Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Its Tuesday, right?

---So, hows life treating you guys? Mines alright right now, just struggling with trying to keep clean to be honest with you all. I dunno why, But I am. Im using Ava as a constant reminder of what needs to be done right so I dont fuck up. Some people in life base success off of bullshit objects like money, or the status quo, I myself base it off of staying clean because I dont wanna fail anymore.

Its day 4 of rain and gloom and doom here. Its not cold YET. This afternoon a cold front is gonna usher its way in and bring with it winds that could be ripping up to 50 MPH and the low tonight is zero! Yeah, spring aint here by a long shot yet. Fucking zero...damnit!!!!

I hope you guys are all doing well. We should try to keep in touch on Facebook too, just keep the personal shit off there, cuz Im pretty sure we all pop on there at least once a day and its super easy to click on a brothers name to just say "Hey, Im good, hows things?"

Im gonna go OD on coffee, Ill catch ya later---


Scott said...

We should keep in touch here on the OMI blog! Face Book sucks, I only go there because not all of my friends know about this little corner of the metavarse.

Sickboy said...

Facebook has helped to keep me sane and drug free the past few days since I havent been around the kid. Im glad not everyone knows about this little place we have here, I spit out to much intimate shit here to have just anyone reading it.