Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy Happy New Year!

I just wanted to wish you all a very happy and SAFE New Years.

Another one down, huh?

So, what are your New Years plans for tonight? Anything good? Anyone heading out?

How about new year resolutions, does anyone have any?

Saturday, December 30, 2006

more hang time.....

BAGHDAD, Dec. 30 — After nearly three decades living with the brutal repression of Saddam Hussein and the violent aftermath of his overthrow by American troops, most of Iraq responded with relative calm on Saturday to the news that the former dictator had been hanged at dawn in one of the grimmest of his own execution chambers.

Death of the Iraqi Tyrant This nation of 27 million people spent much of the day crowding around TV sets to watch mesmerizing replays of a video recording that showed the 69-year-old Mr. Hussein, in what appeared to be a state of subdued resignation, being led to the gallows shortly after 6 a.m. in Baghdad by masked executioners, and having a noose fashioned from a thick rope of yellow hemp lowered around his neck.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Hangovers suck

If ringing in the New Year feels like a gong banging in your head, chances are you drank too much alcohol celebrating New Year's Eve, and you're not alone.

Scientists have studied few of the common treatments for hangovers found at your local drugstore.

However, you can avoid headaches this holiday by learning the facts about alcohol: a cup of coffee won't sober you up, popping Tylenol can be bad for your liver, and the hair of the dog will only prolong your pain.

"The severity of a hangover is related to the blood alcohol level you reach, how rapidly you drink, and the amount you drink," said Dennis Twombly, program director of the Division of Neuroscience and Behavior at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). "After the alcohol has been cleared from the system, a hangover can last for 8 to 24 hours, depending on how much you've consumed."
Granted, I would NEVER wanna mess with this guy, but he is just a world class fuck up.

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Mike Tyson was arrested early Friday on suspicion of driving under the influence and possession of cocaine after police stopped him shortly after he left a Scottsdale nightclub, police said.

The former heavyweight champion appeared in Maricopa County Superior Court in Phoenix later Friday and was ordered released without bond on a felony drug possession charge.

No alcohol was detected in his system, and a DUI-drugs charge was not filed pending toxicology tests.

Tyson, 40, will be required to submit to drug and alcohol testing and is prohibited from drinking or taking any nonprescription drugs while the case is pending.

Time to hang.....

U.S. official says execution could come tomorrow, but Iraqis are not so sure

December 29, 2006
BAGHDAD–Saddam Hussein bade two half-brothers farewell yesterday in a rare prison meeting as he awaits execution, but U.S. and Iraqi officials gave conflicting accounts of whether he would hang within days.

A senior Bush administration official said the ousted president could go to the gallows as soon as tomorrow. But Iraqi officials backed away from suggestions they'd definitely hang Saddam within a month.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Edwards Makes It Official: He's Running For President

December 28, 2006 10:50 a.m. EST

William Macklin - All Headline News Staff Reporter
New Orleans, LA (AHN) - In an appearance on NBC's "Today Show" early Thursday, former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards admitted what anyone vaguely familiar with the electoral process already knew: he wants to be president.

"I'm here to announce I'm a candidate for president of the United States," said Edwards, a Democrat and his party's 2004 vice-presidential candidate. "I've reached my own conclusion that this is the best way to serve my country."

Standing in the early morning light in a Katrina-ravaged neighborhood in New Orleans, Edwards formalized his campaign after months of cat-out-the-bag leaks that left little doubt as to his intentions. As he spoke about his desire to reduce the number of troops in Iraq and tackle other problems ranging from global warming to health care, his campaign was already in full swing on the internet, where for months Edwards has been posting blogs and raising money on his "One America" website.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The joy of music.....

OK, I know I have asked this of you in the past Scott, but since we have had so many new Offmen pop up on here since then I ask again. I also ask that you add your few to the pile again Scott!

If you had to pick 5 or 10 songs of the past that would help you to build you an Offmen soundtrack, what would they be?

I am building a new library of songs for my new MP3 player and I need your help.


Thats why they taste so darn good!!!!!

Over the course of its four-month life span, the average commercially bred domestic turkey is fed two pounds of antibiotics, sedatives and other growth enhancing drugs.

This makes me wanna think twice come next Thanksgiving. Its pretty amazing to think what they add to our food. Granted, Ill still eat has always made me wonder as to why you see so many young kids develop so early....makes me wonder if all the hormones they add to our food is playing a large part in this. Its just not right seeing an 8th grade boy stand nearly 6 feet tall or some 11 year old girl having boobs bigger than your wife or girlfriend, you know?

You cant help but notice. Its kinda freaky.
Great Place

I am seen through many eyes.
Even the blind see me.
Through me, nothing is impossible.
Many stories come from within me.
Time can hold still, or move at the speed of light.
The unthinkable comes to life in me.
I am a wondrous world full of life, or even death.
Love can rule, and hate fades out of the picture.
Peace can be found throughout and no wars.
It is within me where only I can control; no one else can.
I am a place that no one can take from you.

What am I?

In the news.....RIP.

RANCHO MIRAGE, California (CNN) -- Former President Gerald Ford, who became president in 1974 after the resignation of Richard Nixon, died Tuesday at age 93.

Ford, the oldest surviving former U.S. president, died peacefully at 6:45 p.m. PT (9:45 p.m. ET) Tuesday at his home in Rancho Mirage, California, according to a statement from his office. The cause of death was not given.

A statement from Ford's wife, Betty, said: "My family joins me in sharing the difficult news that Gerald Ford, our beloved husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather has passed away at 93 years of age. His life was filled with love of God, his family and his country."

Monday, December 25, 2006

In the music world.....

A true pioneer.....

James Brown, the ‘Godfather of Soul’, Dies at 73

Published: December 25, 2006
James Brown, the singer, songwriter, bandleader and dancer, who indelibly transformed 20th-century music, died early today at Emory Crawford Long Hospital in Atlanta, where he been admitted on Saturday with pneumonia, his agent, Frank Copsidas, said. Mr. Brown was 73 years old and lived in Beech Island, S.C., near the Georgia border.

Gifts Galore?

So, what did everyone get for Christmas?

I gots me a new pair of jeans, an MP3 player, a new electric razor and some new boxers.

What did you get?

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Dad e O Update

so life here in AH has been a thrill a minute lately, thought I would update you boys to let you know why my postings have been so erratic (and a little salty).

-I got a new boss, the guy I 've been working with for the last 5 years has moved on, and I am not ready to GM my own place yet so we brought in a Lady to take the helm, there has been some shifting of responsibilities and some policy changes. And of course I take a little time to get used to so that can be a little trying. All this happening in December after a difficult year is bad timing. Some soul searching is/was inorder to decide whether or not I want to be part of the new regime. I'm gonna stick it out since the boys get hungry when I'm out of work.
-Tiff also is doing a little soul searching, she has been experiencing some trouble getting used to her new responsibilies at her job.
-My brother Scott (Middle brother) is in town (Rockford, doing Managment training with a major national Steak House Chain) and I have to deal with some long squelched familial emotions.
-Max is sick on Christmas!! poor little dude is having Vomit and Diariah.
-Jake is getting a little big for his britches if ya know what I mean.
-We are getting ready to go down and visit my Mom in Dallas, she hasn't seen the boys in a few years.
-Oh yea, my Dad's wife died of lung cancer, kinda lame
-On a brighter note, this summer I hung some flyers in a couple of local buisness offering to overhaul bikes in my garage, and I just got a call from one of them. This dude wanted me to put together his brand new Felt Tri bike ($1200, online), and overhaul a Schwinn tandem. so I threw together this bike in a couple of hours and made $50, he takes in home, and comes back 2 hours later saying he cant get the gears to shift. OK, lets check it out, it worked when he left. Turns out he just didn' t know how to use his fancy index shifting 20 speed shifters, there's 2 levers dude, one for down shifts, one for up. this is why I love my old school friction shifters. easy and intuitive.
- I did reach my milage goal this year (1500 miles pedaled) but I was hoping to ride a century (100 miles in a day) which didn't happen (sad face)
-I got to spend some quality on line and face time with old friends!
-I've been happily married for over 12 years, and going strong, Iwould like a piece if the bets that were placed against our marriage lasting. I and despite my grumblings I do have two wonderfull kids,

That being said:
All and All, I am very glad this year is coming to a close, it has had some very distinct up and downs. I'm ready for a new start in '07

Merry Christmas Boys, I'm gonna lift one (or 2) to you all and to your loved ones.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

One Offmen's Film Review "Borat"

I have to admit this was not a movie on my list of “must see um’s”… but then as late I really don’t have one any how. So last night, at the last minute my wife secured baby sitting and requested that we get out and see a movie. Our choice Borat fit out film watching parameters in two ways, one it was starting a reasonable hour, and two it was short 81 minutes (which allowed me to get home and in bed before 10pm).

Any-hoo, my expectations were like so, sure I would laugh now and again, but some of the clichés were really going to annoy me. Was I off target, not really how ever I was taken aback to the depth and degree on some of the digs this movie made on some rather unsuspecting characters. To be honest there were many points in this movie when I felt a little uncomfortable with the content. For me it was not so funny to see these unscripted characters teased and hoodwinked on such a personal level. Shortly after my wife and I left the theater I was still in WTF mode, and then it dawned on me. These poor bastards (the films unscripted characters) who where mocked and teased so unshamefully, all signed release forms…. And so with that thought in mind I nearly giggled my self to sleep last night.

In the end you would have to say I was a little slow on the uptake. So would I recommend this movie? Sure any of the Offmen would enjoy this movie… just don’t take your mom, or your children!

Merry Christmas!

I wanna take this little time to wish each and every Offmen that visits this blog a very Merry Christmas. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend and that you are able to spend some quality time with your loved ones.

I cant believe 2006 is all but over, can you?

Happy Holidays brothers!!!

Eric =)

Another mile stone for boner.....

DUBLIN, Ireland — Irish rocker and humanitarian Bono will become a knight of the British empire — but the U2 frontman won't be called "Sir."

Britain confirmed Saturday Bono will receive his honorary knighthood from the British ambassador to Ireland, David Reddaway, in a Dublin ceremony shortly after New Year's Day.

The Dubliner, whose real name is Paul Hewson, won't be entitled to use the title "Sir" because he is not a national of Britain or the Commonwealth of former British colonies.

A spokesman said the 46-year-old singer was flattered by the honor and hoped it will help him open diplomatic doors in his campaign for more Western aid to Africa.

Friday, December 22, 2006

The (Holiday) Random Photo 12/22

I found this one in an old file a few months ago, and thought I would save it for a special day. Merry Christmas every one, hope these holidays all find you well.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

More troops, this is insanity!!!

Washington, December 20, 2006

President George W Bush on Wednesday said he is inclined to believe that there is a need to permanently increase in the strength of the United States Army and the Marine Corps in Iraq, maintaining that securing a peaceful future required a sustained commitment from the American people and the military.

At the year-end press conference, Bush said that he did not disagree with the notion of lighter armed forces as pushed for by former Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld but that one had to factor in the long term threats of extremists and radicals.

"One of my top priorities during this war is to ensure that our men and women wearing the uniform have everything they need to do their jobs. This war on terror is the calling of a new generation. It is the calling of our generation. Success is essential to securing a future for peace for our children and grandchildren. And securing this peaceful future is going to require a sustained commitment from the American people and our military," he said.

strong, strong weed.....

LAZARO CARDENAS, Mexico — Soldiers trying to seize control of one Mexico's top drug-producing regions found the countryside teeming with a new hybrid marijuana plant that can be cultivated year-round and cannot be killed with pesticides.

Soldiers fanned out across some of the new fields Tuesday, pulling up plants by the root and burning them, as helicopter gunships clattered overhead to give them cover from a raging drug war in the western state of Michoacan. The plants' roots survive if they are doused with herbicide, said army Gen. Manuel Garcia.

"These plants have been genetically improved," he told a handful of journalists allowed to accompany soldiers on a daylong raid of some 70 marijuana fields. "Before we could cut the plant and destroy it, but this plant will come back to life unless it's taken out by the roots."

I wonder what this shit is like smoked? I wonder if it has hit the US yet and what a half ounce goes for?

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

And now for something else.

Compliments of a History Channel Daily E-Mail: this day in history: It's a little long but....sorry about the format sucking. edited for length, but you remember, right?.
1998 : President Clinton impeached

After nearly 14 hours of debate, the House of Representatives approves two articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton, charging him with lying under oath to a federal grand jury and obstructing justice. Clinton, the second president in American history to be impeached, vowed to finish his term.
In November 1995, Clinton began an affair with Monica Lewinsky, a 21-year-old unpaid intern. Over the course of a year and a half, the president and Lewinsky had nearly a dozen sexual encounters in the White House. In April 1996, Lewinsky was transferred to the Pentagon. That summer, she first confided in Pentagon co-worker Linda Tripp about her sexual relationship with the president. In 1997, with the relationship over, Tripp began secretly to record conversations with Lewinsky, in which Lewinsky gave Tripp details about the affair.
In December, lawyers for Paula Jones, who was suing the president on sexual harassment charges, subpoenaed Lewinsky. In January 1998, allegedly under the recommendation of the president, Lewinsky filed an affidavit in which she denied ever having had a sexual relationship with him. Five days later, Tripp contacted the office of Kenneth Starr, the Whitewater independent counsel, to talk about Lewinsky and the tapes she made of their conversations. Tripp, wired by FBI agents working with Starr, met with Lewinsky again, and on January 16, Lewinsky was taken by FBI agents and U.S. attorneys to a hotel room where she was questioned and offered immunity if she cooperated with the prosecution. A few days later, the story broke, and Clinton publicly denied the allegations, saying, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky."

Editorial comment by your truly: This was (I'm a little sorry to say in hind sight) one of the most deciding factors in the following elections for me. This whole sordid affair so filled me with discust that I had no choice then to vote for the opposition. No matter who it was. It's kinda wierd but Slick willy getting it wet probably changed America more then nearly anything else he did in office. He would probably go down in history as one of our greatest presidents if not for the cigar shenanigens. IMO

What do you think?

Should this guy really be charged with kidnapping????

WARREN, Mich. — An 84-year-old man who took his 81-year-old wife from a Michigan nursing home and moved her to Florida has been charged with kidnapping her.

Judge John Chmura of 37th District Court in Warren on Monday reduced the bond for Joseph Perez from $100,000 to a personal bond, and he was released from the Macomb County Jail. He had been held since being charged last week with kidnapping his wife Helen.

Kidnapping carries a possible sentence of life in prison, but a prosecutor suggested that the charge may not stand.

"Let's put it this way: Everybody's going to have a merry Christmas," Macomb County Assistant Prosecutor John Latella told The Detroit News. A preliminary examination is scheduled Wednesday.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Suprize Email!!!!

I got a suprize email today from Mike T. and it was so great to hear from him. I always held Mike up with a lot of respect and andmiration....

It was just a nice little suprize. Thanks to the Offmen who gave him my email addy!!!!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Damn former commie pigs.....

MOSCOW — Russia is to begin supplying Iran with nuclear fuel early next year despite mounting concern in the West that this could accelerate Tehran’s plans to build a nuclear bomb.

Sergei Shmatko, head of Atomstroyexport, Russia’s state nuclear fuel exporter, said last week that preparations to send fuel to Iran would start next month and the first consignment was expected to reach the Islamic republic in early spring.

The announcement, at a time when Russia is asserting itself as an energy power, has caused anxiety in western countries which are trying to convince the Kremlin to end its nuclear co-operation with Tehran.

The concerns were strengthened yesterday when President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was reported to have told a Kuwaiti envoy that Iran was ready to transfer its nuclear technology to neighbouring countries.

Last Night!

A few Offmen found lurking at the 2006 Bongiovanni Christmas party. From the left; Martin, Frank, Scott, Mike T, and Pete. Special thanks to Kristi for the photo.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

"Choose your friends carefully. Your enemies will choose you!" Y. Arafat (taken from "Hit or Myth" by Robert Asprin)

Just wanted to stop in and say hi. the weather is great here if it gets a little chilly at night. i was fired from one of my jobs friday night. apparently i don't get along with others well. that was the reason stated. it was my secondary job and my primary was looking to give me more hours anyway, so now they are available. it has been brewing since the boss told me to cut my hair and i said no. the final straw came when i confronted a co-worker during a slow period over an opinion she expressed that offended me. i never got rude and i never insulted her but since she was a two week employee and i had been there since the place opened the brilliant manager chose to fire me so she wouldn't quit. oh well i won't have anytrouble finding a new part time gig to fill my hours and i get to spend little extra time with my family right before the solistice celebration. every body have a great holiday.
So, how is everyones weekend going? Quiet here. It is cloudy and around 60 degrees, terrible, terribly warm for this time of year, but I guess Ill take it because when winter hits, its really going to hit. I got all my holiday shoppin done which is nice. Didnt spend a terrible amount either.

Hows things with everyone else?

Friday, December 15, 2006

Florida Halts Executions After Injection Problem

Published: December 15, 2006
Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida suspended all executions in the state today, citing a troubled execution on Wednesday and appointing a commission to consider the humanity and constitutionality of the way inmates are put to death in the state.

Hours later, a federal judge ruled that California’s death penalty protocol violated the constitutional prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment.

Opponents of the death penalty cheered the decisions. “Today has been the most significant day in the history of the death penalty in the America in many years,” said Jamie Fellner, the director of United States programs for Human Rights Watch.

“These developments show that the current lethal-injection protocols pose an unacceptable risk of cruelty,” Ms. Fellner said. “The way states have been killing people for the last 30 years has yielded botched execution after botched execution.”

In the news.....

Published: December 15, 2006
It’s her! Wait, who’s she with? Wait — not him? With him?!?

Probably the juiciest power lunch of the week unfolded at the Four Seasons yesterday as Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton sized up her 2008 presidential chances with none other than the Republican power broker Alfonse M. D’Amato, with former Mayor Edward I. Koch merrily riding shotgun.

Mr. D’Amato, the former senator from New York, described himself in an interview yesterday as a big, big fan of hers, (though he will be supporting a Republican in 2008), and said he told her not to lose a minute’s sleep over her possible Democratic rival — “what’s-his-name, Obama.” The three dine together once or twice a year, with each taking a turn at picking up the check. (Mrs. Clinton, who had the $56 Dover sole, paid yesterday, so the White House consultation did come at a price, something north of $250.)

Over salad, Nantucket Bay scallops and a plate of heavenly truffles (gratis), Mr. D’Amato and Mr. Koch said they analyzed the 2008 field, and both predicted that Senator John McCain would be the Republican nominee and that former Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani would be his running mate.

Mr. Koch said he told Mrs. Clinton that she would triumph over that ticket, while Mr. D’Amato, a friend of both men, would not reveal how he rated her chances.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Lets all go and shoot this man, shall we?

HUTCHINSON, Kan. — Two children have been removed from their home after a man reportedly ran a clothes dryer with the toddlers inside.

A 3-year-old boy was treated for second-degree burns, but a 2-year-old girl was not injured after the Nov. 28 incident, the Reno County district attorney's office said.

Aron J. Pritchard, 27, was charged Tuesday with one felony count of child abuse and another of aggravated endangering a child. Bond was set at $750,000.

Police investigators alleged the man stuffed the children into the dryer and turned it on, reportedly after the boy wet his pants. The boy was not treated for his injuries until he was taken into protective custody on Dec. 6, the district attorney's office said in a news release.
What Am I?

In your future and in your past
I come and go so senseless and fast
My purpose is unknown to all
Remembrance seems to drift then fall
I travel by night and fade by day
Because that is my common way

What am I?

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

How to Stay Calm when Other People Give You the Finger when You're Driving

Keep calm - don't react angrilyDid someone give you the finger, and you want to stay calm, even though what they did was very insulting (not to mention, immature)? Follow these steps, and have less drivers pulling beside you just to flip you the bird.

Consider why they are giving you the finger. Are you cutting them off, speeding up when they need to get over, or do you have an extremely insulting bumper sticker? If you know what it could be, try changing that a little bit.
When someone gives you the finger, and you want to remain calm, pretend that they are telling you that you're number one.
You can always smile and wave at them, instead of yelling back. They hate this, because they want you to do something annoying to justify their anger, but don't do this just to annoy them; do it to keep yourself calm and collected.
Turn the radio on to your favorite station. Sing along to the music, to get your mind off rush hour traffic. This works especially well with pop music such as Britney Spears or Pusscat Dolls, don't be afraid to turn that music way up.
Think about what you're going to do when you get home. A relaxing bath, crawl into bed, read, etc.
Ignore it, act as if they flipped off the car next to, or behind you.
Find humor in the situation; just laugh it off.
Be the mature one in the situation.
If it still doesn't help, imagine the horrible car crash they will suffer the next time they are giving the finger and not paying attention to their driving.

Buy a home, get a free gun!

HOUSTON — A Texas real estate agent looking to add more bang to her business is offering clients in law enforcement a free Glock pistol if they buy a home from her.

Julie Upton, a Houston-area real estate agent, spurned traditional buyer incentives like free gasoline cards or home improvement store gift certificates.

Instead, she placed an advertisement offering a pistol with the purchase of any home worth at least $150,000 in the city police department's monthly publication, "Badge & Gun."

The free guns are only for those in law enforcement, said Upton, who is married to a police officer.

"We thought it would be a good way to entice other police officers," Upton said. "And whether people want the gun or not, it has stirred up a lot of attention."

Upton has given away two pistols to police officers who purchased homes from her. The guns cost about $500.

Crazy ass mofuckies.....

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Follow up.....

Leaders Voice Outrage on Conference on Holocaust in Iran

Published: December 12, 2006
A gathering in Iran billed as a conference to “debate” the Nazi annihilation of six million Jews continued on its second day to spark outrage in the West, drawing fierce criticism today from European leaders, the Vatican and the White House.

Calling the Holocaust an “immense tragedy” for all humanity, the Vatican issued a statement admitting of no doubt that the mass murder took place, and said it must serve as a warning for people to respect the rights of others. The statement used the Hebrew word for the Holocaust, Shoah, and expressed “great compassion” for what happened to the Jews during World War II, according to Agence France-Presse.

“The last century saw an attempt to exterminate the Jewish people, which led to the killing of millions of Jews of all social categories merely because of the fact that they belonged to that people,” the Vatican statement said.

The White House said in a statement today that the gathering of Holocaust deniers in Tehran is an “affront to the entire civilized world, as well as to the traditional Iranian values of tolerance and mutual respect.”

Just incase you wanted to know.....

How to Write an Obituary
Writing an obituary can be a painful ordeal if you know the deceased. It can also be an important thing to do if announcing a person's death is relevant to a small community.

There are five parts of an obituary: announcement, biographical information, survivor information, scheduled ceremonies, and contributions.

Example of short obituary without biographical info.Begin with the announcement. It should include who the person is, the date they died, and how they died. Be short and concise. All this can be typically included in one sentence.
Write up a short biographical piece about the person's life. This should include where/when the person was born, where they lived throughout their life, notable awards and times in their life, important hobbies, where they went to school.
Include who the person is survived by. Include, in this order, immediate family members (spouse and children or parents and siblings) and secondary family members (aunts, uncles, grand-parents, close cousins).
Note where and when important ceremonies will take place, such as memorial services, grave-side burials, etc.
Tell people where they can make donations in remembrance of the person who has died. This is a very common practice in the United States and should always be noted, to avoid an influx of calls to the bereaved family.
Water in the Cup

A man in a restaurant asked a waiter for a juice glass, a dinner plate, water, a match, and a lemon wedge. The man poured enough water onto the plate to cover it.
"If you can get the water on the plate into this glass without touching or moving this plate, I will give you $100," the man said. "You can use the match and lemon to do this."
A few minutes later, the waiter walked away with $100 in his pocket. How did the waiter get the water into the glass?

JUST SO YOU KNOW....the answer is on the reply page......

Monday, December 11, 2006

The 12/11 Random Photo

Have you ever been humped and spit upon? That was the question I would ask any one visiting the apartment Frank and I shared back in the day. Although I don’t recall ever forgetting or discriminating, I am not sure how it all started but before long it was the official rite of entry. Which as many of you already know in embarrassing detail if you were there?

Seen above Tom B, Frank’s largest take down… an impressive feat! I know this one aroused our neighbors bellow, but I was always surprised to not hear from any of our other neighbors.

In the news.....

Published: December 11, 2006
TEHRAN, Dec. 11 — Holocaust deniers and skeptics from around the world gathered at a government-sponsored conference here today to discuss their theories about whether six million Jews were indeed killed by the Nazis during World War II and whether gas chambers existed.

In a speech opening the two-day conference, Rasoul Mousavi, head of the Iranian Foreign Ministry’s Institute for Political and International Studies, which organized the event, said it was an opportunity for scholars to discuss the subject “away from Western taboos and the restriction imposed on them in Europe.”

The foreign ministry had said that 67 foreign researchers from 30 countries were scheduled to take part. Among those speaking today are David Duke, the American white-supremacist politician and former Ku Klux Klan leader, and Georges Thiel, a French writer who has been prosecuted in France over his denials of the Holocaust.

Mr. Duke’s remarks late this afternoon are expected to assert that no gas chambers or extermination camps were actually built during the war, on the ground that killing Jews that way would have been much too bothersome and expensive when the Nazis could have used much simpler methods, according to an advance summary of his speech published by the institute.

“Depicting Jews as the overwhelming victims of the Holocaust gave the moral high ground to the Allies as victors of the war, and allowed Jews to establish a state on the occupied land of Palestine,” Mr. Duke’s paper says, according to the summary.
At the touch of a button, a moment is captured.
A marriage, a birth or a birthday I see.
Later, an image might leave thee enraptured,
All due to a flash, or a mere click indeed.

Yet some people say that I am quite evil,
That my staring eye might just capture your soul!
At least to my knowledge it is utter nonsense,
Only moments I capture, that is my sole goal.

What am I?

Sunday, December 10, 2006

So, how is everyones Christmas shoppin going thus far?
I may run rings around you
Or escape your clutching grip
Or leave a treacherous trail
That gives a sudden slip.
(If you're not careful!)

You always end up winning,
While I shrink with each new meet:
Our bouts will be my ruin,
But you'll come out smelling sweet.

What am I?

Friday, December 08, 2006

In the news.....Goodbye Rummy.....

Published: December 8, 2006
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8 -- Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld bade farewell to Pentagon employees today in his familiar style, fencing with his questioners and voicing deep faith in the American people.

“Every day, in one way or another, I’ve seen the strength of men and women in uniform, and the dedication of the many thousands who serve here, military and civilian, who do their jobs knowing that theirs is the essential business of protecting a nation and protecting a people,” Mr. Rumsfeld said at what was probably his last meeting with Defense Department employees.

“You do so knowing that you contribute directly to the safety of millions of Americans — people you’ll never meet, whose names you’ll never know,” Mr. Rumsfeld said. “I leave office very proud to have served with you, inspired by your dedication, by your patriotism, and by your sacrifice.”

New stuff.....

I noticed this AM upon logging in that a newer version of Blogger is available, has anyone else seen this and have you upgraded?

Thursday, December 07, 2006

The 12/8 Random Photo

Wow the hand pulled a very memorable B&W beauty from the archive this week.

Shi'ite Punk, The Vandals

How to Bike to Work
Off to work Bicycling to work is one of the best choices you can make for your health and the environment. After an initial investment of purchasing a bicycle, biking is a very inexpensive mode of transportation. You'll save money on gas and car maintenance, you'll get in great shape, and your coworkers will think you're awesome. Join the growing ranks of bike-to-workers!

Acquire a bike, bike lock, and bike helmet. There are many varieties of each. Do not buy a cheap bike at a discount store; instead, find a local bicycle shop. There, knowledgeable people can help you decide what to buy. Later on you will be able to go there for help and bike tune-ups. You may also wish to buy extra tire tubes or flat-fixing tools.
Learn the local bicycling laws of your area. This is essential to remain safe and within the law. Register your bike if required.
Your local bike shop will probably have bicycle route maps. Get one and map out your route to work. If there are no bike route maps, get on your bike on a non-work day and scout out the area.
Look for streets with bicycle lanes.
Avoid streets with excessive potholes or junk in the road.
Determine where you can lock your bike while you are at work.
You will need something in which to carry your work items. There are many types of bicycle luggage carriers, or you can use a backpack or messenger bag.
Some people like to bike in work-out clothes and then change into their day clothes. Other people just bike in their day clothes. It's up to you.
Don't just assume that the route you drive to work is the best route for biking. Often the best bike route includes back streets and side roads which may make your trip slightly longer but much safer and more enjoyable.
Do a test-run of your bike route. Try some alternate routes, if possible. Make a note of how long each rout takes you.
Bike to work!
It roars like thunder,
And rises higher,
While breathing fire,
This wingless wonder.

If it leaves its cave,
Drags us in its tail,
Over hill and dale,
Then you must be brave.

Early morning flight,
Silently it flies,
Slowly in the skies.
Hides before the night.

My kingdom at least,
To the brave young knight,
If you name it right.

What is this huge beast?

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

WASHINGTON, Dec. 6 — Pictures of Martian gullies taken several years apart strongly suggest that water still flows at least occasionally on the surface of the planet, scientists announced Wednesday.

While water ice and water vapor have long been known to exist below the surface of Mars in the relatively recent past, and water ice has been seen at the poles, this is “the strongest evidence to date that water still flows occasionally on the surface of Mars,” said Michael Meyer, the lead scientist for NASA’s Mars exploration program.

If water is present, that would raise the possibility of microbial life: with water and some form of steady heat, bacteria can grow even in hostile environments

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

This is very interesting to me.....

Iran to Host Scholarly Seminar on Holocaust

Published: December 5, 2006
TEHRAN, Dec. 5 — Iran will hold a two-day conference on the Holocaust next week in which more than 60 scholars from some 30 countries will participate, the Foreign Ministry said today.

The seminar is in response to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s comments last year, when he said the scale of the genocide of the Jews had been exaggerated, the deputy foreign minister, Manouchehr Mohammadi, told a news conference today. Mr. Ahmadinejad first stirred outrage in the West in December last year, when he called the Holocaust a myth. He has repeatedly said that the Holocaust has been used as a tool of propaganda, and banned scholars here from research on the subject. The president also sent a 3,000-word letter to Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel outlining his arguments.

Mr. Mohammadi said next week’s conference will “provide the opportunity for scholars from both sides to give their papers in freedom and without pre-conceived ideas.” He refused to give the names of the 67 international scholars he said were attending the seminar, out of concern that their countries would prohibit them from coming.

He said the conference does not mean that Iran “denies the crimes of Hitler.”

“Since we are not accused and responsible for the Holocaust, we are an impartial judge,” Mr. Mohammadi said.
ST. LOUIS — A St. Louis man was shot to death by his wife after giving her a can of warm beer, police said.

The shooting happened Sunday. Names have not been released. The woman was taken into custody.

The wife allegedly admitted shooting her husband, who was about 70 years old, in the kitchen of their home. The man was shot four or five times in the chest after giving his wife a can of warm Stag beer.

A STAG beer! I had to chuckle over that.


Love me slender: Candy fans are all shook up over plans by Hershey (HSY) to sell a peanut butter and banana crème version of its Reese's cup to honor The King.

The King, as in Elvis Presley.

Elvis' favorite sandwich was fried peanut butter and banana - sometimes with honey or slices of bacon added.

So in July, to mark the 30th anniversary of the rock legend's death, Hershey will introduce a limited edition of its chocolate cup featuring a layer of peanut butter and a layer of banana crème.

Monday, December 04, 2006

What we wont do to make a quick buck.....

Im not sure where I sit on this one, is it wrong, or does this guy have the right to ask for the vehicle?

The owner of the car in which Diana, Princess of Wales, died is demanding it is returned to him — so he can sell it as a souvenir.

Jean-Francois Musa said he believes he can get more than $1.9 million for the wrecked Mercedes.

Musa owns the Etoile Limousine company which rented the car to Diana and Dodi Fayed in August 1997.

After their deaths in an apparent accident, the car was shipped to Britain and is believed to be in a garage in southeast London.

U.K. and French authorities have been refusing to return the wreckage to Musa, prompting him to launch legal action.

He claims he has been told he waited too long to ask for it back — when he insists he was simply being patient in order to help investigators carry out their inquiry into the crash.
This all just makes ya wonder......

LONDON — The level of violence in Iraq is "much worse" than that of Lebanon's civil war, outgoing U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said in an interview aired Monday.

Speaking to the British Broadcasting Corp., Annan agreed that the average Iraqi's life is worse now than it was under Saddam Hussein and called the situation in the country "extremely dangerous."

"Given the level of violence, the level of killing and bitterness and the way that forces are arranged against each other, a few years ago, when we had the strife in Lebanon and other places, we called that a civil war; this is much worse," Annan said.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

First snow experience… botched!

The short of it, to many layers! After two short steps C fell face first into the fresh snow and he was unable to stand back up or even roll over… I had to save him. Sadly thus far my mission to pass on my snow loving lineage is failing.

She wont go away....

Do you want her to go away?

ALBANY, N.Y. — Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has begun active consideration of a 2008 run for president and has personally asked some fellow top New York Democrats for their support in the event she goes ahead with such a campaign, a top adviser said Sunday.

"As Sen. Clinton said, she was going to begin actively considering a presidential run after the election. That process has begun," said Howard Wolfson.

"She is reaching out to her colleagues in the New York delegation and asking for their advice and counsel, and their support if she decides to make a run," the Clinton adviser told The Associated Press.

Wolfson said he did not know when she might make a decision.

The former first lady is coming off an easy re-election victory to the New York Senate seat she has held since her historic election in 2000. National polls show her as the front-runner for the 2008 Democratic nomination.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

BURBANK, Calif. — Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger first announced his candidacy on "The Tonight Show With Jay Leno." Might Barack Obama, who is considering a run for president, do the same?

"This is a great place. Everybody who has announced here has been successful," Leno hinted to Obama, who appeared on Friday's show.

"This is true, but I have to say that I've already committed to the Food Network to announce," Obama quipped before offering his standard answer to a question that follows him everywhere he goes.

"I think that if I'm going to run, then I've got to dive in early next year, and I've got a little bit of time," Obama said.

When Leno asked whether he would consider running for vice president, Obama said: "You don't run for vice president. So I don't think about it as much."

Friday, December 01, 2006

Incase you forgot.....

How to Throw a Cocktail Party

Cocktail parties are a great way to entertain because they accommodate any kind of guest list, ranging from neighbors to business associates. Regardless of what kind of crowd you're entertaining, however, there are a few basic guidelines to throwing a fabulous cocktail party...


Set the appropriate time. The traditional time frame for a cocktail party is two to three hours in length held between 6 P.M. and 10 P.M. tst
On the rocksBuy more than enough ice. Remember that you're not just using it for drinks, but also for chilling bottles and cans. Generally, having 1 lb. of ice per guest should be adequate.

MojitosHave a variety of glasses on hand, depending on the variety of drinks you plan to offer. You should offer wine glasses for wines, juice and water; straight-sided highballs for tall drinks; tumblers for spirits and juices; and martini glasses. In terms of quantity, be ready with approximately twice as many glasses as you'll have guests.

Stock your bar.
For the wine drinkers, have one bottle for every two people, assuming five servings per bottle.
For the beer drinkers, have one six-pack for every two people, assuming 12 oz. servings.
Get one or two liquors that can be made into a variety of cocktails (probably vodka, rum, gin, scotch, bourbon, blended whiskey, or tequila)
Don't forget mixers and garnishes, including orange juice, soda, tonic, ginger ale, cola, tomato juice, Tabasco, lemons, limes, horseradish, and Worcestershire sauce.
Prepare the menu. Aim for variety (meat, vegetarian, hot, cold, spicy, and sweet). If you're not serving dinner, estimate 6 bites per person, but remember that it's better to have too much food than not enough.

Offer coffee to your guests towards the end of the party to keep them alert for the ride home. Keep the number of a local taxi service handy, just in case some of your guests have a little too much fun.
Two idiots are sitting in front of a mirror.
One said, "Why don’t we meet the two people in the mirror", so they stood up and the other one said, "sit, sit they're coming!"

Weed found on Grandma.....

SIERRA VISTA, Ariz. — A grandmother found with a trunkful of marijuana was convicted of drug running in what prosecutors said was an attempt to earn cash for a bingo habit.

State troopers found 10 bundles of pot totaling 214 pounds hidden in Leticia Villareal Garcia's car trunk last year when they stopped her outside Bisbee, in far southeastern Arizona.

Villareal, 61, told jurors before they convicted her Thursday that her only regular income was a $275 monthly welfare check, but she frequently played bingo and occasionally won thousands of dollars.

Prosecutor Doyle Johnstun said the game was Villareal's undoing.

"People who play bingo almost every night of the week end up losing in the long run," Johnstun told jurors. "The underlying issue is that she's got a bingo problem, which explains why an otherwise nice person might get sucked into something like this."

Jurors rejected Villareal's argument that she'd been tricked into carrying the drugs.