Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Aint this Cute.....not!

Bush Hops on a Harley on Economic Tour
Wednesday, August 16, 2006


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YORK, Pa. — President Bush hopped on a Harley-Davidson at a motorcycle factory Wednesday as he made an election-year pitch for Republican stewardship of the economy.

The president also was in Pennsylvania to raise cash for a GOP hopeful in the state's gubernatorial campaign.

Cheers and applause erupted inside the Harley-Davidson Inc. vehicle operations plant here when Bush straddled a high-end model painted blue and white and revved its engine again and again. Climbing down, he ripped off blue-tinted safety glasses that he insisted made him look like rock star Bono and jokingly struck a pose intended to show a hip side.


Sickboy said...

I am so sick and tired of seeing this man try to become likeable. He is not wanted where he is. I am in no way saying a god damn democrat would do better, but this just makes me really mad. Does anyone know what his ratings are at nowadays?

Mark M said...

Sure a goddamn Democrat would do better. So would a lot of people. Heck, you'd do better. At least you would know you're in over your head, whereas Bush likes to think of himself as the "decider". I think most polls put his approval at around 38% vs. disapproval of about 57%. 5% either aren't sure or don't give a shit.

Part of the media stereotype of Republicans is that they're more "authentic" than those latte-drinking Democrats. I would argue that it is a manufactured veneer of populism -- in other words, inauthentic authenticity. In Bush, we've got an Ivy-League-educated Texas cowboy from Connecticut who is trying to look like an Irish rock star. It doesn't say anything about the kind of job he's doing, but it does look pathetic.

dad-e~O said...

I'm a little bummed the pic's didn't come through, they sound heart warming.
Like Big Al J said soooo many years ago, "Fuck George Bush"

Scott said...

I saw the photos and to be honest I thought he looked like a very typical of Harley Rider from this suburban area... that is old, white, and clean cut. Where have all the real bikers gone? I'm talkin beards, beer bellies, dirty black leathers, and tattoos! I bet P-Bush's little photo op makes old school biker types want to puke.

Mark M said...

I saw the photos too. Bush was wearing a gray business suit. He could've at least taken his jacket off and rolled up his sleeves.

One thing that's been bugging me about his Bono comment... Early in Bush's presidency, he sent his Treasury Secretary, Paul O'Neill, to tour Africa with Bono. When O'Neill came back, he started talking about building infrastructure to provide villages with fresh water. O'Neill had been struck by how inexpensive it would be. Bush derided this idea, saying that O'Neill had "gone off message" and suggesting that spending time with Bono had addled O'Neill's brain.