Tuesday, February 03, 2009


---Well, as much as I enjoy the winter season, I have all but fallen victim to cabin fever! I do get out once in a while. Therapy once a week and I see the kid a couple times a week to, usually on Wednesdays and Saturdays, but the rest of the time is spent with my nose usually in a book trying to ward off the evil spirit of the winter blues. This Iowa weather is even more fucked up. Today, for example, the high here will be 12, with temps. dumping down into dangerous wind chills by tonight. And by Friday its supposed to be 51 degrees! At least that will melt a lot of the ugly snow. We still havent gotten a major dumping on this winter yet, the most weve accumulated at once was around 5 inches. Its February, its still the dead of winter, I know it somewhere down in my bones that we are gonna get nailed to the wall with at least one big snow fall before its all said and done. We just have to...Im talking anything over 7 or 8 inches in one storm. Its gonna happen damnit.

That tiny little slice of a photo up by my ugly mug is clickable. It will show you a huge ass pic of my backyard, dying tree and all. You will also notice quite a few tire tracks and ruts back there. Thats where we usually park, on the back of the lot when there is no snow. I tried to park there last Sat. cuz it was like 45 here and totally forgot about overnight re-freeze, so when I came out the next morning my ride had sunk into 4 nice ice ruts. That was a blast to maneuver out of. We still wont be parking back there for a while yet.

Also one quick note...today marks the 50th anniversary of the deaths of Richie Valens, The Big Bopper and NONE OTHER than the great Buddy Holly. The actual plane crash site is about 3 1/2 hours from here in Iowa. Ive been listening to Buddy all morning, gotta pay respect to the man who influenced so many musicians of today, not only with his sound, but with his free spirit and his love for creating music. To skip out in life by not listening to Buddy would be a damn shame. He was a pioneer and had he lived on, there is no telling what kind of an even stronger influence he would have had on the musicians of today, well, a lot of the musicians I enjoy anyways, Id be willing to bet half of these new school bands have no idea of what they are missing out on.

RIP Buddy. Rave on.---


Scott said...

Syntax Error

dad-e~O said...

It has been said that if Buddy Holly would have lived as long as Elvis, he would have been a bigger star, I would tend to agree, as I like Buddy's work better.

Sickboy said...

Yeah, Ive heard that about Buddy too and I agree also.

Scott said...

Eric, I rearranged your post yesterday so that your second image would show. It was hidden behind your first image and not click able, I hope you find this acceptable.

Sickboy said...

yeah Scott, I meant to thank you for that, I appreciate your awesome web knowledge.

Thanks bud.