Friday, September 01, 2006

More Boozing rules

I thought I would go ahead and post more of the 86 rules of boozing. Partialy in tribute to Scott and Fred's big adventure, and partly cause I'm in the restaurant buisness, and partly 'cause I like to drink (mabye more then I should)

7. Never borrow more than one cigarette from the same person in one night.
8. When the bartender is slammed, resist the powerful urge to order a slightly-dirty, very-dry, in-and-out, super-chilled half-and-half martini with a lemon twist. Limit orders to beer, straight shots and two-part cocktails.
9. Get the bartender's attention with eye contact and a smile.
10. Do not make eye contact with the bartender if you do not want a drink.
11. Unacceptable things to say after doing a shot: Great, now I’m going to get drunk. I hate shots. It’s coming back up.
12. Never, ever tell a bartender he made your drink too strong.
13. If he makes it too weak, order a double next time. He'll get the message.
14. If you offer to buy a woman a drink and she refuses, she does not like you.
15. If you offer to buy a woman a drink and she accepts, she still might not like you.
16. If she buys you a drink, she likes you.
17. If someone offers to buy you a drink, do not upgrade your liquor preference.
18. Always have a corkscrew in your house.
19. If you don't have a corkscrew, push the cork down into the bottle with a pen.
20. Drink one girly drink in public and you will forever be known as the guy who drinks girly drinks.

I know that I have broken more then one of these rules, as I learned the subtle art of drinking like a big boy. And now I follow more of them then I should admit.


Sickboy said...

I like number 15, been there quite a few times myself.

Scott said...

I never made it to #15

steve butt said...

# 8 also works for that waiter who has fifteen tables during the crazy lunch rush. try to order off of the menu and be happy if you get most of what you ordered.