Thursday, May 24, 2007

A Toaster Bat?

I found this little guy while toasting a bagel this afternoon. The bagel had just popped up when he crawled out form behind it our toaster. At first I was just a little alarmed, I am used to seeing bugs crawl out from be hind things once in a while but this guy is kind of big (maybe double the size an adult field mouse). He hung out on the counter just long enough for me to figure out just what the hell I was seeing, and weather or not he had been burnt by the toaster, he looked fine. He then flew off into the dining and living room where little C was eating lunch and hid behind the mirror over the mantle. C eventually screamed, but it took him a minute or so to figure out that what he saw was not normal. The bat is now safely in a moving box, due to be released later on this afternoon. I haven’t the slightest clue how he got in here. But it was a nice diversion.


Sickboy said...

Wow, thats a friggin trip! Im glad he didnt scare little C too bad though and Im also glad he didnt get too close to him either.

Sickboy said...

by the way, the bat is REALLY cool looking!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I wanted to pet him, but thought better of it.

Sickboy said...

yeah, no touching the bat. Bad idea.

Anonymous said...

I put him in a box up on a cabinet in our dining room to show P when she got home... he escaped! P was not happy! We again found him hanging from the crown molding in the living room. This time he squawked at me when I put him in the box. Need less to say this time he went immediately out side.

Sickboy said...

NO KEEPING BATS AS PETS BRO!!!!!! You've learned your valuable lesson for the day.

dad-e~O said...

haven't you read Cujo?

Sickboy said...

hahahahaha, good one PJB.

Martin said...

speaking of Cujo, what did your dogs think of your little visitor, Scott?

Martin said...

interesting and amusing story, btw.