Thursday, August 31, 2006

Weekly (not so random) Photo 08/31

Ok so I looked for this one, or at least one like it. Tonight I am to meet with Fred, as it has been far to long and we need to catch up. If you are lucky I will convince him to join our little party here on the OMI blog. Some of you might also recognize a different Mark whom is not an Offmen. But likely should have been had we only been able to convince him, cause he was always around.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Well, today it is 65 degress here and a light mist has been falling all day. It is only supposed to get into the low 70s all week here. The reason Im posting this is because this gives me hope to think there may actually be a transition between summer adn winter here this year. I hate going from summer right into near winter temps.

I miss seeing the leaves get their full opportunity to change.

I love the internet

I love the WWW. yes it is filled with porn, ad's and gambling. and you can encounter a nasty virus that could seriously fuck your "machine" all to hell, but where else can you find clips like this :
ok for brave souls of all ages.
Also I found a fun link to the 86 rules of Boozing, I wont post them all at once, but here are the top 6 just for fun:
1. If you owe someone money, always pay them back in a bar. Preferably during happy hour.
2. Always toast before doing a shot.
3. Whoever buys the shot gets the first chance to offer a toast.
4. Change your toast at least once a month.
5. Buying someone a drink is five times better than a handshake.
6. Buying a strange woman a drink is still cool. Buying all her drinks is dumb.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Chicks with big Balls?!

no it's not what you think:
the story goes like this, a War widow gets to meet the Prez and tells him what she thinks.
Read more Here
I don't know how true it is, but wouldn't it be fun if it were.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Tomorrow I turn 33.

I can honestly say I feel older now. For a while, it didnt feel like I was aging, but that has changed. There are many ways I can tell Im getting older now; first off, I can look in the mirror and see many gray hairs. I have also noticed over time that my body isnt what it used to be. It cant take the abuse it was once capable of. These are all things that have seemingly creeped up on me too. It didnt happen overnight, but it did indeed happen.

I feel older. Almost everyday now.

Its not a bad thing, but its definitley something to note.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Run, Hit, Jump

What expression is represented here?

Run, Hit, Jump = Volume Level 9

Dictionary = Volume Level 2

Friday, August 25, 2006

Just one adventure of Frank behind the wheel!

Last Friday a few of us reminisced on one or two of Franks more note worthy driving escapades. There was of course many a tail to be told on this subject. I of course having one of my own thought I might share with all of you.

Although I do not in fact remember who besides my self and Frank was in the car on this one unique dark rainy evening. Nor do I remember where we had been or what we had been doing. I do remember the car being full! Frank possibly Eric in front and four of us in the back which is no small feet in a Trans Am. I was in the middle, a person to my right and two possibly Pat and some girl on his lap was on my left.

The fact that Bauhaus was blaring to the point of distortion out of the blue Trans Am’s speakers as we screamed though a NW suburban residential street was nothing unusual. In fact when Frank had made his left turn down Concord, I thought it was only curious and wondered just what he was up to. There were several ways into his neighbor hood and to his house, this one however was not a direct rout, it did in fact required an extra right turn. What bothered me about this scenario on this very dark rainy night was that very familiar suburban visual similarity from one street to the next. Did Frank intend on driving down Concord or did he believe us to be on Lexington the next street south and a direct rout to his house? I thought this only for a moment (because that is all the time I had) that Frank in his Bauhaus fueled fast driving trance was not actually aware of which street we were really on, and that this street unlike Lexington, has a T at the end of it! My terror was only confirmed seconds later when we finally reached this T and were not slowing at all!

I winced and tried to find a place to hide while seated on my unpadded center hump, when some one in front finally yelled FRANK! Then almost inaudibly there was a whow sound that emerged from Frank’s mouth as he seemed to react… to late? OH Crap! This is not going to end well is all I could think to my self, as we hit the curb at the T with a thud.

Some how miraculously the impact of the curb bounded us over the storm sewer that protruded 8 muffler tearing inches out of the grass on the easement. Now all we had to do was clear two large trees and a house lying beyond that, and all would be saved. With the blink of an eye and lots of slippery wet grass beneath us we were past these trees and Miraculously Frank now seemed once again in control as we made the turn avoiding a collision with the house. Frank was in fact once again flouting his driving prowess (what else would you expect from Frank). We had made it, and now all that remained was to leave a really sweet lawn job on the remaining grass which as I recall included more than one fish tail.

Moments later we were all back at Franks house, a little shaken but all laughing with exhilaration it sure made for a good laugh that night, and is just another testament to Franks legendary driving ability….albeit that is when he is paying attention!

Re instating the draft?!?!

Did you boys see this article te other day.

Sorry I'm a bit behind the time, but I've been working a lot.

Will this "Back Door Draft" lead to the real thing?
Do you think those of us with boy children need to be concerned? Mabye not Scott, Colin is a bit small.
I'm not sure I would count myself on the list of people who say the country would be a better place if we had a mandatory draft. As a matter of fact I didn't even like signing the Selective Service card when I turned 18.

Not even getting into conversation about the "just-ness" of this war, could you imagine thinking you were in the clear, and then blammo, back into the shit with you.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Random Post 08/23

And the sound effect from this official archive photo goes some thing like "muhuhawhahahaha"

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

"Men may build worlds but a people stand or fall with its women."

for our ladies

this is silly....

How to Make a Bra Purse

Stop tossing out your old bras. Instead save them and create this handy and useful Bra Purse. One made with lightweight Lyra and padded, would provide you with more stability. But any bra will do, from the smallest (make a change purse), to the largest will work just fine.!

Start by removing the straps from the cups.

Keep the cups together if you have the type of bra that allows it. If you separate the cups simply glue them back together along the wire line.

Glue the cups together to form the pouch part of the purse. This bra was slightly open cupped (deep plunge line) so it was glued up the side to form a deeper pouch.

Glue the straps back on to form the handles. This can be short or long depending on the bag style.Use the actual bra straps to keep the purse "Bra Looking" or use ribbon or a cord instead. Attach them to the top of the bra where the straps would normally sit.

If you are using a Strapless bra to make your bag, then just glue the handles into the inside edge of the cup.

Embellish the handbag by gluing on trims, ribbons and sequins to your desired style.!

Monday, August 21, 2006

stupid joke of the day

thanks to google:
A general noticed one of his soldiers behaving oddly.
The soldier would pick up any piece of paper he found, frown and say: "That's not it" and put it down again.
This went on for some time, until the general arranged to have the soldier psychologically tested. The psychologist concluded that the soldier was deranged, and wrote out his discharge from the army.
The soldier picked it up, smiled and said: "That's it."
Two Letters!

Which is the only word in the English language to be comprised of two letters, each used three times?

movie quote

"I've got something to show you." " Is it bigger than a babies arm?"

Saturday, August 19, 2006

random thoughts

when the the complete beatles music collection was released on cd, charles manson was quoted as saying from prison, "the clarity on these things is amazing. i must of had a blown speaker wire or something."
-dennis miller, the off white album

my dad watching "law and order"

Who are these fellas?

So here is a pic of the 4 OffMen who were cool enough to get together on Aug 18, 2006.

(From Left to right) Peter, Mike, Steve, Scott

Ironicly my camera was the only one there that worked. and I was willing to brave being refered to as a sissy so that the event would be memorialized for ever.

Scott & P, thanks for being gracios hosts.

And Thanks, Josh for Taking the pic.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Somestimes I think we all get caught up in the modern day politicians web and we forget how this great nation got here. Please, read on....

Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence?

Five signers were captured by the British as traitors and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons in the Revolutionary Army, another had two sons captured. Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or the hardships of the Revolutionary War.

They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor.

What kind of men were they? Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists. Eleven were merchants, nine were farmers and large plantation owners, men of means, well educated. But they signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well that the penalty would be death if they were captured.

Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter and trader, saw his ships swept from the seas by the British navy. He sold his home and properties to pay his debts, and died in rags.

Thomas McKeam was so hounded by the British that he was forced to move his family almost constantly. He served in the Congress without pay, and his family was kept in hiding. His possessions were taken from him, and poverty was his reward.

Vandals or soldiers or both looted the properties of Ellery, Clymer, Hall, Walton, Gwinnett, Heyward, Ruttledge, and Middleton.

At the Battle of Yorktown, Thomas Nelson, Jr. noted that the British general Cornwallis had taken over the Nelson home for his headquarters. The owner quietly urged General George Washington to open fire. The home was destroyed, and Nelson died bankrupt.

Francis Lewis had his home and properties destroyed. The enemy jailed his wife, and she died within a few months.

John Hart was driven from his wife's bedside as she was dying. Their 13 children fled for their lives. His fields and his grist mill were laid waste. For more than a year he lived in forests and caves, returning home to find his wife dead and his children vanished. A few weeks later he died from exhaustion and a broken heart.

Norris and Livingston suffered similar fates.

Such were the stories and sacrifices of the American Revolution. These were not wild-eyed, rabble-rousing ruffians. They were soft-spoken men of means and education. They had security, but they valued liberty more. Standing tall, straight and unwavering, they pledged: "For the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of the Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."

Bottom line is...DONT mess with a man's freedom.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Say Cheese!!!!

Will one of you guys PLEASE remember to have a camera handy when you meet up with Offmen Steve @ Scott's pad. I would love to see some pics from the nights event since I cant be there.

Thanks guys!!!!

Random Photo 08/17

Well no Offmen in this pick, how ever there is one Offmen’s very memorable ride.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

random thoughts

this rabbi walks into a bar. he has a huge frog sitting on his shoulder. the bartender says "whoa, were'd you get him." the frog says, " brooklyn, there's hundreds of 'em".

random thoughts

Communism is not compatible with human biology. That is why the communist nations were always at the brink of starvation. People need a "selfish" reason to do the basic things that society needs to be done.

Aint this Cute.....not!

Bush Hops on a Harley on Economic Tour
Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Click image to enlarge
•GOP Candidate Lynn Swann Hopes Bush Appearance Draws Donations•Bush Administration Forecasts Solid Growth, Lower Unemployment•Greenspan: Speculators Have Eased Economic Shock of High Gas Prices•Big Three Automakers Meet With Lawmakers on Capitol Hill•House Committee Approves Bill to Set Per-Gallon Mileage Target on Cars•Gas Price Gouging Vote Passes As Bush Voices Opposition to Tax Cuts•Ten States Sue Government to Raise Fuel Efficiency Standards
YORK, Pa. — President Bush hopped on a Harley-Davidson at a motorcycle factory Wednesday as he made an election-year pitch for Republican stewardship of the economy.

The president also was in Pennsylvania to raise cash for a GOP hopeful in the state's gubernatorial campaign.

Cheers and applause erupted inside the Harley-Davidson Inc. vehicle operations plant here when Bush straddled a high-end model painted blue and white and revved its engine again and again. Climbing down, he ripped off blue-tinted safety glasses that he insisted made him look like rock star Bono and jokingly struck a pose intended to show a hip side.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Bumper Sticker, seen today on the back of a crappy old Dodge Van

Don't let your mind wander
It's to little to be left alone
How to Make a Grilled Cheese Sandwich With an Iron

Is your stovetop broken? Have you just moved, and don't have your own frying pan yet? Or are you just looking for an alternative way to make a grilled cheese sandwich? Here's how to make your next lunch with an iron...
Turn on your clothes iron. Set it to its highest setting (Linen or Cotton).
Take 2 or 3 slices of bread and butter the outsides. Place slices of cheese between them.
Take a piece of aluminum foil, roughly twice the size of the sandwich. With the foil shiny-side-up on the counter or stovetop, place the sandwich on the foil and fold it over to cover it completely.
Set the hot iron flat on the foil-wrapped sandwich. This doesn't hurt the iron at all. Let it sit on the foil for about 30 seconds, then peek inside the foil to see if it's toasted. It will burn quickly.
Flip the foil packet over, repeating Step 4.
Open the foil, and flip the sandwich onto a plate. You can keep and reuse the foil several times. All you have to wash is a knife and a plate, and it takes less electricity than an electric stovetop with a frying pan.

Monday, August 14, 2006

random thoughts

it's never to late have a happy childhood.

guess who the kitty looks like....

OK guys, who does this kitty look like?

Friday, August 11, 2006

Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
Why Skid Mark Why?

After recent events, Question Mark is annoyed with his brother, Skid Mark. Skid thought it would be funny to hide Question's wallet. He told Question that he would get it back if he finds it. So, first off, Skid laid five colored keys in a row. One of them is a key to a room where Skid is hiding Question's wallet. Using the clues, can you determine the order of the keys and which is the right key?

Red: This key is somewhere to the left of the key to the door.
Blue: This key is not at one of the ends
Green: This key is three spaces away from the key to the door (2 between)
Yellow: This key is next to the key to the door.
Orange: This key is in the middle.

Steve's visit

Steve; circa 1984?

I talked with Steve last night, and Thursday the 17th is out due to a family event, however Friday the 18th is in. I will forward you the details via Email.

Bob Marley, Who the cap fit

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Everybody Loves a Nut!

We're all nuts .. can you name us?

1. Big country in South America.
2. A pod is my pad.
3. This came down in Germany.
4. Confection ingredient.
5. Sneaking a look-on.
6. Gorillas show dominance by beating this.
7. May be found in the company of a witch.

1-3 right. Sorry, you're normal.
4-5 right. I'm beginning to worry about you!
6-7 right. Definitely certifiable nut expert!

Postpone Reunion?

Hey guys. I have good news and bad news. Things are popping like crazy here for my business. I am closing on a new building on Monday to move my office to. I had a new full timer start yesterday. And I have more projects in the pipeline then I have ever had before.

That was the good news.

The bad news is that it may not be possible for me to do the Offmen Reunion in October as planned. I'll still be winging through town the following weekend, but I don't think that it will be possible for me to be in Chicago for a full week prior. I'm not certain yet, but it looks like I'll have to postpone.

Of course, I know that the reunion is in no way built around my ability to attend, so please push forward if people have already made plans. But otherwise, can we look to move it? I'll keep you posted, but maybe we could reschedule for somewhere near Christmas/New Years?

I'm really truly sorry.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Pediatricians Want Shopping Carts Redesigned

Doctors seek better shopping cart design - The Associated Press/Seattle Post-Intelligencer.

In my own opinion, aside from the fact that I believe the current popular design of shopping carts is dumb at best. See the IDEO cart as example of what could be better. The question is how safe can we make “things”? I think most people would agree that any object taken out of normal context could be dangerous by one manifest or another. However as is often is case objects have a hidden danger associated with them due to their visual semantics. IE the shopping cart; to a child these wiry chrome baskets on wheels can be easily interpreted as a jungle gym, and no matter what rules they abide by this temptation will always lurk with in these objects as we currently know them. Just look at them hundreds of pint size hand holds, shiny easy to grip tubes erected skyward, and all on WHEELS!!! Carts by there very design a perfect ergonomic fit for eager little climbers.
On the flip side, I ask when do we make “things” to safe? How do we teach our youngsters a critical value of risk and danger, when they are not active participants? I am not suggesting we let our children play as they would on carts. I am only curious as to what sort of generation we are raising when all danger is being removed from their lives. When do we reach the point when all danger is stripped from our children’s lives and they live in indestructible bunkers with soft rubber walls, where they are only allowed to sit and look at the walls for short intervals (because you don’t want any dangerous eye strain)?

another reason to hate to fly

Some of you may know that I am not a great fan of flying, wonder why?:
RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (Reuters) - A jet owned by leading Brazilian airline TAM landed safely on Tuesday after one of its doors fell off and crashed to earth next to a supermarket shortly after departure from Sao Paulo.
No one was hurt in the incident, a TAM spokeswoman said. The Fokker 100 plane with 79 people aboard en route to Rio de Janeiro returned to the airport safely 18 minutes after taking off.
TAM has been replacing its Fokker planes since the Dutch aircraft maker went bankrupt 10 years ago. It still has 22, but expects to gradually eliminate all of them by 2010.
The same type of plane, also operated by TAM, caused one of Brazil's worst air disasters in 1996. It crashed in an urban area shortly after taking off from Sao Paulo, killing about 100 people, including some on the ground.
In 1997, an explosion of undetermined origin killed a passenger who was blown out of a TAM Fokker 100 during flight. In 2001 an engine breakup on a TAM Fokker 100 caused two cabin windows to shatter and one of 82 passengers aboard died as a result of the depressurization.

You can quote me all the statistics you want, but I have never had a car door (or bike) fall on me from 150 feet in the air.
Eric, I kind of missed your current events so I figured I would post something...

she's in parties, bauhaus

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I cant believe it is already close to mid August. Pretty soon the leaves will be changing and soon after that the first frost shall appear on our lawns and cars. A short while after that, we will begin getting together Christmas lists and holiday gift ideas. Here are a few quick tips to start thinking about those very things...a few easy ways to avoid spending money!

How to Buy Nothing
People usually go to shopping malls for fun, but in the end, they buy stuff that they do not actually need. Obviously, this is a waste of one's own resources and therefore is not good for one's own self. Here are some simple ways on how to avoid buying things you don't need.

Leave the money at home. The easiest way of not buying anything is simply not to take any cash, credit cards, or anything of the sort with you.
Go with some friends. Enjoy yourselves so much that you don't even feel like buying anything. This may not seem easy.

Avoid shopping malls altogether, if possible. Find other places to hang out where there are not so many spending temptations.

Before buying something, ask yourself if you can get it for free through avenues such as Freecycle or Craigslist, whether you can trade something you already have for it, or whether it can be borrowed.

If you are roaming around alone, keep yourself engrossed in yourself so that you don't focus on your surroundings. Concentrate on where you are going, but pay no attention to businesses like stores or restaurants.

If you see something that you think you just have to have, really study it. Stare at it for several minutes. Think of why you need it. Do you really need it? Will you die without it?
Presidential Scrambler 5

Unscramble the words below and follow the directions in parenthesis. Unscramble the new letters to get the name of a former U.S. President.

evon (take the 1st and 2nd letters)

cromaeviw (take the 5th and 9th letters)

drigef (take the 2nd and 6th letters)

knsi (take the 1st letter)

blate (take the 1st and 4th letters)

A quote.

God created the poet, then took a handful of the rubbish that left and made three critics.

T.J. Thomas

Monday, August 07, 2006

All that Glitters

If you like pretty gems that sparkle and shine,
I invite you to dig in my virtual mine.
My first is purple, fit for a king,
My second is green where Dorothy did her thing.
My third is red, July's birthstone as well,
My fourth is seen in strings and is found inside a shell.
My fifth is hard, pure Carbon and expensive to buy,
My sixth is Crocidolite, striped like the big cat's eye.
Seventh is two words, a man-made fake of April's stone,
Eighth is very dark and found at Lightning Ridge alone.
Now take from each gem, one letter in its turn,
And you will find the stuff for which even the gods yearn

Sunday, August 06, 2006

For you PJ, since you used to reside in FLA. Did you ever go through one or not?

How to Prepare for a Hurricane

Hurricane Francis
Hurricane season (usually lasting from June 1 through November 30) can be a nerve wracking time for everyone. Not only for those whose homes are in the path of one, but for families and relatives alike who may worry about those people. Preparedness is not just necessary, but having a plan will help you and your loved ones keep their peace of mind during this stressful time.

Throughout the Year
Keep a Hurricane Preparedness Kit packed (see "Things You'll Need"). This assures that you will lessen the amount of things you'll have to do when the time comes. Also, items such as batteries are easier to find when everyone else isn't panicking. (Hint: Keep batteries in the fridge for longest life.) As a bonus, if any other event, such as a fire occurs, you'll be prepared for that as well.

Create a "take box". The take box should have everything you need to reconstruct your life in the event you evacuate and everything is lost. Passports; birth, wedding, adoption, divorce, and armed service separation certificates; copies of insurance policies; mortgage information; house and car title; large purchase receipts. You get the idea. If you have a scanner, save yourself space and heartbreak by scanning family albums and images of other keepsakes, burn those to CD and keep a copy in your take box.

Discuss and practice a disaster plan with your family. One of the most important lessons from hurricane Katrina to make sure everyone in the family knows who to contact (and how to contact them) as an out of area contact. Make sure kids know enough information so that an adult can get in touch with that person should sudden evacuation be necessary when you aren't near them. Practice this, and make other back up plans. This can be as involved as you like, but keep in mind the ages and temperaments of individuals to assure everything runs smoothly in the event you have to evacuate immediately. See Tips below for examples on how to do a run-through.
Keep in touch with friends and family that are out of the potential disaster area,and make arrangements to stay with them, in case you have to evacuate.
Assure that insurance matters are kept up to date. Note: most regular home insurance does not include flood coverage in the policy, so you'll have to buy this separately.
Word Jumble 2 - Greek Mythological Creatures

Unscramble the words below, then take the letters from each word as instructed to form another word that is the answer to this teaser:

AXRET Take letters 1 & 4
MBGHUU Take letters 1 & 3
ENCLAC Take letters 1 & 2
NIILST Take letter 5

Unscramble the letters you collected... what do you get?

Saturday, August 05, 2006

how to...

For the white trash in all of us.....

How to Make a Duct Tape Wallet
Everybody needs a wallet, right? If you have a taste for the unconventional, or you're simply a stubborn do-it-yourselfer, then whip out that roll of duct tape and make your own wallet!


Rip a strip of tape at least 8.5 inches in length and place it sticky side up on your working surface.
Rip a second piece of equal length and place sticky side down halfway over the first strip. Fold the rest of the strip facing up over the second strip.

Flip over the two strips and place a third strip sticky side down covering the remaining sticky part of the second strip. Flip the sheet again and continue extending the size of the sheet until you've created a large sheet of duct tape that is 8.5 inches by 7 inches.

Trim the edges.

Fold the wallet in half and tape the sides to create a large pocket to hold bills.

To create credit or business card pockets, make another sheet that's 4 by 3.5 inches.

Fold 1.5 inches over. To create two more pockets, repeat the step above and then tape the two pieces together, taping the second pocket a little lower on top of the first piece.

Tape the edges of the pockets and then tape the whole piece to the large pocket. To create another pocket, leave the inside part untaped.

Make a sheet of tape (as in the first step) larger than your ID card. Cut the sheet so the outside part of the frame is slightly larger than the height and width of the ID. Cut the inside .5 centimeters (big enough so you can see you picture and info, but small enough so the ID can't fall through the opening). Now trim the outside so it is slightly larger in all directions than your ID. Tape three sides of this window to the inside of your wallet, or on top of the credit card holder. It'll take a some trial and error to get it right, but it will be a great addition to the wallet. When you're done, the ID should be able to slide into the untaped side of the holder, and once in, not fall through the open window.

Tape the completed pocket to the large pocket and again, you can create an extra pocket if you wish by leaving the inside part untaped.
Listen Closely

Assuming you can't steal an animal's sense of hearing, or use an electrical device, what would you need in order to hear a pin drop from over 20 yards?

Friday, August 04, 2006

it ain't me, babe

So, I googled my self today, the top 2 hit's were me (here, and, then # 4 was a link to a prespaterian priest of all things, in Australia.
another tech question, How can I make it so that my "blogger" profile doesn't come up when someone googles my name. It would be problematic if my team-members found some of my rants here.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

When will it END?

Since we havea few members scattered across the Country, I am quite curious to know what kind of crazy ass gas prices you are paying for...

Here is Springfield, as of this evening, it was 3.39/gallon!!!!!

Computer help!

So i'm trying to learn from Eric's mistake (sorry to remind you, it's probably still a little painful) and back up my computer files (including music and pic's).
Is there an efficient (read: idiot prrof) way to do this? the Windows web site says that XP pro doesn't back up to CD RW (I learned this after erasing disks to make room, DUH)
I'm loathe to buy an external drive, or even a zip drive cause I would rather spend my money on beer (or back to school clothes)
Help please.

You know you wanna try it...

....or at least let the kids have a go at it;

How to Throw a CD
Throwing a CD can be a fun activity, and a fun way to amaze your friends. It's an activity meant to waste time, like throwing darts.

First, get a CD and an open space (preferably outdoors).

Next, you take the CD in your hand and bend it back so it is touching your wrist.

Then, bend back your arm so the CD is touching your collar bone.

After that, extend your arm with great thrust and release the CD. It should fly a long distance.

Make sure you fling your wrist, this will make the CD go much farther.
Throwing a CD is much like throwing a frisbee, just a lot smaller.
Kennel Madness

7 dogs were boarding at the local Pet Lodge. Each dog was in a separate run, all in a single row. One of the employees left the cages unlocked and the dogs have all gotten out of their runs. She needs to put each of them back in the right cage, but this is all she remembers. Help her get them in the right cages, and QUICK!

Dogs: Beau, Duke, Fluffy, Lady, Princess, Rover, and Spike

1. Spike doesn't like other dogs much, so he was on one of the ends.

2. Princess was somewhere to the left of Beau.

3. Rover was in the third run from the right.

4. The only dog between Fluffy and Lady was Princess.

5. Duke was directly to the left of Lady.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Add together each of the defined words to get a whole new word.

Example: to shout + what you say when you feel pain = a color = yellow.

1) A light brown color + to leave = a dance.

2) A store's announcement + a type of women's clothing = a building's location.

3) A vehicle + an animal pal = a floor covering.

4) The ocean + a father's boy = part of the year.

5) Another name for dad + a yellow veggie = a white fluffy snack.

Drugs Suck

If any of you followed the Tour deFrance,
Floyd may have cheated
this sucks.
A great build up to the race, a strong rider does well, has a shit day, then comes from way behind to win the thing.
I hope it turns out he didn't cheat.

the hand that feeds, NIN

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Right Switch

In front of you are three light switches. Only one does anything, and it turns on the light downstairs. From here you can't see the light, and it makes no sound. You must determine which switch operates the light, BUT you can only go check it once. How do you figure out which switch is for the light?

Patience is a virtue.

Offmen Steve’s impending visit

We are only a few weeks out so we best get our acts together and make some plans! I propose a general boys night here at my place in Elgin. I’m thinking Thursday August 17th or Friday the 18th does any one have a preference? Use of my garage, or patio is free of course, and refreshments bought in bulk are always a big cost savings compared to a licensed drinking establishment. Any thoughts?