Friday, May 04, 2007

Did you know that?

The average household kitchen sink has been shown to carry as many bacteria as a public portable toilet?

---Gross huh?

Im still feeling the effects of staying up til 4 AM the night of the Social D. show. Its amazing once your body gets acquired to early nights and you pull a super late one how mad it can get. Now that I have more time I can elaborate on my meeting of Ness. The "inked one" (as Mike called him in an earlier post) is lookin pretty damn old and wears too much eye liner. He asked me where I was originally from because I mentioned Des Moines wasnt my home and as soon as I told him Chicago, he said that that was one of his favorite cities to play in front of. He was gonna give me a way advanced copy of their greatest hits CD which isnt due out until June 26th, but he said he didnt have any yet either! He talked about his '46 Mercury convertible and his '57 Chevy a lot too. He also admitted he has a fascination with religious objects and thats why you see them on stage a lot. I had asked him why there was always a cross or statue of The Virgin Mary on ex and I were backstage with him for around 25 minutes. He was really nice and super easy to talk to. He had no ego off stage even though on stage you can tell he is an icon.

So thats more of my experience with Mike Ness, a real punk rock legend. Social D. has always remained true. They have never even come close to selling out and they have always stuck to their own style of music. Ness has lived through it all, from the death of his best friend and fellow band guitarist to full out heroin addiction.---


Martin said...

Penn & Teller, on their awesome show "Bullshit", conducted a test about bacteria and people generally had more bacteria on their face than on their asses.
A toilet seat generally isn't a good place for bacteria to thrive because the seat is usually dry and cold, an environment that bacteria typically don't like.

Sickboy said...

thats funny, more on their faces than their butts. I believe it though, if you think about it your face is exposed to a hell of a lot more than you rear end.

dad-e~O said...

A friend of mine told me about the Disney Comercial Mike Ness was in, ever seen it?

Sickboy said...

wha? I have no idea what you're talking about PJB.

Sickboy said...

Ness was never in no disney commercial. Disney wouldnt touch him with all those tattoos.

Sickboy said...

maybe your friend was thinking of the sellout mr. brian setzer? not mike ness. ness would never sell out and do a fucking disney commercial. ness is a punk rock legend, next to a guy like joey ramone. ness has lived through it all from deaths to heroin addiction to everything in between and social d. has never, ever compromised their music. they have become legends with little radio play and no MTV exposure. social d. are what legends are made of. they rule.

dad-e~O said...

E, sorry man, but it seems that mike is a M.I.C.K.E.Y. fan,

"Daddy, who's that scary man with
the Backstreet Boys?"
The "news" section at mentions a commercial that aired during the Grammies and had many people asking themselves "Did I see what I thought I saw?" Mike Ness appears along with Christina Aguilera, 98 Degrees, and Shaq in a commercial promoting Mickey Mouse.
it's near the bottom of the page.
no clip. but .....

Sickboy said...

I found that article yesterday myself after going off on my tirade. I still dont consider Ness or SxDx sellouts though. They have been around since 79 and helped to put punk rock on the map along side of bands like The Ramones. They are the only real punk rock band from that era still touring today. Punk rock owes a lot to Mike Ness in my opinion.

dad-e~O said...

I'm not takin' away from their "Icon" status. shit Mickey is cool with me. and we all have bills to pay.

Sickboy said...

Yeah, I hear ya.