Thursday, May 03, 2007

Old man at a punk show

While I can't match E's story of actually meeting a rock star, a few of us did make it out to HOB to see a little local band. You may have heard of them, they're called...NAKED RAYGUN.

The Effigies and The Bollweevils opened up and they were both pretty good. But Raygun put on one of the best shows I have seen in years. So while I didn't get to meet The Inked One, I got to drink some beers on the train on the way to the show.

I included a picture with the quality you'd expect from some half-in-the-bag idiot wielding a camera phone.


Sickboy said...

Raygun still rules!! I listen to them all the time!!!!!!!!

Sickboy said...

yeah last night at the social d show they weren't letting cameras anywhere near the place. They were even checking cell phones for cameras and making you take them out of the venue if you had one if they could catch it.

Martin said...

That's pretty lame. I would think that the main reason that they don't want cameras in the concert is because of the flash. cell phones, at least the ones that I've see, don't use flashes. So some fans want to take some pictures and post them for their friends to see, what's the big deal? I did worry a little that they would be checking cells at HOB because the venue website explicitly says "NO CAMERAS". They didn't check the cell phones so either the venue doesn't care or the security guards didn't give a shit.

Sickboy said...

yeah they were patting us down as we went in. After they checked for cams, they went on to phones. I had to take mine off my belt clip and I asked why and they said they were looking for cam phones because they were prohibited on the premises.

Martin said...

I'd have been screwed if they told me I couldn't take my phone in. I took the train so I couldn't very well walk a couple of blocks away and put it in my car.
I'd have been like "Oh, yeah, try and stop me!" and then karate chopped and nut-punched all those motherfuckers until they let me in with my phone.

Sickboy said...

hahhaha, nut punched. I can actually see ya doing all that too. I actually found out that it was the bands discretion whether or not to allow cameras on the grounds. I dont know if they had the final say or not though. My ex knew the manager of the venue where Social D. played, thats why we had free reign of the place last night, of course after following the rules.