Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Nappy hos!!!!

--So what do you all think of the recent thing wiht radio shock jock DOn Imus calling those female basketball players "nappy headed hos" and being accused of racism? DOnt ya think th ere is a double standard happenin there? I mean its OK for your favorite rapper to call a black female a ho but God forbid a white radio show host do it.....

what do you guys think? I think its bullshit. Go Imus! Exercise your freedom of speech!!!---


dad-e~O said...

Double standards worth fighting:
Congress getting better health care then Soldiers
Million Dollar golden parachutes for executives who increase unemployement but don't actually solve problems
Our gov't lies to us but we shouldn't lie to them

Double standards NOT worth fighting for / about:
Minority groups (they all do it)refering to each other using derogitory slang.
Women want us to be honest with them, unless it's about whether or not they look fat in this.

dad-e~O said...

For the record, I don't think Don Imus is a racist. He's just a dumb ass.
And saying this is about Freespeach is quite a strech.
Free Speach was intended to be a protection for people who had something to say but couldn't without getting in trouble with the gov't (jail).
I don't think Don is in trouble with anyone but the people paying his bills. He is still Free to say whatever dumb thing comes to mind. but he just won't have the national stage to do it from.
Just cause you CAN say something, doesn't mean you SHOULD.

Martin said...

I don't know much about Don Imus. Everyone that I talked to that does know about him say he's pretty much a hack.
Anyway, what he said was stupid, offensive, and ill conceived. You know who agrees with that? Don Imus. He said so in his apology.
The bulwarks of morality leading the charge for his crucifixion, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton refuse to accept his apology,yet that is all they have offered for their past transgressions. Al Sharpton has not removed himself from public life after spreading rumors leading to the Crown Heights riot, the Tawana Brawly issue and his "white interloper" statement.
Jesse Jackson, a Reverend, and his bastard kid resulting from an extra marital affair and Hymie town comment. Apologies are a good enough act of contrition for them, why not Imus.

Martin said...

Both of these mopes, Jackson and Sharpton, are reverends, right? Aren't they supposed to extoll Christian virtues such as forgiveness? As far as any of us know Imus was sincere in his apology.

"Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us"...excerpt from The Lord's Prayer.

I think that the issue of rappers and popular culture referring to women as "ho's" is more detrimental to the black community than Imus' comment. How many young black men listen to or watch Imus. He's not the one deluging them with images of treating women like cum receptacles. That bullshit is coming from within their own community. Maybe they should focus on cleaning up their own backyard too.

Martin said...

That all being said, the company that carries his show is well within their rights to fire him. My issue is not that Imus deserves to get shit canned, it's the leaders of the pitchfork and torch wielding mob looking for his head that I have a problem with.

Sickboy said...

I just think that in all this, black leaders need to hold their own more accountable for what they say. Like Martin said, it is true that modern culture and blacks do more damage by calling women hos then Don Imus.

It doesnt matter anyways, rappers will still call blacks hos and niggers and bitches and Imus got shit canned.

Mark M said...

Going back up to Pete's comment #2, I totally agree.

Martin said...

Just heard that Imus got fired from his radio gig too. Pete's right, this isn't a free speech issue. This is corporations bowing to financial extortion. That's fine, the company needs advertisers to make money. My issue, as usual, is with the messengers rather than the message and their hypocrisy and selective focus on who to condemn.Call it an ad hominem attack or whatever logic flaw you want.
Imus was set up as a sacrificial lamb but he has no one to blame but himself

Sickboy said...

I still think Imus got fucked for having an opinion, be it a very far fetched one.

Sickboy said...

OK maybe it wasn't a freedom of speech issue but more a freedom of expression issue. Regardless, there is a double standard here and Imus got screwed. We will see how much these "great" black leaders do to curb the amount of terrible terms used in hip hop now....


Martin said...

just to play devil's advocate here, do we want religious leaders, in this case jackson and sharpton, trying to censor "artists".

Sickboy said...

no,we need someone more strict! I dont know who that is, but we need someone with some more guts to shut em down.

Martin said...

are you advocating censoring music? the point that I was trying to make is that the lyrics in rap music are much more invasive and pernicious than this single comment that Imus made, yet he is made the focus. If they think that the words that he used were offensive, than they are offensive no matter who says them. wrong is wrong. they need to be consistent in their zeal for removing this offensive content.

Sickboy said...

no no not at all MIke. Im advocating making more strict guidelines so these hip hop thugs have to be monitored more, thats all.

steve butt said...

looks like shit, smells like shit, tastes like shit good thing i don't step in it. censorship is oversight with strict guidlines over hip hop thugs and the beatles and punk bands and any other "objectional" music. if certain people had their way we would only hear lawrence welk and big band music in this country. i don't buy hip hop and i don't listen to the hip hop stations, but i'm glad they have the opertunity to exist. some of the more intelligent rappers have some important things to say, but like any other form of expression you have to weed out the chaff.

steve butt said...

and... don imus ahould be off the air because his show was nothing but drivel and was not entertaining, same as rush and g.gordan and howard stern and dr. laura and a multitude of others, but that is my opinion and would want it forcefully emplaced upon others.

Sickboy said...

i definitely think there should be more strict guidelines on hip hop. Not censorship, but the content of the records should be watched more. It has been shown time and time again that nothing good has come from this kind of music in today's time. It has created a thug mantality amongst its own adn ha even managed to effect white suburbia.

steve butt said...

i ment to say wouldn't

tipster, define censorship

Sickboy said...

censorship to me, would be the outright banning of something based on its content...not allowing it to be viewed, sold or traded or in this case listened to.