Monday, July 31, 2006

in the news....

Ive heard rumors of this working in the past so I guess it is true. Some people have to do whatever it takes in order to save $$$ on gas nowadays.

TOPSHAM, Maine — Many motorists seeking to improve their mileage as gas prices soar this summer are examining everything — right down to the air in their tires. And for a growing number, plain old air isn't good enough.

George Bourque of Fairfield is one of those who's driving around on tires filled with pure nitrogen, the same stuff that NASCAR racers use.

Bourque, an engineer, said he has seen a 1 to 1.5 mile-per-gallon increase since he began filling his tires with nitrogen, which is touted as maintaining tire pressure longer and resisting heat buildup on hot summer days.

"I analyze everything," he said.

Nitrogen has been used for years in the tires of race cars, large commercial trucks, aircraft and even the space shuttle.


dad-e~O said...

try helium, yer car'll float.

Sickboy said...

I wonder what helium would do?

Michael said...

It'll make you talk funny if you inhale it.

I don't know about you, but my gas station doesn't dispense nitrogen or helium, except possibly as components of air.

Martin said...

Kids, if you're going to do this, make sure you use nitrogen, not nitroglycerin. could make a difference.

Fashion Zombies!....Aquabats