Saturday, November 29, 2008


---So, some poor Wal Mart employee gets fucking trampled to death when one of its stores opened it's doors at 5 friggin AM this past Friday morning. On top of that, a mother to be was also brought down in the madness. Her baby shall be alright and Im certain she will be too, thank God.

But WTF! Thats all I can say, I cant wrap my mind around this madness, WTF!---

Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

---Alright, so how many of you gained an extra pound or two from yesterday? I did pig out, but not as bad as I wanted to, Ive been battling some under the weather blues for a few days now and that kinda hampered the gorge fest I had originally planned.

I sure as hell didnt go shoppin' at 5 AM this morning, but my Mom was out there in the mix by 6! Friggin crazy!

So, our tree and stuff is all up, who here is breakin' out the decorations this weekend? Anyone?

I hope you ALL had great Turkey Days and ya got to eat all ya wanted. Now the real chaos of the holidays start w/ shoppin' and all that fun stuff.

Have a good weekend boys, chit chat again soon.....---

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Turkey Day/Black Thursday/Thanksgiving

---With another year beginning to start to draw to a close, this Thanksgiving, as I pig out on bird and all the fixins, I can say with 100% that, for yet another year, I am blessed to call you all my brothers.

Have a great Thanksgiving fuckers.---

Thursday, November 20, 2008


---Its way too cold way too early in the season. I need a nice shot of Whiskey to warm me up...Nah, Im kidding, no booze here.

Are you guys freezin ass cold there too? I think we are supposed to get snow over the weekend.

So, what are you boys doing for Thanksgiving? Something huge and monumental, or are you just staying home and keeping the get together small? My Mom and I are going over to a friends house for dinner, should be a fuckin blast, lemme tell ya.

Social D. is touring this coming Jan-March w/ Motorhead at some tattoo festival, pretty interesting. They have Chicago listed as a stop on the road, so we'll havta see where Im at before I make any decisions about going. Fuckin bastards need to knock it off and get into the studio and lay out a new album, but then again, touring is where you make all your serious $$$ as a musician. I know a few people through some of the message boards I go to that know Mike pretty well and Mike doesnt wanna do this forever now that he has 2 kids and a lovely wife.

Get back at me boys---

Monday, November 17, 2008

From the Mouths

So my older son is here at the shop and we are playing sort of an informal name that tune. It's a long running game: when a new song comes on, someone spouts off with as much information about the song as possible.
It's starting to slow down at the shop so I have been playing "My" music from my laptop's I-tunes.
and Son#1 says "Dad, thanks for introducing me to the cool music you listen to" he's going to be 12 this week.
That's it, I just thought it was cool, and I wanted to share.

Friday, November 14, 2008


Did you notice that at the top of our little blog there is a little button "Next Blog"
It was brought to my attention when I visited Mark M Rag, so I clicked it, and was brought to a blog in Japanese, another click, Spanish, another click, English. I was clicking and scanning for longer then I'd like to admit. Sometimes you have to hit back on your browser in order to get to a new blog, because, not everyone has that little "Next Blog" tag.
If you have some time, check it out, it's kinda fun, random stuff.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Life happens pretty fast....

---and if you dont stop every once in a while to look around, you might just miss it. Anyhow folk, over about the past 18 months or so, I have been playing email tag with a fellow Offmen, Mike Thumm and it has somewhat taught me a few things about friendships. First, its that nothing, time nor space will come between you and a dear pally, thats why I can say Im still tight w/ most of you here. Secondly, a short email from an old friend does wonders for the spirit when youre feelin down and last but not least, it puts things in perspective. Well, for me it has.

It has helped me to see that if I cant take 3 mere mins. out of my daily life every once in a while to send an email to an old pally that just says "Hey",there could be something wrong in my life. Am I runnin too fast, on "the go" too much or have I believed myself when Ive filled my own head full of shit and told myself that Ive out grown certain things.

True friends are for life. Period.

I love gettin email from Thummy it is always a bright spot to my day and it has taught me to slow down and take the time to reply to him and in most cases, come up with a little something to add to our little blog here.

MAKE time for YOURSELF every day if you can boys. Stop what youre doin and just sit or stand there and look around and never forget some of the special people that directly or indirectly may have helped to get ya to where you are in life, especially when it comes to fellow OMI members

At one time in the distant past, we were a strong brotherhood. Once in a while try to grab onto nostalgia again and drop a brother an email or swing over here to the blog and pound out a short little message as to what youre up to and so on.---

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Here comes Monday...again!

---Hi boys, hows life? Its way too cold here way to early in the "winter" season (even though winter itself doesnt begin for a while)for me to like. Its like 20 degrees here right now. At least I know my grass cutting days are done until next April or so.

Im very anxious to see who Pres.-elect Obama will hire to his cabinet. I actually found a great website called that allows the user to have somewhat of a direct interface with The President which is also another first in this great nation. For example, you can go to the site and "tell your story" about something that is bothering you in the US and Obama is going to hire an entire staff to monitor the site, read your emails and pass them on in the chain as they see fit. To me, that is fucking awesome. Ive already written a couple of emails w/ hopes of them reaching somewhere near the Oval Office. People have bitched and bitched about wanting "change" in America and now that we have it, I am totally gonna use it w/ very high cant hurt, ya know?

My ex sis in law has disappeared again, it doesnt come as a shock to me, I just friggin hate seeing my ex all upset over it. She (my ex sis in law)has let her life become consumed by drugs, nothing more, nothing less, trust me, Ive been there. She has nothing to live for. Both her kids were taken by the State. Her son lives w/ his Dad and her 16 yr. old daughter is one fuck up away from juvenile detention until shes 18. Good Lord.

My daughter is doing GREAT! She read one of her little books to me this past weekend and I only had to help like once or twice. Yeah, yeah, I friggin cried, wanna make something of it? =)

Hey Scott, hows your little wee one doing?

Well brothers, I wont keep ya, I just had an itchy typing finger or two, so I thought Id pound out a quick update to ya'll

Get back at me guys.---

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Joke of the Day

My girlfriend and I went camping last weekend.

It was Fucking In Tents (intense)

Friday, November 07, 2008

random thoughts

I found this to be very interesting.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

random thoughts

Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

We did it again.

---Now that the emotional high is starting to slowly wear off of me from last night's victory, I sit here and think that the rest of the World must be thinking "There goes the US, they did it yet again." We shocked the World last night by electing a black President, something, at one point in my life I thought Id never see, let alone my Ava.

Time will tell. Barack will be tested BIG TIME. The World will indeed be watching him, some at close range. We still have time to celebrate for a bit and watch (and pray) that he puts together a decent cabinet. But, we did it again, we made history once more, giving me, on a personal level,a reason to be even more pride filled with this nation than I was say 3 nights ago.

Today I was outside of my ex's shop having a ciggy and my friend Anthony, who is black came out of his apartment which is above my ex's digs and bummed a smokey and asked about what I thought of the election. Tears welled up in both our eyes. We couldnt say anything, we just shook hands and hugged. Anthony then said "It isnt about our colors now Eric" and for the first honest and open time it wasnt. Obama helped him and I to come together as human beings first, but also as Americans. Ill admit, before my Ava was born into this World I had developed some racist habits. Id throw around the word nigger or spic like it was nothing. But remember parents out there...having a child changes everything.

It isnt about color to me now, its about change. Lets all hope President elect Obama can unify this nation as ONE during his term. Lets hope he can get our troops home in 16 months like he wants to, while the Iraqi Govt. sits on a huge surplus of money. Lets hope he can turn our economy around. Lets hope he creates jobs. Lets hope that he gives more fair and equal benefits to the mentally ill, like me.

He will be tested. Lets hope that the change we need has finally come and we can put Bush politics to bed for good.

Im not going to "claim" to be affiliated w/ any political party anymore. Im for the party of hope, of independence and of freedom. Obama taught me that that is OK. The GOP is dead. It is so full of hate it made me ill. I tip my hat to Sen. McCain though for a great run at the prize. Sarah Palin? Thats a whole nother story and Im trying to be nice here.

Good luck Mr. President elect Sir. Now is your time to prove you can shine!---
I know these are difficult times for America. But I also know that we have faced difficult times before. The American story has never been about things coming easy - it's been about rising to the moment when the moment was hard. It's about rejecting fear and division for unity of purpose. That's how we've overcome war and depression. That's how we've won great struggles for civil rights and women's rights and workers' rights. And that's how we'll emerge from this crisis stronger and more prosperous than we were before - as one nation; as one people.

-Senator Barack Obama, - October 30, 2008

---Excuse me thats now President elect Barack Obama.---

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

President Obama

---Ill admit it, I cried a little. I cannot even begin to imagine what it would feel like to be African American right now. His speech was amazing and I truly believe he will bring great change to this nation. The sky is the limit for the US, if only the hard nosed bastards (like I used to be) of the Repub. Party cooperate.

Hell, even seeing Jesse Jackson in tears fucked with me.

Obama's speech was absolutely perfect and delivered with great passion and precision. I feel as if this country has been reborn again and maybe this nation will get some real shit done. Im counting the seconds until Bush gets his ass evicted from The White House.

This is our RFK....our MLK......our champion. I cant wait until Jan. to see what this bad ass has in store for this nation.---

Code of silence broken on Election day??? Well sort of maybe just for today.

Just wanted you all to know that today was my fifth presidential election to participate in, and looking back at my track record it appears I have been very consistent. I have consistently voted four times in a row now for one of the losers, maybe the fifth time is the charm? Well I hope all of you are having a great day and I hope I didn’t spoil your vote for your favorite candidate by voting for them.

Monday, November 03, 2008

No Politics here!

Thought I would make with a post about life around here that was Politics free.
Tif and I just signed up to do the Hustle up the Hancock. That's a run, up the stairs of the Hancock building in Chicago, we have a little training to do....
Helloween was fun, we gave away like over 1,000 pieces of candy. Jake was Angus Young (of AC/DC) Max was Indiana Jones, Tif was Mother Nature, Dad was a drunken Idiot. Something different this year, when the boys got home I offered them $10 for their candy, "What are you gonna do with it" they asked, "It doesn't matter" I said. "Why do you want to pay me for it" they asked. "Because it's worth the money to know you don't eat it I said"
Only one boy took me up on it.
Business is starting to slow down a bit. which is giving me time to take carre of some of the odd jobs around the shop. we are knocking down some walls, adding some store fixtures and building bikes for next year, we also need to figure out where to keep said bikes.
It looks like Tif is going to go to Bike Geek School, like I did last year.
I think thats about it...

talk at you cats later.

Take the day off!

---Pretty cool to see a classic character make a comeback huh?---

Yes we can......

Cheers and Jeers: Thank you so much, Senator, for sitting down with us today. I know Daily Kos readers are eager to hear more details about the issues that affect them. First, let me just get a sense of tomorrow's election. Can we really win this thing?
Barack Obama: Yes we can!
One thing you've talked a lot about on the stump is agriculture. Do you ever grow your own vegetables and preserve them?
Yes. We can.
Will you fire the incompetent cronies that populated the Bush administration for the last eight years after you take office in January?
Yes. We'll can.
On a lighter note, you and Michele both danced separately on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. Do you ever dance together?
Yes, we cancan.
Is there anything in particular that'll keep Sasha and Malia occupied when you're trying to concentrate in the Oval Office? I mean, besides sending them upstairs to do their homework?
Yes. Wii can.
I'm a little nervous. May I take a potty break?
Yes. Pee, man!
[Three minutes later...]
I have an email here from the Abominable Snowman: "Senator Obama, can you redouble America's efforts to protect our wilderness areas?"
Yeti, we can!
If you could create the new bumper sticker slogan for your opponent, what would it say?
"Yes We Can't!"
Do you have a favorite film festival you like to follow?
Yes! Oui! Cannes!
What do you say to your detractors in the media, who say you can't be an effective president because of all the crises facing the country?
Press, we can!
You and the family seem to enjoy spending time at the beach. Is that true?
Yes. We clam.
Here we are, less than 24 hours before the polls open. What will be going through your mind when your head hits the pillow the night you learn you're the 44th President of the United States?
Yessssssss! We ran!