Thursday, March 12, 2009

OK, this isnt gonna be easy for me

---but since I love you guys, I will fill you in as to why I am far from grown up, why I fuck up bad at times and why I look up to people like Mike Ness as my heroes. This DOES NOT go beyond this blog brothers and if anyone is reading this that is not worthy of being called an OMI brother, well, you can read, but you can also go to hell, this isnt on your dance card.

When I was young (between the ages of 5-9 and 10ish) I was severely sexually abused by my Father and his whore of a girlfriend at the time. I go to therapy for this at least once a week, sometimes twice. I just got back from a session this AM. None of you can relate to the pain and anger I deal with on a daily basis, dont say you can,please, because you cant and if you say you can, I will laugh at you. Life, for me, at times IS hell. I am in no way gonna get into details here nor am I gonna give my diagnosis here on a blog. If you are curious enough, or care enough to know, drop me an email and I will openly tell you, in all honesty what I have been suffering from since I was young and how it all makes sense now. I will openly share my diagnosis with you there, but not on here, cool guys?

Yesterday, I once again fell short and did things I shouldnt have. Its hard for me to explain how or why it happened without you 1st knowing what my diagnosis consists from. If you are reading this Jen, you know exactly what point Im trying to get across, cuz you know all of me nowadays.

The bottom line is this...I am severely mentally ill to the point where on some days I cannot function as a normal person in society. If you want to know more, email me @ my hotmail address or my Gmail address and I shall check both over the next few days to see if you guys show up there. From there, I will fill you in on who I have become over the years........I would love to think I will not be judged for it. If I am, it will be the last time we shall ever speak, its that simple, it means that much to me. I have to protect myself.

Do, or do not email me, its up to you. All will be told in private so you can understand me better. If you choose to not email me, I aint gonna hold it against you, but you will just have to go through life trying to figure out why Im so fucked up in the dark.

I love you guys-----


sp9000 said...

Eric, you don't have to explain your self to me. You have been too important to me for to long.

Sickboy said...

Thanks man, I long to hear stuff like that right now. I didnt think a diagnosis explanation would change much for you, but I wanted to put it out there just incase you, or any of my brothers were curious, or wanted to know so they could understand my short comings a bit better.

If you wanna know more, just email me.

steve butt said...

yea, what scott said. we love and except you, brother.