Sunday, April 26, 2009

Someone has a birthday today......

---Happy Birthday Scott. I know at times we argue and Im sure we will again sometime, but you are one of like maybe 4 or 5 others that I refer to as a brother.

Youll always be a brother to ne. Have a great B-day!!!!---

Thursday, April 23, 2009

This is total bad ass!

---If you dont agree, go change your panties, little girl.---

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tea Parties

---I just wanna briefly share with all of you that the tea party protests yesterday were spectacular! I was at the one here in Des Moines and it went over really well.

I will say no more except that it has just begun. Sleep w/ one eye open Washington, you are on the clock and are being watched by countless Americans both from the right and left that are sick and friggin tired of big spending and out of control power moves. Revolution may be brewing a lot sooner than you think. And if this makes me an "extremist" and my heart felt opinions make me look like a "nut" in the Govt. eyes and The Dept. of Homeland Security watchful eyes I say this this....

Fuck you Washington and fuck you DHS! We will not go quietly just because of your scare tactics, this is, after all, still America bitches!---

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

And then there were 3....

---Me thinks this blog is dying. Nobody even comes here anymore except for me, Scott and PJB.

What the hell happened to everyone else? Any ideas?---

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Walking at 10 mos. and more blah de blah.

---Scott, the footage of little M. walking was truly a sight that gave me goosebumps, I can remember those days. As Im sure ya know, it gets real interesting from here, especially w/ a lil girl, before we both know it they will be asking to use the car on Friday nights when we are both old and all gray.

Got the ex totally moved into her new pad this past week and its nice. Since it has still been damn chilly here at night, she has been able to enjoy her fireplace a couple times too. Well heck, we are due to get 3-4 inches of FUCKING SNOW on Sunday! What the hell, for a while there, it seemed as if Spring had sprung. All the flowers in our backyard are popped up and are growing at a rapid rate right now, but I dont think the snow should hurt them. The same thing happened last year to them and they turned out fine. Any of you guys got Summer garden plans? My ex even has a small pond in her backyard but I gotta drain it as best I can and then get in there and scoop out all the mushy leaves and other shit from last fall. Once we get that going, we are gonna buy a couple useless goldfish to put in there. No guarantee that they will make it but its for Ava, she'll get a charge outta it.

Its great to see most of you homeboys on Facebook now, undoubtedly the greatest time waster the interwebs has ever had! I had a "falling out" w/ a couple old friends on there and was gonna leave FB because of them, but then I thought, screw that, Im not gonna roll over and die for anyone, FB is big enough for all of us, so I just blocked them instead. It was a sad suprize, I was pretty close to these two characters at one point in my life, but oh well, no big loss. I didnt see them for 15 years until I got sucked into FB, so another 15 aint gonna mean much.

Scotto, Im glad Steve is in town, give him my best. If you would, please have P take a few good pics of you and him to put up on this blog.

The weekend is about here, another awesome round w/ Ava is at hand!!! Get back to me soldiers, I look forward to hearing from you!!!---