Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Drugs Suck

If any of you followed the Tour deFrance,
Floyd may have cheated
this sucks.
A great build up to the race, a strong rider does well, has a shit day, then comes from way behind to win the thing.
I hope it turns out he didn't cheat.

the hand that feeds, NIN


Scott said...

I personaly have a great distrust for the acuracy of the drug screening process. I might even call it junk science. While I dont know the truth of Mr. Floyd, I do know that such things have touched my family in the past.

dad-e~O said...

it's dicey to say the least.

Anonymous said...

if stoners and drunks can beat this system,then atheletes can be wrongley acussed.


Michael said...

They are going to add a piss test to college entrance exams. You can't get in to harvard if you smoke. You can't get in to any school in California, except Stanford, if you don't.