Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring is here!!!

---So yeah, Spring is here and all that. Ive been helping the ex move more and more, its all coming together and looks great. Ava's bedroom is gonna be all done up in dinosaurs just like she wants.

A lot of the old timers from my old high school got together this weekend thanks to FB. The pictures were great to see and thanks to FB I am now in touch with most of them again.

So, whats everyones week looking like? PJB, youve been MIA for a while, whats the haps?---


Scott said...

what spring?

Sickboy said...

yeah, no shit my man, I spoke way too soon, it was like 45 here today and we might get snow Thursday night into Friday!!!

steve butt said...

unseasonably hot here. although we are about to drop into the 60's for day. brrrr...

Sickboy said...

little dusting of over night snow here, rather chilly out right now.

sp9000 said...

We received 6 or 8 inches last night.