Saturday, September 16, 2006

Jury duty, yippie yahoo muther f'er

So, a little update in the world of Peter.
I just got called for jury duty (again) this time after 5 hours of sitting around in a large room and listening to bad daytime TV with a bunch of other "citizens".
We (about 25 of us) got called to a trial.
After 4 rounds of calling and dismissing potential jurors, I got picked, #14.
Which means I got to go back the next day.
With a defence attorney who acted like a older version of Matlock.
And a prosecuting team that couldn't have been out of school for more then a few weeks.
And a judge who seems to think he is in TV.
it was a real treat.
Objection.. here... Move for a misTrial there.
And don't forget potty breaks for the old man's prostate.
Really bad coffee, and cheap doughnuts for breakfast and Crappy Pizza for lunch. a Witness that no one can find, and a police video that needed to be sent for.
Not to mention the know it all juror, and the we Shouldn't be talking about this but...
A trial, about a dip-shit who decided to drive on Suspended licence, he had a Restricted Drivers Permit to drive for work.
Unfortunatly his work is Real Estate Sales, he was caught out @ 9 pm.... the cop was a egotistical putz. who put this dude into custody without reading him his rights, and while he was filling out paper work in the car. somone reached into the defendants car and stole some crap.
Did I mention that I was the "Alternete" juror, which means I got to sit through this crap and not even pass judgment on the case..... and speaking of passing judgemment. there was a guy who said he couldn't serve on the jury cause it's against his relegion to pass judgement on his fellow man, when the Judge asked him what relegion he is..... Catholic..... the judge was visibly surprised.

the spamalot soundtrack with the original cast


Mark M said...

I've only had to serve on a jury once -- lucky me. As for the Catholic guy... yeah, right (roll eyes). I've known some devout Catholics who are plenty judgmental. Does this guy think that Catholics should never practice law or become judges? Should societies never enforce their laws, since that would entail someone "passing judgment?" I'm sure this guy was just trying to find some excuse to get off the jury while still sounding noble. But in my most humble opinion, he sounds like a self-satisfied schmuck. (Oops, I think I just passed judgment!)

Sickboy said...

I never been called for jury duty thankfully, but this was a good read PJ, thanks...

dad-e~O said...

as a non catholic who married into a family of Catholics I can tell you that they pass pleanty of judgement.
this douche was just trying to get out of jury duty in the most clever way he could think of. Or mabye he just mis understood the docterines of a fairly confusing church. Chock Full O docterines.

Martin said...

I'm judgmental, but that's just because I'm an asshole. It has nothing to do with my being Catholic.

dad-e~O said...

one of my servers said in a moment of brialance said "I hope other people don't judge me the way I judge them".
Thanks Joey