Thursday, May 10, 2007


---what cha think? I guess Im already dead to Mr. windbag Rollins then.---


dad-e~O said...

frankly I can think of no better inspiration to fight my "old man" tendencies to be overly conservative then to bookmark this and watch it once a week.

Sickboy said...

I like my old man tendencies. Makes me feel even more old school. And I LOVE being overly conservative, its who I have become now and it has shaped me into who I am.

Anonymous said...

Sounded to me like some real old school patriotism spewing from HR's lips.

Sickboy said...

so, Im not a partriot because I dont agree with Rollins on this one? To me, I thought his jargon was way to the left. And nice professional language by the way on his part.

Sickboy said...

I definitely think there should be some sort of very very close monitoring done on the internet with all these sick bastards out there trying to take advantage of children. If I have to give up one of my "liberties" to protect a child, then so be it. Ill be the 1st to give in.

Anonymous said...

Eric I wasn't saying you were not patriotic. I was merely making a comparison to our founding fathers objections to "the man" (aka the king of England, and his royal court), and that HR's albeit foul mouthed rant has a similar resemblance to our revolutionary forefathers who felt oppressed by the man.

As for monitoring for obscenity's, this blog would be shout down in a second. I think that would be a harmful to the both of us... when would we get to talk, Dennys is just not so close between us anymore? I still like to spar with you, even if you are a bit older and grouchier. Me I've always been rather grouchy, I am trying to out grow it rather than getting hart disease over it.

Hope my little jabs are not so offensive today.

Sickboy said...

there has been to offense taken brother. I too have definitely become more set in my ways as I grow older. If anything now, my liberal past has taught me on what I dont want to be now that I am older and a parent.

Sickboy said...

and yes,as long as it doesn't get too personal, our sparring is just fine by me.

Sickboy said...

I just think Rollins could have done with out the "fuck yous', but wait, im not stupid, I know the only reason he did it was to get under the skin of people like me. Its all PR. Good job Henry! Anything to get attention in that sense.