Sunday, May 06, 2007

That ole Hillary

---I could be wrong, but wasnt she bitching and moaning just a few weeks ago how she didnt support the further funding of the troops?---

COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa — Presidential candidates won't be damaged by initially backing the war in Iraq because President Bush is being held responsible for what went wrong, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said Sunday.

She declined to say what restrictions should be included in new stopgap legislation to pay for the troops, but made clear she supports providing the money needed.

"There will be consequences with respect to funding the troops if we cannot work this out," Clinton said in an Associated Press interview. "I don't want to prejudge or set standards. I want to support my leadership."

After Bush vetoed an initial funding bill that included a timetable for pulling the troops out of Iraq, he opened discussions with Democratic congressional leaders.

"There truly is for the first time an effort to try to negotiate with the president," said Clinton. "I don't know whether there's going to be an agreement that the Democrats will sign off on or not."

Clinton said she "of course" eventually will support a measure paying for the troops, even though she has joined efforts in the Senate to reverse the initial congressional authorization. She voted to allow Bush to use force, but says she wouldn't cast the same vote given what she knows now.


dad-e~O said...

I would rather stick needles in my cock then vote for this broad

Sickboy said...

amen to that PJB.

steve butt said...

not a fan of the clintons, but it would be interesting to see how Bill, the first spouse would redecoate the white house.

steve butt said...

not a fan of the clintons, but it would be interesting to see how Bill, the first spouse would redecoate the white house.

dad-e~O said...

it'd be sorta "Graceland-tastic"