Wednesday, August 15, 2007

state fair madnesss

---Went to the state fair last night with the ex and the kid. Madness I tell ya. Ate a boatload of greasy food, was wonderful...deep fried snickers bar was great, it was like a snickers bar slightly melted surrounded by funnel cake like goodness. The kid won some little stuffed unicorns so s he was happy. Unfortunately, our time there was cut short by threatening weather. Oh well, life goes on...---

1 comment:

Scott said...

Two weeks ago we took C to the Mchenry County fair! It was actually quite nice. We were able to see many animals up close, followed by lots of tractors. Surprisingly C already knew all of the noises the animals made, when observing them. Unfortunately being only a county fair, there was not butter cow to be seen.