Monday, November 03, 2008

Yes we can......

Cheers and Jeers: Thank you so much, Senator, for sitting down with us today. I know Daily Kos readers are eager to hear more details about the issues that affect them. First, let me just get a sense of tomorrow's election. Can we really win this thing?
Barack Obama: Yes we can!
One thing you've talked a lot about on the stump is agriculture. Do you ever grow your own vegetables and preserve them?
Yes. We can.
Will you fire the incompetent cronies that populated the Bush administration for the last eight years after you take office in January?
Yes. We'll can.
On a lighter note, you and Michele both danced separately on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. Do you ever dance together?
Yes, we cancan.
Is there anything in particular that'll keep Sasha and Malia occupied when you're trying to concentrate in the Oval Office? I mean, besides sending them upstairs to do their homework?
Yes. Wii can.
I'm a little nervous. May I take a potty break?
Yes. Pee, man!
[Three minutes later...]
I have an email here from the Abominable Snowman: "Senator Obama, can you redouble America's efforts to protect our wilderness areas?"
Yeti, we can!
If you could create the new bumper sticker slogan for your opponent, what would it say?
"Yes We Can't!"
Do you have a favorite film festival you like to follow?
Yes! Oui! Cannes!
What do you say to your detractors in the media, who say you can't be an effective president because of all the crises facing the country?
Press, we can!
You and the family seem to enjoy spending time at the beach. Is that true?
Yes. We clam.
Here we are, less than 24 hours before the polls open. What will be going through your mind when your head hits the pillow the night you learn you're the 44th President of the United States?
Yessssssss! We ran!

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