be allowed to carry the vodka label.

Pitched against them is a group led by Britain, the Netherlands, France and Austria — and backed by London-based multinational drinks producer Diageo — which take a more relaxed view of what can go into vodka, for example grapes, beets or citrus fruit.

Does anyone here drink vodka???


Scott said...

Not very often...

dad-e~O said...

no, but I sell a shitload of it.
there is an unbeliavable amount of $$ on the line. and people are very suseptible to ad's and marketing, ie, grey goose (one of the more expencive and popular) consistantly gets bad grades in BLIND tastes, while smirnof (a call brand) scores high.

dad-e~O said...

for what it's worth I think the traditional stuff is what should continue to get the label Vodka, and the new breeds should be called something else catchy.