Sunday, July 16, 2006

Roll call

OK, wheres Frank? Havent seen him in a while here....

What about MIkey S. He no show up here often either. He must be very very busy.

I know that Johnboy is trying really hard to get his name set upi to blog here on the site under his own name...

Where are you people?

Just wonderin....


Michael said...

Hey - I've been showing up as best I can. Check out the front page of my website to see how crazed I've been.
That doesn't even mention that I've been in the process of trying to buy a new building around the corner from my house to move my business into. I have to say, commercial real estate loans make residential look like applying for a credit card - which was preapproved - with free gifts. Oy.

Michael said...

And where's Maslov? We haven't been graced or dazzled with his brilliant and witty commentary in a while.

Mark M said...

Mike... OK, OK... I got your e-mail. I'm flattered that my absence was noticed. I'm also flattered that you're dazzled. Lately I've just been trying to decide how much time I should be devoting to blog-related activities. And I've been going through a stretch where it seems like nothing is going my way... I'm sure that's not the case, but sometimes it's hard to see the half-full glass. I don't want to sound like a kvetch (running count of Yiddish words in this thread: 2), so I'll leave it at that.

Scott said...

Mark, I as well am dazzled by your words, and I must add all that goes your way hear on the Offmen Blog... At least you are very well liked.

dad-e~O said...

not to sound like a putz, but..
we like Mark,

Michael said...

We're all a bunch of Schmucks, for not asking Mark what all the Kvetching is about? What kind of Mishigas has you so Fakactah?

dad-e~O said...

perhaps we should all see a rabi, or at least a bartender.
Thanks, poobah for the reminder to be concerned in writing for our blog-mate.
Mark, Wha's a'matter you face?
Anything we can do to help?

Mark M said...

Thanks for the moral support, guys... What a bunch of Mentschn! Don't be so hard on them, Mike.

Lately I've been getting these small but annoyingly painful air bubbles in my chest -- essentially a collapsed lung, but less than 10% collapsed, so it's not like it's a major issue aside from the pain. This latest one is just about all better.

Then I've got problems with my car, and there's something wrong with my cat, and I've got this other cat that I'm trying to find a permanent home for, and... and, I think you get the picture. So, it's just these little things that pile up, and I've just got to remember to take some deep breaths (hurts less with Vicodin!) and not worry so much...

Scott said...

Mark, ba dheas uait sin!

Unfortunatly I have no idea how to actualy pronounce this.

dad-e~O said...

I love yiddish, it's fun to try to pronounce.
Dude your on your own with the Cat thing. Health concerns can be very trying. Our thoughts are with you.

Michael said...

Mark. OUCH. I mean big freakin ouch. I'm sorry dude. That really sucks.

I'm sorry to hear that Jazzy isn't well. I hope she's on the mend. As for placing another cat, that's a tough thing to do. There are more cats in need of homes than vice versa.

On the car front. If it makes you feel any better, at 3:30am on Sat. July 2nd, a kid in a minivan fell asleep at the wheel and totalled three cars on my street. One of them happened to be our Toyota Corolla. We just got a check yesterday that should cover a nice Yugo. Actually, I fought pretty well and got a reasonable check, but it still doesn't get me a car that I know was well serviced for years. So... time to find a new one.

Beware the Vicodin.