Friday, January 30, 2009

Born to lose

---So yeah right, you guys know I went ahead and kicked the terrible drug habit Ive managed to toss around in my life, back and forth for the past what felt like 20 years, right? OK, I think I have that licked, now Im totally addicted to those huge ass cans of cold coffee/energy drinks! Right now Im trying one made by Java Monster named Mean Bean. It tastes awesome, but will give ya quite the coffee buzz in the end. I used to just drink the Starbuck's ones, but Ive "branched out" now.

Not to mention these damn things are like 3.00 a pop! But for a 15 oz. coffee/power drink that aint that bad I guess.

They are so yummers, I cant stop drinking them!

P.S. Hey Pirate, get your ass out here on this blog and play with us!!!!---

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Shes all growns up!

---OK, she isnt even my wife anymore, but I highly admire her work ethic and the way she treats our daughter is divine (and yeah, Im still in love with the broad). So, last Friday, I mentioned "the ex" put in a bid on a damn nice little cozy bungalow in a great neighborhood here in Des Moines? She got it.

It needs some new deco. and some fresh paint jobs but besides that, it all looks good. The house inspection is tomorrow.

Im just really damn HAPPY because now I know my daughter will grow up in a great area in a nice little, cozy home because her Mother kicks all ass.

Thank God for good moms, can I get an Amen?---

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Mother fuck McAfee!!!

---So, as some of you may have known, I was recently on the hunt for some new anti-virus software. Well, McAfee had already come w/ my p.c. when I bought it, so they sent me a "You cant lose" deal once my initial free subscription had expired. Needless to say I bit. All was well, I was getting what I THOUGHT was an out standing product at a great annual price.

As soon as I downloaded it, things on the ole p.c. here started getting odd. Whenever I'd go to open my virus protection center it was nothing but a blank window. I uninstalled, reinstalled and emailed McAfee. Nothing fixed it and they never got back to me.

Then today, my Firefox browser took a shit. I am currently running Firefox in "safe mode" and even w/ that I still get several error boxes whenever I open a new browser window, something about "Chrome failure". I looked this up and did exactly what the Firefox website said to do to try to fix it and it did nothing to help.

THEN one of my Dell programs took a shit later today. Its a rather useful Dell program too, it can be used to detect when a new driver may be needed to install on your system, its basically a driver detective for Dell systems. Ive uninstalled this too, but am afraid as of now to try and reinstall it.

Im being childish and immature and blaming this all on McAfee. Ive emailed them and asked for a full refund. But to be 110% honest, NONE of this shit started to happen UNTIL I downloaded the new McAfee program. McAfee has been totally uninstalled from my system and I am currently running the free version of AVG's anti virus software. Ive used it before and never had problems with it being free. It runs a pretty deep scan and catches Trojans just like any other virus protection. I understand Trojans are the most common "viral" type problem around. It also has auto updates. When I get some green next month, Ill upgrade to their pro version for 40 bucks a year.

Sometimes, owning a p.c. sucks donkey pee pee---

Monday, January 26, 2009

My, um, well, work station. Yeah, thats it, sure.

---This is where my lazy ass sits when I am blogging to you guys! I dont know why, but I felt compelled to share it with you so you have a visualization of where Im at when blogging. Yeah, I know the desk is a mess, I dunno why but all the tiny shit in my room seems to gravitate to the desk!---

---EDIT. Since no one has commented on this yet, Ill assume no one has seen it yet. I wanna give a big shout of THANKS to my Home slice Scott for putting all those great OMI pics into an archived Picasa account. I have been looking at them and commenting on them on and off and it has been really, really great to jog down memory lane w/ some of those photos considering some of those pics are nearly 18 or 19 years old now! Thanks again Scott!!! Hopefully we can all add more as time goes on!---

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I dont like Sundays!

---At least with the weekdays I have some structure around whats going on and what Im up to but I cannot STAND these lazy Sundays. I know for most of you this means little or nothing at all. PJB, youre at work during the day and Scott, I think on most weekends, you have an extra set of hands around the house which may give you a few simple hours here and there to chill and get other home tasks done. Like I said, this doesnt apply to all of us. Steve, you also may be at, or getting ready to go to work for the evening. I like my Sundays for sleeping in in some cases, even though in reality, it rarely does happen, especially when you are awoken to a fresh layer of snow like I was this AM (3 inches, no big deal, but enough to shovel and wipe off the cars). I rarely see Ava on Sundays because that is usually Ava and Mommy day which I totally respect. It is one of their more quiet days and Im not about to tread upon it even though once in a great while Ill get invited over, but no such luck today.

I at this moment sorta at least wish it was late Spring or even early Summer (as much as I dislike Summer) so I could sit outside w/ a choice beverage and read a book or something. Reading while stuck in my bedroom for the afternoon just doesnt have the same effect. There isnt much to do on the p.c. I could be emailing McAfee right now and rip them up one wall and down the other as to why my virus protection is seemingly not working right, but I really dont feel like it, even though I just extended my coverage with them.

Ah, lazy Sunday's, ya just cant get away from them sometimes. At least I have stuff shaking down this coming week.

Get back at me and have a good week gentlemen.---

Friday, January 23, 2009

One more thing guys.

This one is truly a gem. Id get this tattooed on my body somewhere if I could make it fit and still look good.---

"Great things are not accomplished by those who yield to trends and fads and popular opinion.” -Jack Kerouac


Hello Peeps!

---Hi ladies (Hah, Im totally kiddin') I hope ya'll have a splendid weekend. Mine will be filled w/ arctic friggin air. The temp. here tomorrow is supposed to be 10 for the high, with the wind chills dippin' well below zero. Then we have snow dumping in on us Sunday night.

The heat is for shit at my ex's shop, so hopefully she'll close early tomorrow.

She just put in a bid on a really damn nice 2 bdrm. house today. She was pretty nervous, but I think shes got a good in. She'll know by around 10 tonight if she has it or not. I really hope she gets it. It would be great for my Ava, she would have a wonderful and safe backyard to play in. The house itself is wonderful, Ill be hanging around there a lot just to be the annoying ex who takes advantage of the others ex's new home. Nah, Im kidding, Id like to think Id be welcomed as usual.

Once again, have a good weekend guys, love yas---

Thursday, January 22, 2009


---Gonna be 45 here today!

Then back down into the 30s tomorrow and back way down to fucking 19 damn degrees by Saturday. Ah, Winter in the Midwest, gotta love it!

Whats up w/ you guys? Anything good?---

Monday, January 19, 2009

Virus Protection Advice

---Scott, Ill get back to you on the actor question, I gotta think about that one for a while, but thanks for the good on the spot question, I liked it.

OK, do any of you guys know a decent CHEAP or better yet, FREE virus protection program? My Mcafee plan that was nice and that came w/ my p.c. for free just ran out a few days ago and to repurchase it, it would run me 69 bucks a year! I also know that their best competition, Norton is a rip off because its not worth the price and it is a HUGE ASS memory hog.

I liked Mcafee, really, but 70 bucks a year?

Anyone know of a decent, cheap, or free virus protection program I can buy online??? Ive used AVG before and its free and does auto updates and everything and I never had any problems with it, but really, how good can it be?

Advice boys? Got some? Thanks, Ill check back later on...---

Here is the question

My wife posed to me at dinner Saturday night. If you could be any actor past or present who would it be? I love this cleaver out of nowhere shit she comes up with but it was late any thing past 8pm and I am pretty much useless. Coupled with a pint of Sam Adams and a wild mushroom pizza (the kids were at their Papa’s) I am amazed I found any sense to my self. At first I thought it must be any thing but Brad Pit, and so Forest Whitaker came to mind, I like him and my wife seemed pleased that I was thinking it might be a large black man. But my slush said he was not it and so I labored a bit longer. Then I thought who I really like is David Thewlis (aka Knox Harrington) but I couldn’t of the life of me think of his name, and so I began to think that maybe he was to obscure and over thought, so in the end I settled on Sir. Alec Guinness
. Now you know.
So give it up boys who would you be?

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Just thinkin out loud

I know on which side of the fence I stand, is where my family lives, and I stand by the gate though many say not to; because I stubbornly believe in loving thy neighbor.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

random thoughts


Wind: NE at 0 mph
Humidity: 50%

72° | 40°Thu

72° | 43°Fri

72° | 45°Sat

70° | 45°

sorry, couldn't resist.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Winter sets in

---How goes it fellas? We got about 6 inches of the white fluff from Sunday night into Monday morning and now it is just friggin freezing. The high here today is like -2. Supposed to be "warmer" tomorrow, then back to single digits for Thursday. Whatever, it hasnt bothered me as of yet, well, not totally, I just hate trying to get in a car where both front doors have been wind blown and frozen shut. I just use a butter knife and run it around the part where the door meets the car and that knocks the ice loose and doesnt damage the door seal, but man, my car was very pissed off at being forced to start this AM, but she did after all.

I think the ex is gonna buy a condo and she wants all this input from me. Im not really for it so Ive just been nice and have been playing along. I dont wanna be the asshat who tells her that I think its a bad idea.

Along with my daughter's help. I have recently become obsessed with dinosaurs and Ive been doing a fair amount of studying on them so my kid cant one up me when we talk about them. She knows A LOT about them! Its almost frightening. I honestly, at times think that we may have a future paleontologist on our hands here, which is kinda exciting. She just turned 6 last week, but the kid is so far beyond the general comprehension and learning ability of a 6 year old.

Besides battling w/ Ava over dinosaurs, things have been more or less quiet here. Yesterday, I called an official "Snow day" for myself so I went out and shoveled early, then came in, dried off and put on sweat pants and did nothing the rest of the day. In fact, I was in bed by 8 last night. I feel very rested today and it feels great!

So, whats the haps w/ you guys? Hows the snow over there? Hows the biz PJB? I looked at all your pics you posted Scott and there are some great candid shots in there, your wife definitely has a feel for it.

So, whats up? Do tell.....---

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Happy New Year!

Hello and Happy New Year!

Holy Cow! It sure is Snowy today!

Do you have any Resolutions?
Events to train for?
Fitness Goals for 2009?
Or bikes that in need of repair?

We are here and eager to help!
Now is the time to get a head start on your training, indoor trainers have come a long way.
Save some cash by getting your bike repaired in the Snowy months 20% off Labor rates

oh, and we are the Areas newest Kestrel Dealer, these are very some HOT road and Tri Bikes.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

random thoughts

Dear World:
The United States of America, your quality supplier of ideals of liberty and democracy, would like to apologize for its 2001 to 2008 service outage. The technical fault that led to this eight-year service interruption has been located, and the parts responsible for it were replaced Tuesday night, November 4. Early tests of the newly-installed equipment indicate that it is functioning correctly, and we expect it to be fully functional by mid-January. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the outage, and we look forward to resuming full service - and hopefully even improving it in years to come.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.


I found this little snipet in my local paper, the Arivaca Connection

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

December 2008

We had almost 2 gigs of photos from last month, just thought you might like to see the picks
of the litter.
Slide Show

Friday, January 02, 2009

Three cheers for Joe!

Hip hip hurray! Hip hip hurray! Hip hip hurray!

Thank You Facebook!

Joe sent you a message.

(no subject)

Hey Scott,
I did get your letter and phone call, and Petes. I've been very busy. that's why I didn't respond for so long. sorry about that! I do like that on the OMI Blog site my picture is up there with the machete:) nice. I will talk to you soon and tell everyone I said "hi" and congrats to all you guys that got married also.

They are officially over!

OK, now the "Holiday season" is officially done with until next winter. What would you rate your season as? Was it an A+, or did it have its down moments, earning it only a C or so? Its OK if it did, we are Offmen and we all have our faults, thats what makes us so unique! My Christmas was an A, my New Years was a C. I gots me in a lil argument in a quiet corner of her apartment w/ my ex and calmly walked over to my daughter, told her Dad wasnt feeling well and kissed her goodnight and walked outta there. I was home in bed by midnight!

Im glad its all over. Now we havta deal w/ the next few months of possible cabin fever with winter really having its chance of setting in. We have a tiny ice storm forecasted for Sat. here. Ive heard that the next few months the weather is supposed to be "balmy" as compared to frigid. Ill believe that b.s. when I feel it.

Enjoy 2009 boys. I know we will still have our kick ass blog to still frequent!

Over and out---