Monday, July 24, 2006

random thoughts

Thanks to the inventiveness of the ancient greeks, we now have things in our lives like polititians, lawyers, doctors, and anal sex. The only one of these that should never cause you any pain is anal sex. If it does, your doing it wrong, says psychologist Jack Morin, who has written the bible on the subject called "Anal Pleasure and Health" (Down There Press, San Francisco, 1998). It is doubtful that you will find this title at your local B. Dalton.
-Guide to Getting it On!, Paul Joannides

Aqualung, Jethro Tull


Sickboy said...

steve, do you have an obsession with sex? Im starting to get worried.

PS- Was never a fan of having anal sex....wasnt my thing and Im talking about giving not receiving so lets keep the queer jokes to a minimal.

dad-e~O said...

a healthy obsession with sex is OK. as long as the sex is healthy, consentual, and does't do any lasting physical ahrm to others. I just read a book with a charecter who like being crucified, yes, nailed to a cross. he also got a kick out of being covered with quick drying cement. then his partner had himself a heart attack and died. with him "curing" in the living room. that is a sex issue to worry about. Anal sex seems pretty tame compared to that.

Sickboy said...

yes, you are definitley right there PJB, but I think to be obsessed with an ything is unhealthy. Well, at least for me...cigarettes led to drugs then to alcohol then to sex....I have had issues in the past thats wh y I havata do everything in severe moderation.