Friday, September 29, 2006

What they did get done.....

Congress Actions at a Glance

Friday September 29, 2006 10:31 PM

By The Associated Press

Congress tried to wrap up its work Friday to leave for five weeks of campaigning before the midterm elections. Some actions:

- Congress sent President Bush a bill allowing military commissions to prosecute terrorism suspects with legislation that also spells out violations of the Geneva Conventions.

- The Senate sent Bush a $448 billion defense spending bill that includes $70 billion for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

- Congress worked toward finishing a nearly $35 billion homeland security spending bill, which included an overhaul of the Federal Emergency Management Agency and $1.2 billion for increased border fencing to discourage illegal immigrants.

- Lawmakers tried to wrap up negotiations on a bill increasing security at ports, regarded since the Sept. 11 attacks as particularly vulnerable targets for terrorism.

- The Senate prepared to vote Friday and send the president a bill prohibiting anyone but a parent from taking a girl across state lines to obtain an abortion.

- The Senate authorized a $1.5 billion program to create new national heritage areas and tourism projects.

off to Texas

so.... starting on sunday you may or may not notice a slight reducton in my posts until friday cause check out where my company is sending me for a week.
we just opened this hotel/restaurant and they need a little help, so I get to go.
hee haw.
it's also conveniently located not to far from my mom so it'll be nice to see her. as most of you know she is pretty sick so visits from her kids are always a bright spot.
Unfortunatly I don't own a lap top computer (or a blackberry) so I'm not sure how often I'll get unrestricted access to the WWW.
I'll be around for a few more days so see you on the blog.

django, rancid

Thursday, September 28, 2006

had to post this, not sure why....

Chess Player Says Opponent Behaved Suspiciously


The match for the world chess championship taking place in Elista, the capital of the Russian republic of Kalmykia, took a bizarre turn today as one side — in this case, and unsurprisingly, the player who is trailing — accused the other of suspicious behavior during the games and threatened to quit.

On a day in which no game was played, Silvio Danailov, the manager of Veselin Topalov of Bulgaria, sent a letter to the appeals committee of the match detailing what he said were an excessive number of bathroom breaks — more than 50 per game — by Vladimir Kramnik of Russia.

The letter stopped short of accusing Mr. Kramnik of cheating, presumably by getting the assistance of a computer, but it noted that there was no surveillance equipment in the private bathrooms used by the players and it demanded that both players be required to use a public restroom from now on and then only when accompanied by a match referee.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Have a drink on me!

MINNEAPOLIS — A 14-year-old boy was arrested after his 3-year-old sister was found passed out drunk from hard liquor at a home, police said.

The girl was unconscious when she was taken to a hospital after her sister called police Monday night, police spokesman Lt. Greg Reinhardt said. "The child could have easily died," he said.

She was recovering and had been released to a children's home by Wednesday morning.

The girl's teenage brother was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of child endangerment, Reinhardt said. He said neglect or abuse appeared to have caused the girl's condition, rather than accidental alcohol poisoning.

Police would not release further details on the boy and any court proceedings because he is a juvenile

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Strange Collection...

Which is the odd one out?

Nothing is getting done because I am stuck playing this game!!!

I know we don’t often do links here on OMI, and you might just curse my name after wasting time with this one… As of today I have killed over 20 minutes of my life already trying to get him do a loop.

Line Rider is a game where you draw lines, and then this little guy on a sled slides down them.

Monday, September 25, 2006

With regards to my post on 09/15

Our two weeks of vacation finally over and I cannot for the life of me remember the last time I had two weeks away from any thing… since high school? If your interested I have some photos to share, these are of a storm that rolled through one evening and into the next morning.

How to....

How to Act Crazy

You never know what situation might call for you to act completely wild. Maybe you need a day off, or maybe your relationship is bad and you need an out. Whether you're acting for stage or film, or just acting for the effect, here's how to pull off looking crazy without actually going nuts.

Always reply, no matter what you have just done, that you are "okay" or "fine." Repeating this over and over at various volumes of voice can really enhance your effect. Never say "I feel crazy." That is a dead giveaway.
Be subtle. Don't overdo it. Instead of screaming swear words at people and claiming to be "seeing" things, maybe talk in a low whisper and look at "someone" next to you who isn't there. Imagine that the person is 2 feet tall and blue with green polka dots--but never reveal that.

Pick a theme. If you are all over the place, anyone with a minimum amount of education will be able to discern that you are acting out too many diagnosable maladies, outing you instantly. Pick one central theme and stick with it - people are after you or talking about you, or you are capable of some superhuman ability (e.g. hearing thoughts, seeing pictures in dogs' minds, reading the future using alphabet soup). Keep it consistent and again, subtle. Don't go overboard or be comedic.

Don't appear harmful. This is important. Don't threaten yourself, nor anyone else. Should superhuman ability be part of your "psychosis," make it be super speed or smell; flying will only make people think you're a jumper. Anything you do that violates this rule can get you locked up; you don't want that--it's a bad way to spend your free time.

Avoid using any psychological terms. Don't say words like "psychosis" or "delusion" because - let's face it - if you have a clear understanding of those afflictions - you're probably not afflicted by them. Although, some mentally ill individuals may know what these terms are, they are usually are in treatment and on medication, therefore, stable, which is something you want to avoid when acting crazy.
Wait for the desired effect. Don't make it apparent that you want to go home or need something for what is going on with you. If you are doing a good job, what you want will be suggested in due time. You will know this is happening when someone says "Do you need to lie down?" or "Maybe you should head home for the day."

Sunday, September 24, 2006

More Politics to talk about...

Congress Winds Down, but Much Is Left Undone

Published: September 25, 2006
WASHINGTON, Sept. 24 — A Congress derided as do-nothing has a week to do something, and the prospects are cloudy.

Go to Election GuideMore Politics NewsProcrastination, power struggles and partisanship have left Congress with substantial work to finish before breaking for the elections. The fast-approaching recess and the Republican focus on national security legislation make it inevitable that much of the remainder will fall by the wayside.

At best, it appears that just 2 of the 11 required spending bills will pass, and not one has been approved so far, forcing a stopgap measure to keep the federal government open. No budget was enacted. A popular package of business and education tax credits is teetering. A lobbying overhaul, once a top priority in view of corruption scandals, is dead. The drive for broad immigration changes has derailed.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

In The News.....

PARIS, France (CNN) -- Osama bin Laden has a water-borne illness, a Saudi intelligence source told CNN on Saturday, a report that conflicts with an article in a French newspaper saying that the al Qaeda leader is dead.

The Saudi intelligence source told CNN's Nic Robertson that there have been credible reports for the past several weeks that bin Laden is ill, but there has been no word of his death.

The questions came in response to the publication of a report in the French regional newspaper L'Est Republicain on Saturday.

The article cited a confidential French foreign intelligence document dated September 21 in which a source said the Saudis had received confirmation that bin Laden died of typhoid in Pakistan on August 23.

So, what do you guys think? If he is dead, does it really matter?

Friday, September 22, 2006

Mark's Rag

Anybody take a minute to click on the links on the right side of our blog lately?
Mark has a pretty cool blog going for him.
Well written and reasearched.
Good job Mark

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Fall is here!

Fall officially starts tomorrow...tomorrow night I think....

So I ask you all this...

Hows the weather? Notice any changes yet? It has been chilly here over the past few days.

Ive always liked fall. It puts me in a very reflective mood and it starts to set my body up for the hibernation time known as winter.

Whats does fall mean to you besides raking leaves?

Its also weird to think that Scott and I set up this blog in January. Its getting close to being almost a year old now! Its great to have you all here.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

In The News.....

Published: September 20, 2006
With the midterm elections less than seven weeks away, Americans have an overwhelmingly negative view of the Republican-controlled Congress, with substantial majorities saying that they disapprove of the job it is doing and that its members do not deserve reelection, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.

New York Times/CBS News Poll IndexThe disregard for Congress is the most intense it has been since 1994, when Republicans captured 52 seats to end four decades of Democratic control of the House and retook the Senate as well. It underlines the challenge the Republican Party faces in trying to hold onto power in the face of a surge in anti-incumbent sentiment.

By overwhelming margins, respondents said that members of Congress were too tied to special interests and that they did not understand the needs and problems of average Americans. Two-thirds said Congress had accomplished less than it typically does in a two-year session; most said they said they could not name a single major piece of legislation that cleared this Congress. Just 25 percent said they approved of the way Congress was doing its job.

And now for something completly different.

A further addition to my facination with the Crazy world of the WWW.

this is truly bizare

The site sort of speaks for it's self, but...

I found the link on a site called the drunk cyclist, which features all sorts of interesting stuff it's not all about cycling, and drinking. (I don't look at this site when the kids are around, hint, hint). There are links to games, political comentary, and "art sites"

suicide girls talk radio pod cast

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Political Jargon

CHICAGO — When it comes to talking about the job of president, Sen. Barack Obama would rather talk about how others have done it.

In an interview with FOX News, the Illinois Democrat sidestepped questions about a possible campaign for the office in 2008 even as he acknowledged that many voters have already questioned him on a possible run.

Obama, who just returned from a tour of Africa, including Kenya where his father was born, spoke only vaguely about his plans for the future. Asked if he would be running for the presidency in 2008, he instead chose to talk about the current election year, in which he is helping Democrats on the campaign trail.

"I'm just focused on November 2006 and trying to make sure we get a majority in the Senate," said the freshman senator elected in 2004. "The day after I was elected for Senate, somebody asked me the same question. I said I wasn't running at the time, and so far there's been nothing to change my mind."

Sunday, September 17, 2006

This is interesting...

Published: September 18, 2006
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 17 — Researchers plan to announce on Monday that they have created a silicon-based chip that can produce laser beams. The advance will make it possible to use laser light rather than wires to send data between chips, removing the most significant bottleneck in computer design.

As a result, chip makers may be able to put the high-speed data communications industry on the same curve of increased processing speed and diminishing costs — the phenomenon known as Moore’s law — that has driven the computer industry for the last four decades.

The development is a result of research at Intel, the world’s largest chip maker, and the University of California, Santa Barbara. Commercializing the new technology may not happen before the end of the decade, but the prospect of being able to place hundreds or thousands of data-carrying light beams on standard industry chips is certain to shake up both the communications and computer industries.

Lasers are already used to transmit high volumes of computer data over longer distances — for example, between offices, cities and across oceans — using fiber optic cables. But in computer chips, data moves at great speed over the wires inside, then slows to a snail’s pace when it is sent chip-to-chip inside a computer.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Jury duty, yippie yahoo muther f'er

So, a little update in the world of Peter.
I just got called for jury duty (again) this time after 5 hours of sitting around in a large room and listening to bad daytime TV with a bunch of other "citizens".
We (about 25 of us) got called to a trial.
After 4 rounds of calling and dismissing potential jurors, I got picked, #14.
Which means I got to go back the next day.
With a defence attorney who acted like a older version of Matlock.
And a prosecuting team that couldn't have been out of school for more then a few weeks.
And a judge who seems to think he is in TV.
it was a real treat.
Objection.. here... Move for a misTrial there.
And don't forget potty breaks for the old man's prostate.
Really bad coffee, and cheap doughnuts for breakfast and Crappy Pizza for lunch. a Witness that no one can find, and a police video that needed to be sent for.
Not to mention the know it all juror, and the we Shouldn't be talking about this but...
A trial, about a dip-shit who decided to drive on Suspended licence, he had a Restricted Drivers Permit to drive for work.
Unfortunatly his work is Real Estate Sales, he was caught out @ 9 pm.... the cop was a egotistical putz. who put this dude into custody without reading him his rights, and while he was filling out paper work in the car. somone reached into the defendants car and stole some crap.
Did I mention that I was the "Alternete" juror, which means I got to sit through this crap and not even pass judgment on the case..... and speaking of passing judgemment. there was a guy who said he couldn't serve on the jury cause it's against his relegion to pass judgement on his fellow man, when the Judge asked him what relegion he is..... Catholic..... the judge was visibly surprised.

the spamalot soundtrack with the original cast

Roll Call

OK, PJ has been here as of late and so have I. We also have seen Steve pop in and we know Scott is out there....somewhere.

That leads to this;

Where is everyone else?


Head count.....

random thoughts

conspire (kon spir')vi -spired', spiring' 1) to plan together secretly, esp. to commit a crime 2) to work together for a any purpose or effect.

conspiracy (kon spir' a se) n. 1) a conspiring 2) an unlawful plot 3) a conspiring group.

lost chirstmas eve, trans-siberian orchestra

oh yea, diebold was in the news again today.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Reading OMI blog on wife’s blackberry not so easy!

As you might have guessed I have not been at my normal work station for over a week now. My base of operations for last week as well as the next will unfortunately keep me from participating with all of you as often as I normally refresh. As my wireless surfing speed is a mere 119 kbs… How easily I have forgotten that I have been a spoiled child with high-speed access for quite some time now. Just wanted to let you know where I was.

! Rock and Roll !

In an effort to "organise" my I Tunes music collection.
I put "rock and roll sub genres" into my google search bar, and among the results was this fairly cool and expansive WikiPedia list.
I thought is was fun enough to share.

not terribly helpful for my needs but whatever.

lyn bramer, xrt radio host

Thursday, September 14, 2006

this shit makes me giggle every damn time I open it. Turn your sound on too.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

from FOX News.

Sept. 11 Creates New Lexicon
Monday, September 11, 2006
By Michael Y. Park

Maybe you hear it when your co-workers mock the office manager, who's declared a “jihad” on the petty theft of office supplies. Or, it could be your grandmother, who's still at “Sept. 10” when it comes to accepting your divorce and pretty much still wears a “burqa” to the beach.

Though linguistics experts disagree on exactly how powerful an effect the attacks of Sept. 11 and the War on Terror had on American English, it's clear in everyday speech that the terrorist-driven tragedy and the years of conflict that have followed have added a long list of words to our language.

“It was a powerful event, and it had far-reaching consequences for our society afterward, like the changes in security and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq,” said John McCarthy, professor of linguistics at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. “These all had their further effects on the language, because it wasn't just one day, it was years, and it's still going on.”

The one phrase that nearly everyone agrees will be a permanent addition to the dictionary is the very term we use to refer to the 2001 terrorist attacks — 9/11, pronounced “nine-eleven,” along with its permutations, like “Sept. 11," post-9/11” and “pre-9/11."

It refers both to the actual date of the attacks, the attacks themselves, the concept of a world-changing event and a whole slew of other associated meanings, and was used as early as Sept. 12, 2001.

“It's an all-encompassing term, meaning all of the planes that were involved,” said Grant Barrett, a vice president of the American Dialect Society and editor of “The Official Dictionary of Unofficial English,” “The Oxford Dictionary of American Political Slang” and project editor of the “Historical Dictionary of American Slang.”

“It's such a vague shorthand and draws up emotions of anger, fear and uncertainty, a sense of vengeance, shame even. And yet if you need to define '9/11' you can briefly say 'the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001,' but there's so much more there.”
How to avoid being a blog junkie....I kinda am.

How to Dissuade Yourself from Becoming a Blogger
What a buzz all the bloggers are making these days! It seems like just about everybody is pouring their musings into a text box. Are you feeling tempted to start a blog of your own? Here are some ways to bypass the trend.

Find five completely random blogs, and read them daily for a month. After thirty days, you will absolutely dread your self-imposed requirement to read all that dreck. Any blog you create will most likely be on par with what you've been reading. Don't put anyone through that.
Consider that your voice, even if it is truly a good one, is a tiny peep against the massive wave of tripe out there. The odds of anyone you don't already know finding your blog are low.
Write on a regular basis in Wordpad instead. If that doesn't satisfy your urge, and you feel that you must post your blog online, then you might just be craving attention and validation--which you'll never truly find in a blog. If you give up on your Wordpad journal after about three days, you'll do the same with a blog that just takes up server space.
Ask yourself if you really have the time to commit to a blog. What about that treehouse you wanted to build? Or the book you wanted to write? Or the car you wanted to fix up? Or the restaurant you wanted to take your wife to? Or the new career you wanted to pursue? Instead of writing about pretty much nothing, or whining about all the things you wish you were doing instead, start doing something that'd actually be worth writing about. And if it's really worth writing about, you'll be having too much fun doing it to tear yourself away from it.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

has anyone ever checked this site out? SOme of the questions are silly and some are somewhat serious. Its pretty interesting to see what others out there are asking.
For you guys lucky enough to be in a solid relationship right now, here was how tos way of keeping romance alive within your on.

How to Maintain Romance
There is so much more involved in keeping romance alive than just candles, bubble baths, and foot massages. You each have to work at it in order to maintain and enjoy romance in your life. Here is how to feed the romantic fires in your relationship in a deep and meaningful way.
Tell the truth. Truth is the ultimate aphrodisiac and a great way to create connection with your partner. For example, you might say "I feel safe when I am with you" or "Sometimes I feel scared that we get so busy with other things that we forget about creating close moments together, but I really want to be close with you." Just share your true feelings and speak from your experience. If you are concealing in your relationship, you will not feel connected, so consider making truth an ongoing priority in your life.
Appreciate yourself and your partner. Appreciation means "to grow in value, or to be sensitively aware of." Take time to understand just what it is that you like about yourself, and your partner. Saying for example, "I am doing a good job as a parent by taking time to hug the kids in the morning before they go off to school." or "I really appreciate how dedicated you are to your job." Successful relationships have a 5 to 1 ratio of appreciations to criticisms, so if you really want to heat up your relationship, start appreciating!
Listen. All humans crave being seen and heard. Being with your partner, and really listening to them can be magical for you both. Often, we want to fix their problems, but it is much more powerful to listen. Saying, "Wow, I can understand you are frustrated." or "That must have been hard on you." lets your partner know you're hearing them.
Create romance within yourself first. We often try to "get" our partners to be more romantic,by believing we need to change them in order to have what we want. The truth is that you are much more likely to have what you want when 'you' show up in that way. For example, create your own romantic mood--dress, put on music, prepare sensuous foods, take some time to love and appreciate yourself. It will not take long for your partner to join in the fun!
Ask for what you want. Let your partner know that you are deeply interested in spending some romantic time with them (You would be surprised at how often they are unaware of this.) Whining, demanding, and manipulating are contrary to creating romance, so do your best to ask using kind and loving words.

Monday, September 11, 2006

back to the fun stuff

For those of us looking to get some scientific info. out of summer's last storms;

How to Calculate the Distance from Lightning
You know how it is: a thunderstorm is approaching, and suddenly you hear an absolutely deafening clap of thunder. Woah, that sounded close! But how close is the lightning, really? It is difficult to determine the distance of a lightning bolt just by looking at it, and the volume of the thunder isn’t a good way to tell either. Read on for a simple, potentially life-saving method you can use to approximate how far away lightning is.

Watch the sky for a flash of lightning.
Count the number of seconds until you hear thunder. If you have a watch with a second hand or a digital watch that does seconds, begin timing as soon as you see the lightning and stop as soon as you hear the thunder start. If you don’t have a watch, do your best to count the seconds accurately. Say "One one thousand" in your mind for each second.
Divide the number of seconds by five to calculate the distance in miles (or divide by 3 for kilometers). In other words if you counted 15 seconds from when you saw the lightning, the strike was 3 miles (~5 kilometers) from your location. The delay between when you see lightning and when you hear thunder occurs because sound travels much, much slower than light. Sound travels through air at about 1100-1200 feet per second — (330-350 m/s) a little more than one mile per five seconds (one kilometre per three seconds).
Seek shelter immediately if a storm is approaching.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

September 11

On this the eve of Sept. 11th, I wanted to take a few minutes to post a little something to honor the victims of that tragic day and nothing more. I am not posting this to give my odd theories on that fateful day nor am I posting this to give my opinion on who to blame.

I am posting this to send out a moment of reflection upon the thousands of lives lost from your everyday workers to your fireman and policemen.

May God bless the families left behind.


Saturday, September 09, 2006

Call me odd, weird or just plain silly, but I found this vaguely interesting.....

How to Measure the Height of a Tree

On September 7, 2006 the San Francisco Chronicle reported that researchers had just discovered a 378 foot (113 metres) tree that is probably the world's tallest living tree. If you think you can find a tree that can break that record, or just want to measure that tree in your backyard, try these techniques. These methods can also give you a good approximation of the heights not only of trees, but also of telephone poles, buildings, magic beanstalks—pretty much anything tall.
Shadow Method
Know your exact height in the shoes you will be wearing to perform this method.
Stand next to the tree or the object to be measured. For best results, do this method on a bright, sunny day. If the sky is overcast, it may be difficult to tell exactly where the shadow’s tip is
Measure the length of your shadow. Use a tape measure or yardstick to measure your shadow from your feet to the tip of your shadow. If you don’t have someone to assist you, you can mark the end of the shadow by tossing a rock onto it while you’re standing. Or better yet, place the rock anywhere on the ground, and then position yourself so the tip of your shadow is at the rock; then measure from where you're standing to the rock.

Measure the length of the tree’s shadow. Use your measuring tape to determine the length of the tree’s shadow from the base of the tree to the tip of the shadow. This works best if the ground all along the shadow is fairly level; if the tree is on a slope, for example, your measurement won’t be very accurate. You want to do this as quickly as possible after measuring your shadow, since the sun’s position in the sky (and hence the shadow length) is slowly but constantly changing. If you have an assistant you can hold one end of the measuring tape while he or she measures the tree’s shadow, and then you can immediately measure your shadow.
Calculate the tree’s height by using the proportion of your shadow’s length to your height. Since you know the length of the tree’s shadow, and you also know that a certain height (your height) produces a certain shadow length (the length of your shadow), you can determine the tree’s height with a little math. Multiply the length of the tree’s shadow by your height, and then divide the resulting number by the length of your shadow. For example, if you are 5 feet tall, your shadow is 8 feet long, and the tree’s shadow is 100 feet long, the height of the tree is (100 x 5) / 8 = 62.5 feet. Note that the order of your multiplication does not matter.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Just incase any of us come upon one somewhere, someway, somehow....

On September 4, 2006 Steve Irwin (aka "The Crocodile Hunter") tragically died when a stingray barb pierced his heart. Fortunately, stingray stings are rarely fatal. This article offers tips on how to treat a minor stingray sting when professional medical attention is not possible.

Relax. Despite the tragic death of Steve Irwin, stingray stings are rarely fatal. Stingray stings are caused by a sharp barb that transmits a protein-based venom. This venom causes extreme pain that will spike and decrease over the next several hours, and often leave cuts and abrasions at the sting site. It is common for a sting to bleed and swell.

If you experience any nausea, vomiting, muscle cramping or chills, stop reading this article and go to the nearest emergency room immediately, as this could be a sign of an allergic reaction or overdose of venom.
Expose the sting by removing any clothing around the affected area.
Soak the affected limb in the hottest water tolerable for at least an hour. Because stingray venoms are composed of heat-labile proteins, doing this will cause the alteration of the tertiary structure of the polypeptide protein molecule, resulting in the deactivation of the poison as it will no longer feature the same unique tertiary folding of the amino acid chain. This will mean that the venom will have less effect. Beach lifeguards sometimes keep buckets of hot water around the station on busy summer days - you could ask to use it. The venom will often become gel or jelly-like and ooze from the open wound--this is desired.
Wrap the wound in a makeshift bandage from any available clean, lint-free cloth soaked in hot water once the wound has stopped oozing.

Use a topical antibiotic to reduce the chance of infection and relieve pain. If the wound site shows any signs of infection, such as redness, prolonged swelling, or pus, seek medical attention immediately. Topical antibiotics are not a substitute for proper medical attention. Untreated infections can result in loss of limbs or death.
Rhyme Time

Find the synonymous word for each word in the following pair. For each pair, the words you find should rhyme with each other, the first word being an adjective and the second a noun. Some of these are easy, others are more challenging. Good luck!

For example: angry father= mad dad

sneaky insect
humorous rabbit
happy boy
muscular tune
close fright

random thoughts

Washington, D.C.- flanked by key members of congress and his administration, president Bush approved Monday a streamlined version of the Bill of Rights that pares dowm its 10 original amendments down to a "tight, no-nosense" six.
A Republican initiative that went unopposed by congressional Democrats, the revised Bill of Rights provides citizens with a "more manageable" set of privacy and due-process rights by eliminating four amendments and condensing and/or restructuring five others. The Second Amendment, which protects the right to keep and bear arms, was the only article left unchanged.
Calling the historic reduction "a victory for America," Bush promised that the new document would do away with "bureaucratic impediments to the flourishing of democracy at home and abroad."
"It is high time we reaffermed our commitment to this enduring symbol of American ideals," Bush said. "By making the Bill of Rights a tool for progress instead of a hinderance to freedom, we honor the true spirit of our nation's forefathers."
The Fourth Amendment, which long protected citizens' homes against unreasonable search and seizure, was among the eliminated amendments. Also striken was the Ninth Amendment, which stated that the enumeration of certain Constitutional rights does not result in the abrogation of rights not mentioned.
"Quite honestly, I could never get my head around what the Ninth Amendment meant anyway," said outgoing House Majority Leader Dich Armey (R-TX), one of the the leading advocates of the revised Bill of Rights. "So goodbye to that one."
Amendments V through VII, Which guaranteed the right to legal council in criminal cases, and guarded against double jeoprady, testifying against oneself, biased juries, and drawn-out trails, have condensed into Super-Amendment V: The One About Trials.
Attorney General John Ashcrofthailed the slimmed down Bill of Rights as "a positive step."
"Go up to the average citizen and ask them what's in the Bill of Rights," Ashcroft said. "Chances are, they'll have only a vague notion. They just know it's a set of rules put in place to protect their individual freedoms from government intrusion, and they assume that's a good thing."
Ashcroft responded sharply to critics who charge that the Bill of Rights no longer safeguards certain basic, inalienable rights.
"We're not taking away personal rights; we're increasing personal security," Ashcroft said. z'By allowing government control over the particulars of individual liberties, the Bill of Rights will now offer expanded persoan freedoms whenever they are deemed appropriate and unobtrusive to the activities necessary to effective operation of the federal government."
Ashcroft added that, thanks to several key additions, the Bill of Rights now offers protections that were previously lacking, including the right to be protected by soldiers quartered in one's home (amendment III), the guarantee that activities not specifically delegated to the states and people will be caried out by federal government (Amendment VI), and freedom of Judeo-Chistianity and non-combative speech (Amendment I).
According to U.S. Sen. Larry Craig (R-ID), the original Bill of Rights , though well-intentioned, was "seriously outdated."
"the United States is a different place than it was back in 1791," Craig said. "As visionary as they were, the framers of the Consitution never could have forseen, for example, that our government would one day need to jail someone indefinitely without judicial review. there was no such thing as suspicious Middle Eastern immigrants back then."
Ashcroft noted that recent FBI efforts to conduct investigations into "unusual activities" were severly hampered by the old Fourth Amendment.
"The Bill of Rights was written more than 200 years ago, long before anyone could even fathom the existance of wiretapping technology or suveillance cameras," Ashcroft said. "yet through a bizarre fluke, it was still somehow worded in such a way to restrict use of these devices. Clearly it had to go before it could do more serious damage in the future."
The president agreed.
"Any machine, no matter how well-built, perioically needs a tune-up to keep it in good working order, " Bush said. "Now that we have the bugs worked out of the ol' Constitution, she'll be purring like a kitten when Congress recovenes in January- just in time to work on a new round of counterterrorism legislation."
"Ten was just to much of a handful," Bush added. "Six civil liberties are more than enough."
-From the Onion(12/18/02), reprinted in The I Hate Republicans Reader, by Clint Willis

cryin', aerosmith

Thursday, September 07, 2006

How is he getting away with this

So, admitedly this is an MSNBC acount, and they may have a tendency to lean a little to the left. But how is our pres managing this crap.
If even 1/2 of the crap that we read about this douche is true.....

just in case the link doesn't work here is the url

xrt radio host Lyn Bramer

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Where the “F” has that posting fool of a Tippy been?

Any one, any one? What happened to the two posts a day I have come to enjoy, more than any paid periodical?

Found Eric, so rest your eyes. Thought this image might be appropriate after the last one... After reading the note on the back, I am feeling even more so.

random thoughts

Infinite: bigger than the biggest thing ever and then some. Much bigger than that in fact, really amazingly immense, a totally stunning size, real "wow, that's big," time. Infinity is just so big that by comparision, bigness itself looks really titchy. Gigantic multiplied by colossal multiplied by staggeringly huge is the sort of concept we're trying to get across here.
- Douglas Adams, the restaurant at the end of the universe.

the painful throb of yet another scorpion sting in my hand, and kittens playing with bell ridden plastic toys.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Offmen Test Page

I have created a test page parallel to our blog, as a means of debugging my crappy HTML. Please feel free to check it out and recommend changes. You will note that not all of the changes discussed are yet in place, please be patient, as they are still on my list of things to do.

Hamburger Martyr, Killdozer

Monday, September 04, 2006

Bike Car

it's cool,
It's clever,
but is it street legal?

i bleed, the pixies
Even though fall doesnt begin until the 21st, today more or less officially marks the end of summer. Are any of you happy with this?

qoute of the day

"life is full of little surprises."

(actually from Robert Asprin's "Myth Adventures")

Saturday, September 02, 2006

? CreamyGnocchi ?

hello and welcome to CreamyGnocchi.
there is probably a fun story how you came up with that screen name.

Friday, September 01, 2006

More Boozing rules

I thought I would go ahead and post more of the 86 rules of boozing. Partialy in tribute to Scott and Fred's big adventure, and partly cause I'm in the restaurant buisness, and partly 'cause I like to drink (mabye more then I should)

7. Never borrow more than one cigarette from the same person in one night.
8. When the bartender is slammed, resist the powerful urge to order a slightly-dirty, very-dry, in-and-out, super-chilled half-and-half martini with a lemon twist. Limit orders to beer, straight shots and two-part cocktails.
9. Get the bartender's attention with eye contact and a smile.
10. Do not make eye contact with the bartender if you do not want a drink.
11. Unacceptable things to say after doing a shot: Great, now I’m going to get drunk. I hate shots. It’s coming back up.
12. Never, ever tell a bartender he made your drink too strong.
13. If he makes it too weak, order a double next time. He'll get the message.
14. If you offer to buy a woman a drink and she refuses, she does not like you.
15. If you offer to buy a woman a drink and she accepts, she still might not like you.
16. If she buys you a drink, she likes you.
17. If someone offers to buy you a drink, do not upgrade your liquor preference.
18. Always have a corkscrew in your house.
19. If you don't have a corkscrew, push the cork down into the bottle with a pen.
20. Drink one girly drink in public and you will forever be known as the guy who drinks girly drinks.

I know that I have broken more then one of these rules, as I learned the subtle art of drinking like a big boy. And now I follow more of them then I should admit.