Monday, March 02, 2009

Insanity rant...

---Good gosh gentlemen, Facebook has me sooooooooo addicted. I have found so many lost friends from HS and Grammar school, its amazing. Im so happy to be in touch w/ them again. With some of them, weve picked up from where we left off.

PJB, remember a certain red head I dated and you lusted after? Her and I have been talking a lot and its so cool!

But the main reason this rant must have some sanity in it is because just the other day Scott said now that I had signed up for Facebook not to forget about this blog.

It WILL NOT happen, no way. I may have met some old friends on FB, but you guys are my brothers, so there is no shot in hell Ill walk away from this great place of ours, rest assured.

Cool? I care too much about you guys to do that.---


Scott said...

Yeah, I had to give my self "Face Book hours".

Mike was right it can be a time suck of epic proportion.Front242

dad-e~O said...

SO what did you do? feed the names from your yearbook into the search engine? I was stunned when Andrea Fanella sent me a friend request, I haven't thought of her is years.
I see she is going through tough times though, lame

Sickboy said...

yeah, Ive found a ton of peeps from HS. Fanella and I have been playing email tag for the last couple of days. She was a cutie back in the day, but now shes flippin gorgeous!!!

Yeah, shes got some stuff goin down that aint cool or fun and it sucks.