Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Follow up.....

Leaders Voice Outrage on Conference on Holocaust in Iran

Published: December 12, 2006
A gathering in Iran billed as a conference to “debate” the Nazi annihilation of six million Jews continued on its second day to spark outrage in the West, drawing fierce criticism today from European leaders, the Vatican and the White House.

Calling the Holocaust an “immense tragedy” for all humanity, the Vatican issued a statement admitting of no doubt that the mass murder took place, and said it must serve as a warning for people to respect the rights of others. The statement used the Hebrew word for the Holocaust, Shoah, and expressed “great compassion” for what happened to the Jews during World War II, according to Agence France-Presse.

“The last century saw an attempt to exterminate the Jewish people, which led to the killing of millions of Jews of all social categories merely because of the fact that they belonged to that people,” the Vatican statement said.

The White House said in a statement today that the gathering of Holocaust deniers in Tehran is an “affront to the entire civilized world, as well as to the traditional Iranian values of tolerance and mutual respect.”

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