Sunday, May 06, 2007

Gas prices out of control

ATLANTA (CNN) -- The price of gasoline has hit a new record high, averaging $3.07 for a gallon of self-serve regular in the United States, a survey reported Sunday.

When inflation is factored in, the new price trails the all-time high in March 1981. At the time, gasoline cost $1.35 a gallon -- in today's dollars, that's $3.13 a gallon, said Trilby Lundberg, publisher of the Lundberg Survey.

Still, in raw numbers, the $3.07 beats the previous high of $3.03 in August.

---How much is gas by you guys? Its $2.87 for the cheap stuff here. The high grade is $2.95.---


Mark M said...

You're lucky it's still below $3 where you are. Yesterday I saw $3.789 for the premium grade at Foster and Broadway in Chicago. The cheap stuff was still in the 3.50's. I filled up with the cheapest grade for "just" $3.289 this morning -- this was out in Lake County.

Sickboy said...

Man, thats rough. I cant believe these prices. They are saying it has something to do with production within refineries.

dad-e~O said...

and greed....

steve butt said...

it's $2.85 a gallon here (cheap stuff)
big oil needs to make record profits again this year. how are they gonna do it if we don't pay.