Thursday, July 06, 2006

Thought for the Day

Found this little gem attached to a tea bag.

"Ignorance of certain subjects is a great part of wisdom. "

As usual I have with held the authors name, until later.


Sickboy said...

Thanks for doing the thought of the day brother. You know what they say, ignorance is bliss....

Scott said...

Yeah, just so long as you are not afraid of the unkown.

Eric, I hope did not steal any of your glorie today, just thought this one was worth posting.

dad-e~O said...

this sounds like some sort of eastern sage wisdom. like a monk on the top of a mountain

Scott said...

Nope, Netherlands

Sickboy said...

No, you didnt steal anything from me at all...

Martin said...

You got teabagged by some guy from the Netherlands?

Scott said...


Sickboy said...

hahaha, classic MArtin, classic....

Scott said...

Well you two got me, I had to look this one up... Seems you both have an advanced knowledge of gay culture superior my own. I guess I need to get out more boys.

Sickboy said...

Touche....nice comeback scott.

Martin said...

Know don't forget, if they're on your eyes, they're technically called "Arabian goggles".

Scott said...


dad-e~O said...

why would any one want to do that to some-one, that freak-tastic

Scott said...

Some would say it is a simple as you either like dick or you just don't.

Michael said...

Haven't any of you seen John Waters movie Pecker. That's where all the straight people I know learned about teabagging. Now the goggles thing, I can't speak to that. Mike, you may have more information than is healthy about "alternative" lifestyles.

Not that there's anything wrong with that!

Anonymous said...

if you lay over the eyes and the have your cock ove the nose thats a trojan war helmet,if you have a hairy ass it becomes a roman war helemt.all the nice thing you learn from porn and catholic school. johnboy

dad-e~O said...

this is going to terrible places.

dad-e~O said...

Scott, it's time to let the cat out of the bag (no pun intended) and tell us who the author is.

Martin said...

trojan war helmet, that's funny.

Scott said...

Hugo De Groot (1583-1645}

dad-e~O said...

that name even sounds dirty... baby lets de groot